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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 47
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A shadow of his former self
  • They've been editing him a lot too, comparing your bottle with the OP photo they removed half his cape and slimmed up his legs... for whatever reason they're trying to reduce complexity and bulk overall. Maybe make him less "larger than life" and associated "toxic masculinity / XTREME" 90s-00s imagery going back to what, ya know, actual wrestlers and pirates and stuff would've looked like (minus the business collar)

  • What are your "poor person" money life hacks?
  • Even then, a basic soap like Dr Bronners or your favorite "hand soap" does well for most of your body. People ask my wife how her hair is so amazing, she just washes it every couple days instead of every day and sometimes has some light argan oil or something to reduce frizz. Washing hair (especially long hair) every day damages it no matter what you're doing. The most important thing is to scrub your scalp really good.

  • Unpopular Opinion: OsmAnd >>>> Organic Maps
  • If you want a map swiss army knife, OsmAnd is very very good. If you don't, then yeah it's way too complex for what should be basic tasks. And developers refuse to do stuff like allow US-style address order search (requiring reverse order only)

  • How can I use cyclOSM in Locus Maps?
  • Unfortunately I don't have the free time/energy but the links are written tutorials on how to set it up in Locus, you just have to follow each step and research any steps you don't understand.

  • Should i switch from systemd to another init system, What are the advantages of using another init system?
  • Yeah but I've interacted with it a lot and most of my interaction is commands sent through one of their programs. Versus scripts like init.d whose contents I can easily inspect and modify. Init scripts aren't config files, they're directly executable code.

  • Portland City Government Compromised with Oil Industry in Private, Documents Suggest

    In the summer of 2022, it seemed that the days of an oil-by-rail facility in Portland, Oregon, were numbered. The previous year, the city had rejected a land use permit for a company called Zenith Energy, which receives crude oil shipped by rail from as far away as North Dakota. Zenith had appealed ...

    Portland City Government Compromised with Oil Industry in Private, Documents Suggest
    You are free to go, I guess...
  • All contracts are negotiable, you did nothing wrong other than not having a conversation before wasting paper, the main issue is that for most people the negotiation is "if you want to work here you have to agree to all this."

    But yeah reasonable accommodation and mutual understandings, etc, should be written down and signed. I challenged the non-disclosure agreement at my job once because it literally said I couldn't talk about my work with ANYONE, and a plain reading of it would mean I'd be unable to even talk to my boss about what I was supposed to be doing. It was poorly written and probably unenforceable. My boss didn't like that so I signed it anyway and then focused on finding work elsewhere (he was a dick and his company got raided by the FBI a few years later)

  • Russia says genetic tests confirm Prigozhin died in plane crash
  • It goes without saying but missing a wing is one of the main things that planes are designed never to do, so either they didn't catch the part where the wing exploded or you've got some serious sabotage going on

  • How can I use cyclOSM in Locus Maps?
  • Locus uses Openstreetmap data by default, what parts of CyclOSM and OSMAnd do you like? If you want to plan and import a route you probably want to export and then import a GPX file.

    To add the CyclOSM map tiles as a layer, you do need to follow the instructions here

    Using the tile server url displayed when you click the "i" information button on

  • Should i switch from systemd to another init system, What are the advantages of using another init system?
  • It used to be that everything in Linux was a file, ideally a text file, so if you could find the right file you could access or change what you wanted. Systemd is a big program that manages a bunch of stuff and creates unique commands within its programs for doing so, which moves away from that principle and turns system management into what feels a bit more microsofty (like the registry editor program vs editing config files, etc) and a lot of people don't like that. But to its credit, it does solve a few problems with cobbling together a modern system that doesn't suck.

  • Is there anything good in Hexbear?
  • That photo is from a film about neanderthals. The phrase "unga bunga" has its earliest known usage in a Bugs Bunny short mocking Aborigines, but it's a generic enough phrase that I'm not sure you can write off the entire phrase as racist against Aborigines: any nonsense word could be used in its place and I'm not sure anyone creating or sharing the meme has actually watched that Bugs Bunny clip from 1950. It's just a nonsense phrase used to indicate low intelligence or nonsense. Given that the photo is of a neanderthal, I think anyone seeing the meme will understand that it's supposed to mean "a caveman would be confused by this" and not about any particular group of modern or indigenous humans. Most usages of the meme imply that the poster themselves is the confused one, so I don't think a racist would find it very funny to post something like that.

    Given that the words "unga" and "bunga" have existed in print since at least 1700 AD, I'm not sure we can point to that one Bugs cartoon as the definitive and only definition of that particular nonsense phrase.

  • Hexbear defederates from
  • Where does blahaj say they have no quarter for hexbear users (I see lemmygrad users, but not hexbear) and how is being okay with trans people but personally preferring boobs over penises "chaser" behavior? Why is screenshotting relevant DMs between admins defed-worthy? Is removing heated political conversations ableist? (I see the "X-tard" part of the screenshot, but 80% of the screenshot looks like a communist getting mad and borderline ad hominem, beyond any point about using appropriate language.)

    I'm a leftist and all for the Fediverse being able to choose who to federate with, but often the receipts posted by Fedi admins seem incredibly weak. Absolutely protect marginalized people with your full strength and might, but it seems like the people most directly hurt here are the hexbear admin themself. But I don't know, I'm just a random nobody, all I can see are the receipts the admin shows me 🤷

  • Red Flag Warning for Willamette Valley

    Saturday 2pm to 8pm, do not burn and be extra cautious of ignition sources like metal-on-metal or hot objects on dry grass


    Avelo will begin flying from Salem to Las Vegas, Los Angeles in October Avelo will begin flying from Salem to Las Vegas, Los Angeles in October - Salem Reporter

    A budget airline carrier will begin twice weekly flights out of Salem in October following a years-long effort to bring commercial air service back to the city.

