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wicked82 wicked82

Totally not sus, just over here on a giant rock floating in space. ๐ŸŒŽ

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Nuking my alien site accounts like
  • Same. I check it every so often just so I can re-edit and then re-delete out of spite. That is the only time Iโ€™ve visited โ€œthe site that shall not be namedโ€ since all this drama started. That site is now officially dead to me. Even if they miraculously reverse course and spez yeets himself off our planet I will never actively use that site again.

  • Reddit Threatens to Remove Moderators From Subreddits Continuing Apollo-Related Blackouts - MacRumors
  • This makes me think the protests are having more of an impact than they are admitting. Gotta be feeling a hit financially withs ads to make this sort of move this early. Oh well fuck em. Only reason I've visited in the past week was to nuke my 16 year old account.

  • Man gets 18 years in federal prison for shooting, plan to rid Montana town of LGBTQ residents
  • Absolutely, if you can do that to an innocent animal you are a fucking monster with no redeemable qualities. They deserve to rot.