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xuxxun xuxxun

Avatar description: An imperfectly drawn greyish green cute frog on a pinkish background.

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Fediverse online music party Provolol (@[email protected])

Attached: 1 image Virtual party time 🥳! Tell your #fediverse friends! SOPHUS el gato comunista additionaltext Begrudging Recluse Radio Klotestad Archie Flyte free & virtual music party Fri 30 June 2023 | 9:30 pm CEST/CAT 'till late tune in at: (https://sets.p...

Free & virtual music party Fri 30 June 2023 | 9:30 pm CEST/CAT 'till late tune in at:


Practicing a Love Ethic in the Ongoing Pandemic Part 1 — Ji-Youn Practicing a Love Ethic in the Ongoing Pandemic Part 1 — Ji-Youn - Coaching & Counselling

How are we perpetuating individualism and abled supremacy in the so-called left? What does it look like to align our values with actions?

"May we re-member and re-embody the knowing that resisting abled supremacy is a love practice. Reducing community transmission in the spirit of collective responsibility is a love practice that is liberatory to every bodymind where abledness is temporary. " A 2 part essay. Part2 is here:

0 Forcing Yourself for Love: Hotaru, Sailor Moon, and "Overcoming Disability" Narratives - Anime Feminist

Hotaru’s story is driven by the tension between our desire for comforting narratives of disabled people healing and the reality of disabled life.

Forcing Yourself for Love: Hotaru, Sailor Moon, and "Overcoming Disability" Narratives - Anime Feminist

"This is the true harm of the hegemony of the overcoming disability narrative: the idea that your access needs are a mere hindrance that you should always be working to be rid of."

The Cost of ME/CFS: An OT’s Lived Experience
  • Yeah... The treatment is supposed to be helpful, not harmful. It is indeed quite distressing to see lack of knowledge and close mindedness from medical proffessionals. On a tangential note: With the dropping of mask mandates in medical settings I am scared to go for my physiotherapy too, I do not want the doctors to give my long covid long covid. "Do no harm" their oath says. Right.

  • The Fight Against Ableism
  • Yeah..being dehumanized... What you are saying seems like a "natural" consequence of a system of beliefs that treats some bodies and minds as worth more than the others. Some persons get treated so badly up to the degree of denying their personhood completely.

  • Thoughts on communities refusing to "go dark?"
  • How about the general term- Fedizens, that has been around for some time?

  • No, ‘AI’ Will Not Fix Accessibility
  • "Accessibility is about people." Interesting perspective. In the end it is people, and organizations made of people, who decide to build our world as inaccessible. Having accesibility at the forefront of design would solve a lot of the problems that AI tools try to help with . An ideal world would be where good accesibilty is built into our systems directly, no matter whether we are talking about operating systems or social systems.

  • Had my appointment with my new pain management clinic
  • I am happy you found a doctor who is willing to listen and be empathetic! I hope things will go well for you.

  • Loathe Fascism? Then don't be a health supremacist

    Those who are not faithful to principles become open to evil, to have evil done to them or to do evil themselves (Pramoedya Ananta Toer) Health supremacism is an ideology. Supremacist thinking always starts with an imaginary division of the world into supposedly ‘superior’ and ‘inferior’ people. Hea...

    An article talking about the details of the health supremacy ideology that is inbuilt into the way our systems work.

    0 The Cost of ME/CFS: An OT’s Lived Experience

    Occupational and physical therapists have traditionally been trained from a rehabilitation perspective to treat a wide or diverse range of medical conditions. Many principles of rehabilitation can be…

    The Cost of ME/CFS: An OT’s Lived Experience

    A very educational post about a ME/CFS /Long Covid experience from the perspective of a person with an occupational/physical therapy background.

    2 The Fight Against Ableism

    Itxi Guerra The Fight Against Ableism Anarchism and Ableism Instagram: @itxiguerra Twitter: itxiguerra Email: [email protected] Translated to English by...

