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WritingPrompts writerman

The main character wakes up one day to discover that everyone in the world has vanished, leaving only empty cities and clues hinting at a malevolent force behind the disappearance. As they uncover the

The main character wakes up one day to discover that everyone in the world has vanished, leaving only empty cities and clues hinting at a malevolent force behind the disappearance. As they uncover the truth, they realize they may not be alone after all.

WritingPrompts writerman

In hell souls are trapped in a perpetual state of freefall. Write about one soul's realization that they can manipulate the laws of physics in this realm and their attempts to find a way to control th

In hell souls are trapped in a perpetual state of freefall. Write about one soul's realization that they can manipulate the laws of physics in this realm and their attempts to find a way to control their descent or ascend to a different plane.

WritingPrompts writerman

A character wakes up every day with a different personality and set of memories, constantly questioning their own identity and struggling to maintain stable relationships.

A character wakes up every day with a different personality and set of memories, constantly questioning their own identity and struggling to maintain stable relationships.

In a world where emotions can be physically transferred from one person to another, a black-market dealer discovers a secret emotion that has the power to change the course of humanity.
  • Man. This is really good. Definitely reads like a first draft, but I'm not gonna critique you for that. The concept is great and the execution is almost there. This was a good read and a good idea. Thanks.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • 35 almost feels like a nice fall breeze compared to 45-50. It was insane.

  • WritingPrompts writerman

    An office building has a secret elevator that leads to an alternate dimensions.

    An ordinary office building houses a secret elevator that leads to an alternate dimension. Each floor of the building corresponds to a different universe, and the inhabitants of each floor are versions of the same people with increasingly strange and distorted personalities.

    WritingPrompts writerman

    In a world where emotions can be physically transferred from one person to another, a black-market dealer discovers a secret emotion that has the power to change the course of humanity.

    In a world where emotions can be physically transferred from one person to another, a black-market dealer discovers a secret emotion that has the power to change the course of humanity.

    6 Drug-resistant fungi are thriving in even the most remote regions on Earth, finds new study

    New research has found that a disease-causing fungus—collected from one of the most remote regions in the world—is resistant to a common antifungal medicine used to treat infections.

    Anime artists are panicking over Netflix’s AI experiment
  • It's the beginning of the end, I tell ya. The end of the world as we know it is coming!