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xoggy xoggy
Posts 6
Comments 104
Use volcanic ash to reverse global warming
  • If you want to make a shade without choking life to death how about a big parasol in space?

  • If we took material like rock from space and got it back to Earth enough times, would Earth grow as a planet?
  • One of the proposed methods for terraforming Mars is to lob a bunch of icy rocks at it. That would increase its mass but more significantly also the energy of the falling rocks would convert to heat and melt the ice into water. So enough energy to increase Earth's size would also heat the surface and kill life.

  • Back to Basics in Web Apps
  • 1996 was the beginning of the chaos. We went from a document that the user's browser parsed and styled to a free-for-all of website designs glued together on construction paper. Accessibility took a step back. You now needed a graphical desktop to view the web. Page content was no longer machine readable and became less portable. Now in a world of dynamic page content generated by javascript you need a v8 browser in crawlers just to index page content.

  • A Quick Command To See the Available Scripts
  • Just type npm run and that lists out the script commands available.

  •     .......
  • OP never mentioned commuting to work you're just on an unrelated tangent. And yes, believe it or not a lot of people have jobs that require making service calls or being on location.

  • As someone not in tech, I have no idea how to refer to my tech friends' jobs
  • And Computer Engineering is none of these.

  • It's kahoot time
  • klass act, OP

  • Turns out, Java and JavaScript are not 'car' and 'carpet' --- ECMA-262 2025: 'ECMAScript syntax INTENTIONALLY resembles that of Java'
  • Java and JavaScript are like car and carpet because despite the beginning of the names matching they serve different purposes. In the early web days Java applets were a thing and it failed which is why a new language was needed. It's not a secret that there was pressure to make Javascript look like Java, that's just not the point of the figure of speech.

  • I like seeing the numbers go up
  • It's about the journey not the destination.

  • Brown pelicans (Pelecanus occidentalis) and a ring-billed gull (Larus delawarensis)
  • Didn't see the gull at first and thought you meant to type pully instead of gull!

  • Do any of you program on non-US keyboard layouts?
  • I popped the keys off my Topre with a keycap puller and rearranged them. Both the Backspace and Caps Lock function as a backspace, but I couldn't find a keycap labeled "Backspace" that physically fit in the Caps Lock key's place so that particular label is deceiving.

  • I abandoned OpenLiteSpeed and went back to good ol’ Nginx
  • Upvoted for the concise summary.

  • A 3d printer is basically just a really fancy hot glue gun
  • Calculators calculate while computers can be programmed with new instructions. Fancy calculators that can be programmed though, as you say, are basic computers. Meanwhile calculators that run BASIC are BASIC computers.

  • PSD is not my favourite file format.
  • When they say writing code comments is important this is what they mean. This is how we programmers pass on important life lessons that save the next dev weeks of heart pain and hair loss.

  • Alternate Helix Editor community Helix Editor -

    # Helix, a post-modern text editor. Ask all your questions related to Helix, or post relevant content for Helix users. This is a non-official Helix community (tho we’d love to be official!). # Useful links []

    Helix Editor -

    Consider posting to the existing one?


    Configuring Xfce4 keybindings

    I found no documentation on how to do this but found this option in the home-manager source code that I might not be using correctly:

    nix home-manager.users.my_username.xfconf = { enable = true; settings."xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts" = { "&lt;Super&gt;space" = "rofi -show drun"; "<Super>space" = "rofi -show drun"; }; };

    Any ideas?

    Here is my full configuration.nix file for full context if that helps. I just started with Nix and NixOS this week so I the config is a bit haphazard at the moment.

    Kombucha xoggy

    Kombucha from English Breakfast blend with sugar only
