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woteorin woteorin

Just a bard with a thousand faces.

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Comments 42
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  • Because if you let women have authority, people might start believing things like "men are not automatically good without needing to actually do good things" and "authority isn't instantly derived from the circumstances of your birth but instead based on your merits as a leader".

  • what was the last game you beat?
  • Oh, same. I did a no-kill Neutral run, went back and got my True Pacifist ending and I'm satisfied.

    Gonna finally play Deltarune Ch. 2 soon because I've also been putting that off for way too long.

  • what was the last game you beat?
  • I mean, I know why I haven't yet in spite of also having played the game since beta.

    ... It's because I'm lazy and hate grinding for materials.

  • what was the last game you beat?
  • True Pacifist Undertale just the other day. Which, to be fair, took me something like two years to get around to doing because I was way too lazy to deal with some of the ending fights of Neutral route.

    Now I have the itch to go back and play EarthBound again... Which may be related to the lo-fi Mother 2 mix that got posted earlier today over in the Music community.

  • How do you Haiku?
  • Two trips to the store—
    Because I forgot TP—
    Under a warm sun.

  • I'm really enjoying no down votes on Beehaw
  • I'm still tickled hours later at how eager folks were to figure that out. :D

  • SCOTUS's surprise decision in Allen v. Milligan could force states to redraw voting maps throughout the Deep South ahead of 2024, potentially flipping as many as five House seats.
  • Oh, yeah. I realize that there's a lot of nuance at play. It's just that I'm a historian who grew up in the Deep South, so I'm well aware that whatever other excuses and loopholes are used, it's ultimately all about trying to reinstate segregation by another name. Because it always is.

  • SCOTUS's surprise decision in Allen v. Milligan could force states to redraw voting maps throughout the Deep South ahead of 2024, potentially flipping as many as five House seats.
  • Roberts’ opinion brought a strongly worded dissent from conservative Justice Clarence Thomas, who accused the majority — including his colleague Brett M. Kavanaugh — of creating a “consciously segregated districting system” in the name of the Voting Rights Act.

    I really want to know what he thinks the current system is if it's not that.

  • [LIVE THREAD] Donald Trump's arraignment in Miami; his supporters expected to protest outside of courthouse
  • Exactly. Or even just a "They didn't nab me, so I must be important enough to protect" for the ones who are deep in the paint.

  • On Politics and Forking
  • Unfortunately, they’re capable and willing to make their own safe spaces for themselves

    I mean, the lovely thing about them doing that is that it then becomes increasingly easy to identify and communicate which places are cesspools to be avoided and also to mitigate access when possible. Quarantining isn't really an option when everyone's on one big website, but it's a lot easier when folks are running their own boards and building their own communities.

  • [LIVE THREAD] Donald Trump's arraignment in Miami; his supporters expected to protest outside of courthouse
  • I'm sure there's at least gonna be a couple of eyes looking out for that because they are exactly the kind of people who'd show up to this expecting no one'll arrest them.

  • I'm really enjoying no down votes on Beehaw
  • I am pleased for my role in performing science today. :D

  • Megathread for Reddit Blackouts and News - Day 2
  • You mean the same Luke Skywalker who threw his lightsaber away while confronting the most powerful men in the galaxy on board their planet-killing superweapon? And also tried to talk down the ruthless crime lord who had both his sister and her boyfriend as hostages? :P

  • I'm really enjoying no down votes on Beehaw
  • All the satisfaction of downvoting someone for being wrong, but none of the knock-on social effects, eh?

  • I'm really enjoying no down votes on Beehaw
  • That's what seems to be the case. So, it's looking like it's basically a placebo button for y'all. :P

  • I'm really enjoying no down votes on Beehaw
  • I'm seeing a 1 on my end, so either things are lagging out for different users and I'm about to see a massive chunk hit...

    Or it's all localized. :P

  • I'm really enjoying no down votes on Beehaw
  • I'm still seeing a 1 here. So, I think the downvote is literally just a placebo for you. :P

  • I'm really enjoying no down votes on Beehaw
  • I mean, does it seem to change the vote numbers when you do it? Like, try downvoting my reply and we'll see if it results in us both seeing a 0. :P

  • Megathread for Reddit Blackouts and News - Day 2
  • I think you're underestimating Picard. Like, not only was the man a wild punk in his youth before Starfleet straightened him out, but it's shown throughout the series that he's more than capable of bluffing opponents with access to things like literal time travel.

    If nothing else, if he fights Luke, he's not going to fight on Luke's terms if he can help it.

  • Megathread for Reddit Blackouts and News - Week 1
  • I wouldn't necessarily call it "security through obscurity" so much as just the nature of a web that isn't all in a few big baskets.

    Besides, it's a knife that cuts both ways: the barriers to fluid movement means the worst people are kinda just stuck festering in a handful of places and everyone eventually learns where they are. Like, the big basket-style web has been a boon for fascists and their ilk in large part because there's lower barriers to entry and its possible to build a funnel from normal/mainstream boards to the more radicalized ones through intermediary communities.

    But, when everyone knows, for instance, that something like Voat or Stormfront is where all the vitriolic racists are, there's kinda an upper limit to how easily they can lure people in since eventually they've gotta drag you there or else you'll probably slip away from the indoctrination, and that often means tipping their hands just a bit too soon to get past the "wait a moment, these guys are terrible people" filters.