I mean, yes...? That's the way sexuality works. Very few people are completely straight or completely gay. A fantastic example is prison; you put a bunch of guys in prison, and most of them are going to be having sex with other men, at least sometimes. It's not that they're not straight in any normal sense, but that the overall sex drive is strong enough to overcome gender preferences.
It's just not a big deal. Let people be people, as long as everyone involved is consenting, and they aren't causing direct, immediate harm to other people.
Maybe for 30+. It absolutely is not the norm for younger generations. Heck, at that age no one wants to be normal in any case: it’s seen as boring and potentially problematic. All this is to say that I think a lot more people say they are sexually fluid than are actively seeking non-hetero relationships.
I think this is one thing that evolves with age rather than being generational. In the 90s a lot of teens and early college students identified very publicly as bi. A few years later, most of the people I knew settled into one way or the other as their hormones came down to earth and their social status settled.