There's a difference between support and pointing out blatant US propaganda. Like I said above, many people across the fediverse don't get the nuance of being critical of US narratives does not equal supporting the regimes that are on the recieving end of that propaganda. If you really spent any amount of time on .ml you'd see there is plenty of criticism of Russia/China, just not to the extent where everyone unquestioningly takes any criticism by US sources at face value.
Wherever it stems from it's getting annoying to deal with the influx of "enlightened centrists" that have the idea that anyone left of Biden/Harris is a secret Russian/Chinese disinfo agent :/
Give yourself all the time you need. Grief needs room to be able to manage. It took me a looong time to deal with the world again when my fiance passed, and I'm still figuring it out.
As hard as it is try and do little things to keep yourself sane, even things like cooking, cleaning and going for a walk get very hard to do, but if you don't make time your emotions will get even harder to manage. I neglected a lot of things and it really brought me to a bad place.
My heart goes out to you, take care of yourself. Sending love your way <3
Ah, I see. Good to know.
Hmm, that make sense. I suppose due to the quality of the tv you'd get dimishing returns the higher the fidelity of the set. I honestly have only been slightly curious about RGB, but never enough to go for it. Somehow I always suspected that it wasn't quite worth the effort.
On the Android app?
For sure! Such a trip it made it on the DS, with a level editor even.
Don't worry about the other posters trying to dissuade you from It's a very chill instance. It gets flack because it is run by and has a majority leftist base, but that shouldn't be an issue if you consider yourself a progressive. The "tankie" slurs are frankly b.s. and disingenuous. I wouldn't call the sub "pro-Russia/China" by any means, the users are anti-imperialist and realistic in the nature of US propaganda depicting other states as bogeymen. Just because you question the mainstream US-centric narrative doesn't mean you're shilling for China/Russia etc. There's a lot of liberals and centrists, that despite their progressive sentiments they may hold, are still very beholden to the narrative of American exceptionalism in a lot of ways.
It's seriously getting old at this point. I've noticed there's been an uptick in hostility towards over the past year. I can only assume it's related to the reddit migration. Unfortunately I only forsee it getting worse as more people migrate over.
That's awesome! I'm all about upcycling. It's amazing what people will toss without thinking about repair. Although sometimes it's not worth the headache. I remember flipping my shit when I couldn't figure out how to repair the read error on a PS2 I picked up. Ended up just giving up in the end. Also spent hours through the middle of the night jacked up on energy drinks pulling a laptop apart to fix an issue with the processor running too hot, only to put it back together and still have the same issue.
Ah, what's the issue with the Game Genie? I'm buying an Everdrive, I think I heard that it had built in cheat support.
Yeah, nowadays I shy away from hardmods because of the experiences I listed above. I'd rather buy from someone with the time and experience if I need to go that route. Otherwise I'm completely fine with softmodding or flashcarts for my needs which tend more towards software. I wouldn't mind seeing a RGB mod in person running on something cool like one of those "HD" Trinitrons that were used a video editing monitors back in the day. I hear they look fantastic, the highest fidelity picture you can get for CRT based systems.
Perfect. I use VLC installed via Fdroid as my primary Android music player. The only thing I could never get to work was displaying Album art, but I stopped caring enough to fiddle with it for such a trivial thing long ago.
Haha, close! According to Google Translate: "Blue in Daylight". I used my French dictionary and was thinking "Blue in the Day".
I was looking specifically for BD with minimal text as well. That, and comics written for children. Oh man, A Gift for a Ghost looks amazing. I have to say I really am loving Gonzalez' style. I'll have to check out his other stuff soon.
If you are wanting the physical copy of Bleu, Stuart NG has it for $30 I believe.
For sure! I used to lurk over a /r/bandedessinee. It's nice that this community is here, since I try to avoid Reddit at all costs these days. I'll definitely be around :D
I would always be jealous of my friends who would talk about playing a Link to the Past and Chrono Trigger. Here I was sitting in my room playing Pitfall and Enduro on my 2600, while they were jamming on their SNES systems. I had one friend who was lucky enough to have a PS1 when it first came out, seeing FFVII on the PS1 blew my mind at 12 years old. Eventually my parents did get me a other systems, first the SNES than the Genesis and later a PS1. My dad got in on the PS1 pretty hardcore (he was a big car fanatic and thought Gran Turismo was amazing). The funniest time as a kid was when my parents got us a Genesis, and we got the Sega Channel through the local cable company. My parents got so hooked on Shining Force that they'd play for hours and hours, a lot of times they'd hog the Genesis to where we kids barely got to play lol
Sweet! Thank you, happy B-day (or soon to be) to you too! The CRT is the icing on the cake, I love real scanlines in action. Sadly I didn't pay attention to the listing close enough and purchased the console only so I don't have the dogbone controller (was really looking forward to it too). I had to grab a generic NES one for now. Eventually I'll be grabbing the dogbone when I can though.
