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Is there a way to protect data/user contents in Lemmy/Mastodon against now rapidly rising AI s?

Though Lemmy and Mastodon are public sites, and their structures are open-source I guess? (I'm not a programmer/coder), can they really dodge the ability of AI s to collect/track any data everytime they search everywhere on Internet?

Afghanistan: Taliban burn musical instruments
  • Few months ago on another platform, I watched a video that same shitty kind of people who must be absolutely extinct at same situation just destroyed a vintage intricate musical instrument (very much heirloom—accordion/keyboard?) as if they were proudly doing right; as if it was how they, humans, are supposed to live (life without music TF to them).

    Just as I said long ago (I deleted it as I left the platform),

    I dare, and I will never ever be born and live in an unmelodious and inharmonious world that they're desperately creating (through their absurd malevolent passionate principles), an invibrant and soulless world that nobody who's gratefully listened and forever enjoyed music and other wonderful things will never ever wish.

    Another shitty propaganda cause they know instinctively how great does music affect everyone's minds to realize wider and better and never worse I believe. Annihilating music is as same as burning the books and suppressing any media.

  • Is there a "word/topic filter" on Lemmy so that while browsing randomly or on a community, I won't ever see those dull news I'm overfed & irked, with same topic, nothing positively concludes. TY


    I ( am just trying (barely) to interact with Mastodon instances (posts and comments) website,

    1. I can see Mastodon user's profile but no posts and comments displayed.
    2. Yet, Mastodon users can comment/reply to Lemmy posts and comments. website,

    1. Some of my ( posts & comments in a profile at don't appear.

    I just hope I can finally "converse" with Mastodon users and other users from "non-Lemmy" instances such as misskey, calckey and others (of course function of ActivityHub and dream goal of Fediverse).

    2 The desire to have a romantic partner is associated with lower life satisfaction, but more so in older adults

    A study published in Personal Relationships found that among single individuals aged 18 to 75, those who had a stronger desire for a romantic partner generally reported lower life satisfaction. Interestingly, this association was more pronounced in individuals above the age of 49 compared to those b...

    Insight: is it realistic to anyone in observed real life that people more desire to find a romantic partner as they less/really don't enjoy life overall? So, will a person be prone to chasing a lovelife when he doesn't live well and happily?

    Furthermore, Unsatisfied life has a negative effect to relationship building and further even marriage and family too (I've read articles and heard memoirs and watched entertainment variously many times, and so I agree. Maybe with diligence, I'll put such article references asap.) So how could a person achieve/suceed lovelife if he's already (in the beginning) unsatisfied with every other aspect of his life wholly while his any latter relationship may apparently fail upon his unsatisfied life? A contradiction or paradox? He might end up into hopeless romantic or just pathetically miserable man/spouse (hopefully not).

    Out of topic: I wish there were a (sister) community of meirl, a discussion and seriousness of focusing and analyzing the real life (opposite of meirl community sharing of memes, pics and short texts).


    Awesome Encouragement from this young child ✂️ Awesome Encouragement

    58 seconds · Clipped by Alex · Original video "Mini Miss U Annika shows her talent in acting with Vice Ganda | It's Showtime Mini Miss U" by ABS-CBN Entertai...

    Further video:

    • context: a child candidate in a contest was asked to role-play on how she would encourage (by herself in impromptu) someone as her singing partner who got scared when they were going to be singing on a stage (just for a scenario).

    Is this hindrance for lemmies to post and watch particularly media and embedded videos (I have not yet seen) because of the not enough (storage) capacity of the lemmy instances/servers?

    Every time I see a video on other platforms, I may share this on Lemmy. Or every time I get creative to shoot a footage or create a video, I may share too. But, I reached conscientious about the availability and capacity of Lemmy instance(servers) to multimedias and videos, whether uploaded or embedded.

    One of the reasons I get hooked on platforms is instantly displayed videos or interactives that also make me started to comment and discuss along those videos. Maybe this Lemmy be focusing first on being a news-link aggregator, text-to-text forum and pic ranking.

