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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Before your change to Linux
  • My "main" OS timeline was:

    • Apple II/C64
    • MS-DOS
    • OS/2
    • Linux

    Technically I used windows 3.1 at times in DOS and OS/2 for some specific piece of software, but it was never what I primarily used and I don't consider Windows 3.1 a proper operating system, it's just a desktop environment.

    Not sure exactly when, but I know by 2000 I was fully on board the Linux train.

    Started using Linux in the days of floppy boot and root diskettes. Lived through the days of hand-crafted SLIP scripts for dial up internet. The days of needing to pay for working sound drivers. Manually calculating modelines in Xfree86.

    I have primarily used Windows at work, probably been 99% windows and 1% Unix/Linux. I have had windows laptops and virtual machines for certain specific use cases but it has never been my main.

  • Many such cases
  • I have a Samsung 4K HDR 120hz TV and can't really tell any difference between it and my ancient non-smart Phillips LCD TV that it replaced.

    I have an Xbox series x with 4k hdr enabled and everything still just looks "normal" to me.

    120hz is slightly noticeable compared to 60 in games that support it, but not a huge deal. 99%+ of what i do on my TV isn't 4K, HDR, or 120hz, so it's not extremely valuable. From "couch distance" anything above 720p is unnoticeable anyway.

    I also have a windows 11 laptop with 4k HDR screen and disabled HDR in settings because the colors were all horrible looking with it on. Honestly I run it in 1080 instead of 4k because it uses less battery, performs better, and many programs don't work correctly at 4K, and i can't tell the difference anyway. Tiny pixels are still tiny.

    I realize this whole comment may come off as old man "get off my lawn" fist-shaking. I'm not trying to downplay other people's experiences who seem to be genuinely impressed by these features, and maybe I'm just "holding it wrong", but for me, personally, I regret spending extra for the whole 4K HDR thing.

  • Those who custom configure their kernel: what did you gain?
  • I do it because I can... I read release notes on every update and once you've configured a kernel for a particular machine you really don't need to touch the config, barring major changes like when PATA and SATA merged. Or of course if I'm adding a new piece of hardware.

    I remove everything I don't need and compiling the kernel only takes a couple minutes. I use Gentoo and approach everything on my system the same way - remove the things I don't need to make it as minimal as possible.

    Compiling your own kernel also makes it easier when you need to do a git bisect to determine when a bug was introduced to report it or try to fix it. I've also included kernel patches in my build years ago, but haven't needed to do that in a long time.

    I used to compile a custom kernel for my phone to enable modules/drivers that weren't included by default by the maintainer.

    It's not about performance for me, it's about control.

  • Do you daily drive Wayland, if so since when, if not when will you?
  • Tried Wayland about 5 years ago to see what all the hype was about, with Nvidia proprietary drivers, got a black screen. Could never get beyond that. Went back to xorg.

    Tried about 3 or 4 years ago, with amdgpu drivers, no black screen this time but chrome would not work and a few other programs didn't work right or at all. There may have been special builds or wrappers to work around some of those issues but I had no interest in dealing with that at the time, so I went back to xorg.

    Have not felt motivated to try again as I haven't had any issues with xorg. I'm using Nvidia drivers at the moment. I also heavily use turbovnc server with virtual gl and not sure how (or if) that'd work in combination with Wayland.

    I haven't had to even think about the fact I'm using xorg or screw around with the configuration in like 10 or 15 years. It just works, for me and my setup, anyway.

  • Cuban says he’d vote for Biden even if ‘he was being given last rites’
  • Short answer is genocide of native people combined with racism against Black people.

    Mixed-race marriage, neighborhoods and schools were illegal in the US, in some way or another, for over 300 years. The US Supreme Court did not rule it unconstitutional until 1967.

    The US state of Alabama did not officially remove their laws against mixed-race marriage until year 2000.

  • Why Are You Still Rooting Your Android Phone?
  • I'm using the EasySSHFS package from F-Droid. Similar to mounting on Linux, you must create a folder as the mount point. For example, on my phone I first manually made the folder called /storage/self/primary/mnt in a local root terminal in connectbot (create a connection, protocol local, type in "su" to become root, grant access when prompted, then type "mkdir /storage/self/primary/mnt" to create the directory)

    In the EasySSHFS new connection setup, i put that path in the seventh field on the form. In the sixth field is the path on the remote server that you wish to mount, for example /home/khorak

    In the other fields give the username and password (or key file)

    The last field contains the mount options, I did not need to change them but you can if needed.

    EasySSHFS needs to be allowed root access.

    Once you mount, the folder created previously at /storage/self/primary/mnt will contain the contents of the remote server. In my case, using this path makes it appear like it is on the sdcard in android. I can watch videos using VLC or listen to mp3 songs etc as if they are local on my phone.

  • Why Are You Still Rooting Your Android Phone?
  • Rooted yes, custom rom no (pixel 7). But on previous phones, custom rom once the manufacturers stops providing updates. Using Magisk, all my banking, Netflix, McDonald's, etc still works because I have it hidden from those apps. Root apps I use are things like adaway, wireguard module (not using android vpn), sshfs, 3c toolbox, tasker. And generally having root shell access to do whatever I want to do.

  • Google Pixel phones unusable after January 2024 system update
  • It seems to be affecting people who have multiple users at up on their device (this includes work profile, which runs as another user)

    I'm on the January play system update but don't use work profiles or multiple users and have been okay, so far... Fingers crossed

  • Why do you use the terminal?
  • SSHFS is shipped by all major Linux distributions and has been in production use across a wide range of systems for many years. However, at present SSHFS does not have any active, regular contributors, and there are a number of known issues (see the bugtracker).

    The current maintainer continues to apply pull requests and makes regular releases, but unfortunately has no capacity to do any development beyond addressing high-impact issues.

    When reporting bugs, please understand that unless you are including a pull request or are reporting a critical issue, you will probably not get a response.