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It's funny how many "Anti-Imperialists" decided "Might makes right" when Russia invaded Ukraine


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  • But resisting makes you a murderer!

    Oh and I almost forgot, it also means you're ignorant of (a very specific interpretation of) history.

    • This conversation and this whole thing of why it was the West's fault because Ukraine should have done exactly what Russia demanded and saved themselves all the bloodshed, absolutely infuriated me. Above all proportion for what's reasonable to happen from talking to someone on the internet. I'm still getting pissed about it just reading it now, a week later.

      • They have no other motive except to give the appearance of 'legitimate' dissent and to waste time, like Fox News putting on some dumb fuck to say "But SOME SCIENTISTS DISAGREE that GLOBAL WARMING is real!" Best to dismiss them as the fascist fucks they are and move on.

        • Yeah. I feel like partly too it's like those hypnosis experiments where people will invent literally just any nonsense to explain why they did / said something, and it makes perfect sense to them -- it's like now that I have staked out position X, I'm going to just wrap whatever nonsense around it that I need to, to make it all consistent after the fact.

          Like, as related to that whole analogy I asked the guy about in the thread I linked to — yeah sure, if someone came to your house and did that, you'd totally do whatever they asked and it would be wrong of you to try to resist. Absolutely dude. 100%. Makes perfect sense and I feel silly for questioning it now.