Have you noticed an increase in political fighting?
Have you noticed an increase in political fighting?
I travel a lot, and talk to a lot of different people. I've noticed that while people certainly do have differing opinions, it's not as extreme as what I see online. I'm starting to feel like all this hate and division is manufactured. Has anyone else noticed, that when you actually talk to real people things are far less divided than various media would have you believe?
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Have you heard of the horseshoe theory?
At the end of the day far-left and far-right are not so different.
One is trying to steal fundamental human rights, pull off a revolution of medievalism, has the worst performing sitting president by every metric as its populist mascot, is hellbent on a christojihad, causes a recession by failing to do its primary job of passing a budget, performs wonderfully as a Russian military proxy unit that completely sabotages Ukraine, fights for criminal gerrymandering because they are hated by any educated sane person or any halfwit that can disconnect from tainted billionaire corporate media garbage and think for themselves; there is nothing remotely close to these two, unless you are or are massively diluted by psyops.
Hell, if anyone gives a damn about women and unalienable human rights, they should punch any Republican in the face at every opportunity.
You are exactly the guy a don't encounter in real life. But I think lemme is right. The reason I don't hear you, is because if you advocated for punching conservatives at a bar, you would get hit by a conservative. So you don't say it out loud when that's possible. You give permission to others when there are no consequences to yourself.
I usually think of tankies as the horseshoe branch of liberalism. They have a lot more in common.
At the end of the day both parties work for the same owners, and the only thing they want it's power and money, politicians are just making a living from the budget while the real owners rule..
You are psyops.
What you mean by psyops?
Sounds like bullshit to me
The horseshoe theory does not enjoy wide support within academic circles; peer-reviewed research by political scientists on the subject is scarce, and existing studies and comprehensive reviews have often contradicted its central premises, or found only limited support for the theory under certain conditions.
You’re not even using horseshoe theory correctly, not that it especially matters because it’s a horseshit theory.
Horseshoe theory is a liberal theory that equivalates socialism and fascism. But socialism is outside the Overton window of contemporary Western politics, so the theory doesn’t even apply.
In any case, liberalism and fascism have more in common with each other than with socialism. Socialism is about abolishing private ownership of the means of production, while liberalism and fascism are about the state protecting private ownership through its monopoly on violence.