    Avelo will begin flying from Salem to Las Vegas, Los Angeles in October - Salem Reporter
    0 Oregon approves $100 million to build nearly 650 affordable homes - Salem Reporter

    Recent state housing grants include millions for a 120 unit apartment building in northeast Salem, with 24 units for people making less than $17,000 per year.

    Oregon approves $100 million to build nearly 650 affordable homes - Salem Reporter

    At first I thought that was pricey, but that's $150k per home. Not too bad.


    Former Boy Scout leader charged with sex abuse of 11-year-old boy Former Boy Scout leader from Salem charged with sex abuse

    Terry Heck, a former Boy Scout leader from Salem, was charged July 6 with sex abuse, online corruption of a child and luring a minor.

    Former Boy Scout leader from Salem charged with sex abuse
    0 Newport mayor apologizes, agrees to step down over hateful Facebook posts

    Newport Mayor Dean Sawyer resigned Monday, three days after OPB revealed he has been posting offensive content in a private Facebook group for current and former law enforcement officers.

    Newport mayor apologizes, agrees to step down over hateful Facebook posts

    The mayor of Newport has resigned after revelations he posted offensive messages about women, immigrants and the LGTBQ community on a Facebook group for current and former law enforcement officers.


    Free speech as a guiding principle sounded so good when Reddit was created, and mostly it enabled neo-Nazis to recruit outside of Stormfront

    Turns out there are plenty of things more worthy of fighting for than enabling fascists and terrorists to lure in vulnerable people and harass marginalized people


    Pixelbar in Rotterdam burns down, raising funds to rebuild Rebuild Pixelbar, organized by Michel Admiraal

    We are a Rotterdam based community (founding) consisting of like minded people, also called a "hacker… Michel Admiraal needs your support for Rebuild Pixelbar

    Rebuild Pixelbar, organized by Michel Admiraal

    Apparently the fire started elsewhere in the same building and spread to completely engulf Pixelbar.


    Cherriots gets federal boost for more electric buses Cherriots gets federal boost for more electric buses - Salem Reporter

    A first round of electric buses are close to hitting the streets, while new federal money will allow Cherriots to buy five more.

    Cherriots gets federal boost for more electric buses - Salem Reporter

    With another federal grant, Cherriots is one step closer to having an all-electric fleet of battery-powered buses.

    The Salem Area Mass Transit District, known as Cherriots, has received an additional $6.6 million from the Federal Transit Administration which will allow for an additional five buses.

    0 Return of student resource officers officially ‘back on the table’ for Santa Rosa schools

    The Santa Rosa City Schools District adopted a strategic plan Wednesday as a direct response to the March 1 on-campus fatal stabbing of Montgomery High School student Jayden Pienta, which spurred countywide protests and calls for improved safety.

    Return of student resource officers officially ‘back on the table’ for Santa Rosa schools
    1 ‘Spectacular water conditions’ expected to draw weekend, holiday crowds to Russian River

    Warm weather and Independence Day revelry are expected to bring crowds to a river restored by winter rains.


    With legislative session over, Kotek eyes passed bills – and what remains With legislative session over, Kotek eyes passed bills – and what remains - Salem Reporter

    Gov. Tina Kotek failed to convince a majority of legislative Democrats to support extending city urban growth boundaries to allow more housing to be built.

    With legislative session over, Kotek eyes passed bills – and what remains - Salem Reporter

    Who's going to CCCamp 2023? Chaos Communication Camp 2023

    Infos, news, links and more

    I'd love to go back to Germany one of these years!

    2 For the 1st time in 4 years, you’ll soon be able to swim at this popular local beach

    The swimming area at Healdsburg Veterans Memorial Beach “should be looking good by the end of the week,” said a project specialist with Sonoma County Regional Parks.

    For the 1st time in 4 years, you’ll soon be able to swim at this popular local beach
    0 Santa Rosa officials aiming for zero-emission transit by 2037. Here’s how they’ll do it

    A recent “major award” from the federal government will help Santa Rosa buy six new all-electric buses, a big step toward acquiring a no-emission fleet.


    McNary High School counselor, coach Todd Bobeda faces charges of sexually abusing a minor

    An arrest warrant has been issued for a McNary High School counselor and tennis coach facing charges of sexually abusing a female minor in Polk County.

    Todd Anthony Bobeda, 46, of Dallas, is scheduled to be arraigned Thursday on six misdemeanor charges, according to documents filed in Polk County Circuit Court.

    Bobeda has worked for Salem-Keizer Public Schools since 2004, at both McNary and South Salem high schools. He has been on paid leave since Aug. 5, 2021, district spokesman Aaron Harada said.

    District officials declined to comment further.


    Sign to Demand Ranked Choice Voting in Oregon Take Action: Tell Your Legislators to Pass HB 2004 | Oregon Ranked Choice Voting

    House Bill 2004 is currently being considered by state legislators. The bill will establish ranked choice voting for statewide and federal offices, for both the primary and general elections. If passed, ranked choice voting will be referred to the ballot in 2024, giving voters the final say.

    Take Action: Tell Your Legislators to Pass HB 2004 | Oregon Ranked Choice Voting