I was using Debian on desktop for a while. I've been using Debian on servers for over 20 years so I figured it's a good choice. I liked it, but ended up switching to Fedora. The only Linux distro I can use at work is Fedora (we use a modified version of Fedora) and I liked it enough to start using it at home too.
I appreciate the newer packages, especially for things like KDE Plasma and the Nvidia drivers. For example, Fedora had KDE Plasma 6.1 before Debian had even started packaging 6.0 for experimental.
That's also the stop I disembarked that train for desktops. I don't know why I continued using them for some servers but their behavior with Snaps has me leaving for good.
Exactly why I avoided ubuntu (and ubuntu bases) for soo long I used it in a vm yes but i bearly did anything the ubuntu bases was not that bad but every distro was based on ubuntu except for arch,fedora etc and that's why I chose fedora instead of popos now I just use arch base bcs I kinda don't like how fedora only includes open source software