    Or this hindrance I am wondering of is just insignificant (for now)?


    Silly Question: How to know if a text is AI-generated?

    As a user asked many times confused into pissed once into funnily ignored every time if mine were AI-generated or if I were a bot:

    1.) How will ever I know if a post or a comment I read is not made by a human user?

    2.) What will I do as a response to the text if found AI-generated?

    3.) And then how will I be supposed to write a comment like what a human user does and when will it look like sus(picious) as AI-generated text? thanks for comments, from a bot—just kidding.

    Aside from having ridiculing my post, for a wanted seriousness, is it really possible to successfully identify that a user I will ever interact with is an AI bot? (Honestly that's scary as it's already.)


    Admin/Editor's Choice Feed

    Instead of categorized instances (where communities are related to each other's interests) (but I have seen people who don't like the idea stil it's ok), I have another idea of an "Admin's Choice/regional/neighborhood" feed aside from my "subscribed", "local" and "all".

    An "admin's choice" feed is where admins of an instance can promote approved posts/communities outside their governing instance upon their interests/preference, as an addition to the local feed, but it does not include all other posts/communities not in theirs. For better clarification:

    "Subscribed": Communities/Posts (whether within or outside home instance) that I subscribe.

    "Local": Communities/Posts that the home instance has.

    "Admin's Choice": Communities/Posts that the home instance has + the outside communities/posts that the admins want to include.

    "All": All Communities/Posts (whatever federated instances have, whether within or beyond the homes's preference) as long as the home instance connects to.

    I realize when I browse other instance through their URL literally, every instance has own somewhat taste/personality of communities and posts done by the users joined in the instance. That's why I pop another idea.


    Q1: "Why not subscribe to the community?"

    A1: If I subscribed a very specific community just for a single and immediate post or event, my "subscribed" feed will provide also other unnecessary and complicated (somewhat critical analysis) posts from that community, which I will never look up to. I just want posts of my particular interest in case of somewhat significance.

    a1: For an example: I'm a (assuming) music lover, I just want to hear about a music artist concerts but I don't want to hear moreover about other analysis/extra gossips about the music artist as I just wondering going his concert just to listen and jam.

    Q2:... My brain's timed up. I can't think anymore contras further, so anyways. My bad if many.

    Very sorry for not enough understood (and may never mind this idea of mine) as I hardly describe what I really mean from my mind to suggest.

    May the odd votes be in your favor.

    I wonder what is causing this, major depression
  • I hate to hear again saying "rich/famous/successful/powerful (in financial alleviation or in job positions or achievements) people aren't still happy too." as if being rich or those such else won't still make happiness despite they can have already an easy access and freedom to do anything they want and will ever enjoy, unlike those people who keep working hoping for blessing or get through hardships, irrational maltreats, injustice, sacrifices and degradation just to reach that world.

    So this gives me a different insight that:

    Whether a man does or will ever reach wealth, everything or achievements (such as job, reputation, awards, credentials, "friends or company", admiration etc...), he might not yet consider those the happiness he always dream and aspire. Then what would he (human) be supposed to do to become happy if those weren't.

    1) Does he like every decision he made? 2) Is he grieving/regretting? 3) Is he lonely all by himself? 4) Does he ever admire himself or his personality? 5) Does he ever like his story overall? 6) Does he ever enjoy this world he's currently living, 7) and so on I'm thinking reasons of his scenario.

    So this is no longer about money/achievement, something beyond that I can't well describe.

  • Dystopian Reddit runs on fake content (must read)
  • It becomes an already apparent reminder: Beware of what you see on the Internet (as if beware of who you meet and what you hear from them)—Never just trust ahead (but don't be afraid already to ever encounter because there are efficient and convenient ways to outwit and bust those malbots as I believe we humans can think, debunk and dissect info to truth.)