    The Fight Against Ableism

    Here is a very interesting text from Itxi Guerra originally written in Spanish and translated to English by Anti. It talks a lot about the relationship of anarchism and disability, but I believe it can an be interesting perspective to read for any kind of activists. In the first section there is also an informative list of all the various models and definitions of disability.

  • Unhelpful doctors - such a classic and very relatable unfortunately. I wish us all more empathetic and competent medical proffesionals.

  • Introduction
  • I'll comment about myself too. I am neurodivergent in more than one way and have a couple of chronic illnesses, that when separated, would be mostly just a minor annoyance, but when bundled together become a major pain in the ass (both metaphorically and literally).

  • Chronic pain
  • Yeah that sounds really rough. I really wish you a better day tomorrow.

  • Introduction

    Hello everyone! This is the first post in the newly made Disability and accesibility community. Feel free to post anything health, chronic illness, disability or accesibility related. If you need a space for support or sharing your experiences regarding all of the above topics, this is the right place as well :)

    Beehaw is looking for community moderators
  • I submitted the form, but the community that I would want to moderate most does not exist yet - a general disability community.

  • Issue 08 Preview — Queer Out Here

    Adventure awaits in Queer Out Here Issue 08.

    Issue 08 Preview — Queer Out Here

    Queer out here is a very cool audio zine focusing on queer people's experience of the outdoors. This is a preview of the next issue. I highly recomend the previous issues too!


    Habe you heard of Fedivision?

    It is an annual Fediverse wide music contest. Submissions are closed now, but the listening and voting part will start soon.

    What are some communities that aren't here yet that you hope to see in the future?
  • Yes. I also liked the CongratsLikeImFive sub.

  • What game is improved the most by mods?
  • Fair points. But I enjoyed both Sims 2 and 3 modless much more than modless 4 :D If not for the quality of life improvements in build mode for 4, I would probably play the older games more than Sims 4 ;D

  • what communities might you be interested in us adding in the near future?
  • I did not see a community about disability, chronic illness, long-covid, accessibility, health issues, public health, and the fight against ableism. Is there one or did I just miss it? If there is none I think it would be good to have a community that allows talking about those issues specifically.

  • What game is improved the most by mods?
  • The Sims 4 is basically almost unplayable to me without custom content and mods and community made bugfixes.

  • What ttRPG are you playing right now/ or are you planning on trying soon?
  • Cool! It sounds like the system takes some inspiration from Masks? If yes I should try it, cause I recently GMed a campaign in Masks and it really was great.

  • What ttRPG are you playing right now/ or are you planning on trying soon?
  • I have seen a pathfinder server on Other than that I think there is a community on dedicated to RPGS.

  • What ttRPG are you playing right now/ or are you planning on trying soon?
  • Ooh i did not remember about the app, and I might have heard about RPG sessions, but never used it, thanks, it might come in handy :D

    The solutions for coop GMing sound very useful as well, I can see it would work with Ironsworn too. I am quite new to Gmless games, I have tried some, but those that i tried were pretty "crunchy" about who and at what point decides which plot points.

  • What ttRPG are you playing right now/ or are you planning on trying soon?
  • Wow playing and GMing the same module souds wild :D But i bet it might be interesting to compare how it goes in different groups :D

  • What ttRPG are you playing right now/ or are you planning on trying soon?
  • Your solo games sound very fun! Genesys and Star wars is very cool. I have the Genesys book on my shelf but never got to run it, maybe some day. I only played the Star wars system with the similar narrative dice on a convention a long time ago. It worked pretty well, I thought it was pretty clear with all the symbols, just had to get used to it. Only downside is having to buy the dice or printing stickers. The dice symbols and colors are very satisfying though. I very briefly read through Ironsworn, with the intention to play it as a group GMless game, but did not really understand how the group is supposed to make the decisions about what happens next. Maybe it is because, like you said, it originated as a solo game.