We didn’t vote for Harris because we knew you weren’t going to pushback on the genocide with her as president just like you didn’t when Biden was president. Now you’re blaming us for Trump despite that all Arab and Muslim American voters still won’t give Harris the 10 million votes she needs to win the popular vote let alone the electoral college.
Edit 1:
I voted for Jill Stein. Voting for Trump sends the wrong message since he too is pro-genocide.
Edit 2:
If you opposed the genocide you really had no option but to vote for Jill Stein and/or Claudia De la Cruz. Voting Democratic sends the message that the genocide doesn’t affect how you vote and you don’t care if it continues. Voting Republican sends a similar message since they are openly pro-genocide and actually take the Bible’s apocalyptic ending literally. Staying at home doesn’t work either, because if you can’t be bothered to voice your opposition to genocide then future candidates won’t bother to listen.
From the first month it was clear to me that the genocide will continue no matter who wins. It was clear neither party nor core base of voters care about it. If neither party nor base sees us as humans worthy of empathy, you can’t act entitled to our human-animal votes. We already knew Republicans saw us as animals with no regard to our lives. But to find out that all along the Democrats saw us at best indoor pets and are more than happy to send us to a farm upstate.
Edit 3:
And no, I am not afraid nor care what comes next. I can’t imagine anything worse than genocide and I am not in any way better than a Gazan. If they can lose their livelihoods and lives abruptly and unfairly, I don’t see why I should be spared. I’d rather take the chance no matter how small and vote for ending the genocide rather than to just save myself/group.
If every single jill stein voter voted for Kamala, Trump would still be president. These people do not need to be won over. Americans don't care about the genocide.
If Kamala had ran on a progressive platform that would be capable of enticing people like those voting for Jill Stein to vote for her instead, Trump would have been crushed.
Regardless, this is all in the past. The question for you Americans now is surviving the coming onslaught of trumpism and organizing for the revanche.
You can’t scare me with what Republicans might do when Democrats, the lesser evil, are committing a genocide. Since we both agree both options lead to genocide I choose to vote for someone else no matter how unlikely they will win. After all, both major parties are pro-genocide.
If I am a Russian psyop then I can’t vote for the Democrats, or at all.
Honestly, do you believe there’s a genocide happening and that the current administration is complicit, or not? I am having trouble making sense of your response either that you deny it or somehow believe that the Palestinians deserve it.
If you know how complicit the current administration is, the upcoming Republican one is just a change in rhetoric saying the quiet part loud. Why would I be the bad person here and not the Democrats? Why should genocide be accepted as normal or unavoidable?
You got me. That’s why I couldn’t vote for Harris. Somehow they still let me vote for Stein. Must be another illegal citizen voting.
This right here is why democratic countries desperately need to reform their formal education systems to shift the focus on epistemics, logic and information literacy. We need to equip citizens with the skills neccessary to navigate an incredibly toxic and propaganda-filled info environment.