    But sadly to some degree, real online people have scarily begun intentionally/mischievously asking other real online people whether if the others' texts are AI-generated or not, without even comprehending first what every of those texts is aiming (maybe, they are not actually well edified to media literacy or reading contexts deeply.)

    I've experienced that someone rushed questioned my comment if it were AI-generated or not (instead of why I said or even what was my straight-out point) that made me confused into pissed to badly confront once (and never again) as I have no idea how I could better respond and then prove (Even I told the truth that I made my comment all myself straight from my core & concern despite my vibrant embarrassing writing, I bet nothing would ever change as people would always still doubt upon the permanent question, and I should better end up in silence next time ever if no better options yet.)

  • Reddit user alleges California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) non-compliance/violation; and finds it difficult to delete posts and content on Reddit
  • This is for the first time in my real Internet life that someone interrogates my comment (maybe also my real existence) whether if it's written by AI or not. 🤣😂🤯😭

    Lololol but so sad and eerie that netizens have begun to fear of contexts and contents they see on Internet and offline+tangible media probably maliciously generated by AI I hope not (I understand and also experience).

    I should embrace and be cleverly prepared to this hardly grasped phenomenon that I've been worrying of and never been liking, to my perspective, the coming of real cultural information age.

  • Reddit user alleges California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) non-compliance/violation; and finds it difficult to delete posts and content on Reddit
  • Keep upvoting for algorithm. Keep updating to never die. Keep disseminating to those unheard. Keep EDUCATING. So people on Internet will eventually get ourselves the insight to ponder and make (mass and individual) actions on ourselves (cause only us the mass will steer a happening and slap his stubborness).

    Should never let this go down and covered.

    I bet that this video/problem will never solve/succeed if people do not become considerate and woke but just read and passby from this. Protests seem not working to my perspectives. But, mass (compliant and infallible) actions ensures changes.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I encountered a quiz (I forgot what's called) on a website (I forgot also its name) to determine which of following audios does change a speaker's voice in the middle of his narration/speech. So it requires keen hearing and delicate recognition of voice/speech characteristics (timbre, texture, intonation, accent, articulation, pacing, mood etc...). I'm have no idea if malbots could determine whosever voices will be.

  • Promote these such widget-like FEATURES on Lemmy

    I didn't know there such have features separated and distinct on different subs at the OLD version of the website old.******.com.

    They're conveniently informative, easy to see on a separated column rather than on a main feedbox (causing unnoticeable by floods of posts), and more engaging especially to first time visitors, feeling comfy in these communities.

    I don't know where I can see those in the site's MAIN version if they're still there, my bad.

    I urgently and passionately (I'm no IT, sorry) promote having SEPARATED & DISTINCT FEATURES (seems like widgets) here on every communities in Lemmy (apparently could be done by techy/programmer mods). I'm not sure if it's convenient when displaying on mobile devices.

    Hopefully, this will be especially consider to discuss at least (one of red marks to do hopefully).

    I'll post on the comment sections my other screenshots of features I saw. __________________________

    story time: Why I was at the OLD site old.******.com?

    Once upon an afternoon, I was browsing the MAIN website on mobile web browser for popheads feeds. I cannot visit the popheads community on the MAIN website cause I have to log-in an account (I've already deleted) or download the app (I've also deleted), all just for popheads feed. I wondered the OLD website to visit, and voila, I finally went to the community on my mobile web browser—Yet surprising, I saw a somewhat a song release date feature (I thought of a Billboard weekly song chart anyways) on top-right of the popheads community's page on the OLD website, and I REALLY LIKE THAT . That's how I met your mother jk these features. Thanks for wasting your time jk your reading this further story time!


    Media/Just mass storage (dilemma???, need an owned storage???) for Fediverse

    Is OK to store millions??? of images/media from Fediverse? I have now seen images especially from !aww, !memes and more. They(images) are coming exponentially, as more users are coming. Maybe, Fediverse (or users are just laying stuff like pics—without consideration to storage capacity(I'm just concerning).

