I don't think people realize how far the NRA has gone to block ANY legislation that will reduce gun sales. We have bad gun laws not because of the lack of effort from government, but specifically how much effort the NRA has put in to stop it.
The ATF completely screwed up the raid on the Branch Davidian Church in Waco back in 1993. It was indenfesnable and a lot of people started saying that the Agency should be abolished and its responsibilities moved to the FBI.
"Small government" GOPs blocked any mention of the idea, because they were worried about having the FBI looking into gun crimes.
Talk to anyone who was old enough to vote for Clinton.
It wasn't a big dramatic floor fight in Congress. People started talking about doing away with the ATF, and the idea seemed to be gaining momentum, and then it just...vanished.
Also they backed banning open carry here in California because the scarry Black Panthers.
Bunch of racists cowards, also wallow in piss Ronald Reagan ya fucking profligate.