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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Comments 371
Procrastination rule
  • I mean, nobody is going to read it anyway now. Might as well just write it tomorrow morning and send it then. Here’s what I’ll do, I go to bed early tonight, get up extra early tomorrow, and then I’ll do it!

  • I've already forgotten what this post even says
  • I'm not saying the meme is bad, just saying that people remain aware that it is just as likely to be ADHD as it is many other things or simply nothing at all.

    Lol what. You literally said:

    "Almost every meme posted here is not ADHD. [...] The post simply is not ADHD, nor how it works."

    Any symptom of anything could be this or that or nothing at all. Eyesight getting worse? Maybe you're getting older. Maybe you haven't slept enough. Maybe you've got a tumor. If you feel not well, consult a doctor.

    This here is a meme community, not a medical consultation. That doesn't make these memes "simply not ADHD".

  • I've already forgotten what this post even says
  • Gate keeping is distinctly NOT answering a question clearly and directly.

    The one not answering a question clearly here is saltesc, who just claims that none of these memes are ADHD, but refuses to explain why.

    And not for the first time, last time they said that it's "easily identified and diagnosed". Yeah, lol, that's why many people only get diagnosed late in life and only after an odyssey... (especially people who were young when ADHD simply wasn't a thing).

    Pointing out that these are problems that are not exclusive to the disorder is important, regardless of any motivated thinking.

    Basically everybody — read the sidebar — agrees with that. Only saltesc, by claiming that these memes are exclusively non-ADHD, is shutting down discourse.

    Grow up and stop gatekeeping discourse.

    Literally the only ones gatekeeping here are saltesc and you. Learn what gatekeeping means.

  • Speed camera cut down for second time in Cornwall
  • Governments are clamping down on protests against climate change: * silence *

    Some idiots cut down speed cameras the people living there specifically asked for: YEAH! Fuck the police!!!1! Rage against the machine!!!1! Fuck mass surveillance!!!1!

    Priorities , I guess.

  • Today is one of the days everyone will talk about how many people died in car accidents last night, and nothing will be done about it.
  • I don't know why you are giving me attitude. I'm even on your side. No wonder you have such a bad reputation and no one listens to you, people like you giving the movement a bad name.

    What the actual fuck are you on about, asshole? You asked a question, I gave you a detailed answer, not an „attitude“. Maybe learn to read and get lost, feckless idiot.

  • Electric cars: The equivalent of switching from binge drinking whiskey to binge drinking wine.
  • Tell me you’ve never been outside of your crappy state and have never seen a European city nor ever seen a modern European apartment.

    You do understand other countries have actual buildings that consist of more than some wood and styrofoam, right?

  • Today is one of the days everyone will talk about how many people died in car accidents last night, and nothing will be done about it.
  • Yes, more rails, and denser cities. „Walkable cities“ they’re called in the US, for me they’re just „normal cities“.

    I live in one, right in the middle. I have, in walking distance, more than half a dozen supermarkets (not bodegas/delis/whatever, we have those on top), four pharmacies, two drugstores. I have two tramlines and a light rail in walking distance that can carry me all over town. When I want to have a drink I just take one of those. Or walk to my friends who live near.

    When I do need a car (of course that happens) I rent one. That probably amounts to 14 d/y.

  • Electric cars: The equivalent of switching from binge drinking whiskey to binge drinking wine.
  • Riots and protests don’t need your approval or applause. They happen because the majority of people are too complacent. If everyone was already aboard we’d just do those things, you know. You probably don’t understand this, because you never stuck out your neck for anything in your life.

  • Love and Trees
  • „In short, we have no clear evidence that a festival dedicated to Sol Invictus was celebrated on December 25 prior to the Christian celebration of Christmas on that date. More importantly, we do not have any evidence that such a pre-existing festival presented the impetus for celebrating Jesus’s birth on this day. The popularity of this assertion and various sub-assertions around it (such as its institution by Aurelian) is not commensurate with its evidential basis.“

  • Amsterdam-Berlin train is 30 minutes faster: no more locomotive change |
  • Well, it’s located in a basin and has lots of mountainous areas north, south, and west, so it’s kind of expensive building rails through there. It’s annoying as fuck to get there by car as well. I used to drive that a lot, Cologne – Erfurt, sucks big time.

    I guess you could get a route via Kassel and Hamm. I mean, I’m all for it, but I don’t think that’s economically feasible for DB.

    Improving the route Hannover – Leipzig would make sense, especially if they could finally upgrade the route Dresden – Prague (one of the most important cargo routes).

    Hannover is just lucky. It sits on a giant plain right in the middle of the two axes Hamburg – „the South“, and Berlin – Rhein-Ruhr.

  • All the projects
  • hAvE yOu TrIeD bReAkInG iT dOwN iNtO mAnAgEaBlE pIeCeS aNd SoMe DiScIpLiNe

    Yes. Yes I did. I took both pills, ground them up to very manageable pieces, took a straw and just very disciplined snorted everything up.

    And then I asked for more pills.