    Look: >Lemmy’s total users exceeds 740k today, up from 540k yesterday

    Don't botch up for space (it's already been sanctioned twice), I use to borrow+read free books there huhuhu


    Conspiracy Theory: What if a malbot mAI made itself an instance (coz open source), allowed other malbots registering on bot-administered instance & then join Fediverse? Or just I'm stupid.

    Related news: >Lemmy's total users exceeds 740k today, up from 540k yesterday >Amazing growing on Lemmy!!


    Different UI Appearance in Every Instance(Server)

    Every Instances(Servers) should have distinct UI appearances not only logos but also background, colors, typefaces, layouts and so much more, so that they'll remind me easily that I'll be at a different instance. It might rouse me more to lurk like travelling to any other dimensions. Js

    6 should be renamed better cause it's forgettable

    I found amusing in this instance( by looking at its local feed from a perspective of an outsider, seeing generally all about pop culture. It would be great that there should be a categorized instance of everything about pop (and that would be highly valuable I guess especially for media).

    Btw, (URL) is too long, not catchy to my memory and maybe not easy to be searched. URL should be renamed to shorter and easily recallable URL.

    Why not (my suggestions) be like these: scrub.bles or scrubb.les or scru.bbles or or scrubble.s (not good cause two consecutive B's might omit) pop.scrub

    And also redesign UI appearance (I know it's tasky and strenuous to revise a website for very long months/years in its beginning)

    Just suggesting.


    Advent of AI is the Start of "Real and Cultural" Information/Digital Age

    I know the Internet, apps (softwares), smartphones (computers) and even CDs+HDDs+SSDs+any other mass storage devices has profoundly impacted human lifestyle, economics, culture and mindset(mostly by the social media/Internet as the current media of knowledge).

    But AI only and first has now finally pushed a fact that information (data, databases & knowledge & even education & learning where human being can obtain and derive info through) is indispensable in an apparent economic, especially for opportunities and profitability, just like how internal combustion (IC) engines in cars, ships, trains, airplanes and any other transports (eased traveling, promoted suburbanization, boomed real estates, flourished cargo shipping, trended engineering degrees/programs and so much more) have made gas (& fuels/hydrocarbons) matter (as profit).

    This AI coming will affect what we value, what humans are supposed to do (cause probably AI will just suddenly enter into every industry even creativity), what humans view (both macroscopically and existentially cause humans/we will live and deal with AI, our communities/systems will economically rely on AI, we or especially misfortunate people will alleviate, especially victims will survive, especially innocent people will protect, typically everyone will interact/become under AI dominance/governance or powerful ones governing AI).

    Maybe that is why big tech companies on news are focusing on data computing and marketing strategies for audience/user engagement, while databases has already had a value(future money).

    I have a daunting blurry conspiracy that something will happen to education (not only about schools but also teaching & contents) where humans learn to become whom they'll be, who will do what they've known, who will make happenings/changes.


    Securities Against Malbots

    Are there any guaranteed securities and tools against malbots (probably now equipping with AI) registering at every Fediverse (or at least to prevent bot accounts influencing communities' nature to contents?


    My (Stupid) Ideas (cause I have no idea)

    Disclaimer: I'm no IT expert/man. I'm just wondering what structure these instances should be.

    Because as a new user:

    1. Communites catalog is messy: Redundant communities, Difficult to search for communities and tags and posts, No verifying way if a community does exist or not.
    2. I have still no idea to the idea (just one account could travel in any instances/servers). But I have a Mastodon, Lemmy and Kbin account [EDIT] and now Squabbles account [/EDIT].
    3. What if all other creators/mods establish communities/instances/forums in a same majority website (so might become Reddit Copycat eventually funnily, the essence of "Fediverse" left the chat---seems doesn't work at all).

    So I ended up wondering ideas, just sharing, might help. May call me stupid of these already in advance, of course I have 0 IT knowledge.

    BTW, why is the image of my post "stored" in anyway? Could I see the image in (cause I know where I borrow tons of books.)