Makes sense. The Famicom AVs on Ebay were anywhere from $95-$125, while the NES toploader was at least $140-160. That's why I opted to get the Famicom AV instead.
It's baffling to me why the toploader didn't have AV ports in the first place. Hell, the US NES had them, I don't see why they went with RF only on the first release. I wasn't even aware of that fact until I looked into getting one, I always assumed the NES Control Deck had them.
I've read that it's fairly easy to AV mod those US toploaders. I've seen people mention it online. Although, I know it requires some simple sodering to do. There are also RGB mods out there for it as well.
No, I never have. I've heard about it vaguely, but that's it. I'll have to check it out sometime.
Essential! I bought it from an older lady down the road months ago in anticipation of buying some retro consoles. I also have a PS2 phat on layaway at the pawnshop that I'll be grabbing in the next month. It was suprisingly only $60. The cool thing too is there is a gaming shop downtown that sells retro games for pretty cheap. I spied Gran Turismo 4 down there for $8 (the only GT on PS1/2 that I never really got to play). Funny thing is, I've actually taken to preferring to watch stuff on the CRT with a DVD player versus using my laptop. I get DVDs from the library and with where the TV is positioned it's more comfortable to watch from my bed. I don't get great internet where I am too, so it's often the only way to watch something. Definitely worth the $7 I payed for it :D
Haha, yeah. I even used to have a Mario shirt I loved that said "Down Since '85". I completely spaced the connection until I bought the cart. Honestly, the earliest memories I have of gaming are of playing Super Mario Bros. over at the neighbors. My parents couldn't afford to get me a console until I was 6, and the one they could afford was an Atari 2600 from the thrift store. The carts were something like 25 cents a piece though, so my mom got a crapload of them, I loved it, but was definitely jealous of my other friends who had Nintendos. On my seventh birthday though, they bought me a new SNES that came with Super Mario World, and to this day is the game I've beat the most times (I never did get any other games for that SNES since my parents couldn't afford them).
The game you're thinking of is Bangai-O Spirits: It was a DS sequel to Bangai-O on the Sega Dreamcast (another excellent, and imho the superior version). I had the DS version as well and it was a great game. If you ever get the chance (emu or native) I'd highly recommend playing the original on Dreamcast. Pure Arcade shmup goodness.
Mario Bros and I Were Born in '85, This is What I Bought For Our 40th B-Day This Year

Been wanting a NES for a minute. Decided on buying myself a toploading unit for my 40th birthday this year. The American NES toploaders were too pricey, but the Famicom AV was much more affordable and with the bonus of AV instead of RF only like the US model. Just by coincidence I bought Mario Bros as my first Famicom game since that was the cheapest, best quality game I could afford and it just seemed right to make it the first Famicom game I owned. But after I purchased it it dawned on me that it was delightfully appropriate to buy Mario Bros on it's 40th anniversary as my 40th birthday present this year :D
Looking forward to grabbing an Everdrive when I have the cash and really getting down and dirty with it. I have a whole bunch of homebrew and hacks I'm itching to play.
Bleu à la lumière du jour by Borja Gonzalez Art is Utterly Breathtaking

Bleu à la lumière du jour has a very haunting, noir-ish feel to the art. The dialogue is sparse, making the big, silent panels even more exaggerated in their quietude. I am still learning French, so I am slowly reading/translating it piece by piece, as sparse as the dialogue is, but am relishing soaking in the sumptuous atmosphere that Gonzalez has sculpted in these panels. Definitely highly recommended.
Recommendations for VoIP Provider?
I decided I want to ditch my cell plan and rely primarily on a VoIP service for calling. To anybody here have any experience with VoIP: what providers would you recommend?
So far the two that I see recommended the most online are JMP and I setup an account with, but am hesitant to pull the trigger until I have done a little more research. Any insight and info would be most welcome.