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The Cloudflare Poison

Daily reminder that sites "protected" by cloudflare are effectively MITM attacks. HTTPS is now even more worthless. Cloudflare can see everything. this is a known fact and not a theory.

And if you think Cloudflare aren't being tapped by the NSA, you're sadly sadly naive.

All the "privacy respecting" sites use it too. So remember, as soon as you see that cloudflare portal page, you can assume that everything you plug into the site is property of NSA Inc. Trust no one, and do not trust code being served to you over the web if it comes through CF, there is no way to know what they've modified.

Edit: good info link below


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  • Very true. But nobody cares or believes it. When you start saying that US made hardware like network switches, cryptographic algorithms, telecom radios, etc all have backdoors to the 3 letter agencies in 5 eyes plus the internet distribution over cloudfare or "the cloud" in Google, Amazon, Microsoft, then people just think you're a tin foil hat conspiracist.

    The people are too stupid and ignorant to care enough to demand change. Why did the US lobby so hard to get Huawei off market? Because of course there are backdoors into the Chinese intelligence agencies. JUST LIKE US DEVICES! But nobody seems to make that correlation. China bad, China hardware spying bad, is the only thing they can get in their heads.

    Good to bring it up, but nothing will change. 99.9% of people don't know what DNS or proxiing or caching is let alone Cloudfare. It's just "the internet". Some are aware of some agencies the US and five eyes have, but most don't believe what they actually do and are capable of. The US is the best producer of propaganda in the world. Hollywood is amazing at it, as are US media sources. The FISA bill that just came up for reauthorization and passed had a whole PR campaign about catching terrorists and stopping Russia and China and Hamas. Nobody stopped to think how and why they even have any of that info in the first place and how it's collected.

    Keep being the crazy uncle ranting about government spying because the world needs it.