. . . Don't message me here : . Account MOVED to Beehaw ! https://beehaw.org/u/w_ortiz . .
This sub is one of the only few anar subs, and it's surrounded by hostile people who hate us. that's not a nice feeling to have on a leftist instance.
And there is a lot of room in rule n°4 to still disagree and have discussions, no straight banning if you don't just wanna start a fight.
Shamate: Exploitation and Self-Expression of China's Young Factory workers. (Telling the Story of China’s Most Hated Subculture)
Documentary “We Were Smart” sheds light on the shunned subculture shamate and China’s urban-rural gulf
Documentary “We Were Smart” sheds light on the shunned subculture shamate and China’s urban-rural gulf
“Shamate don’t understand the world, nor does the outside world understand shamate,” says director Li Yifan of the subject of his new documentary, a wildly controversial subculture that emerged in China in the late ’00s. His film, We Were Smart (杀马特, 我爱你), gives a rare look into the life and struggles of this group of marginalized, often poor rural youths through their own accounts. It has helped reopen old wounds and spark conversations around class and conformity, over a decade on from the vicious takedown that marked the end of the shamate movement.
Focused largely around rural migrant workers who’d travelled to China’s cities to get in on, and help power, the country’s economic boom, shamate was largely identified by its outlandish fashion sense, makeup and hairstyles. Spreading through dedicated online forums, the subculture’s name came from the Chinese transliteration for the word “smart” — “sha-ma-te.”
Li spent two years collecting 915 first-hand video recordings from former shamate members, as well as conducting full-length interviews with 78 of them. According to the director, almost all shamate participants were second-generation migrant kids who were born in the ’90s and hailed from underserved villages and towns.
In the documentary, one trend that emerges is that many of these young people were “left-behind children,” kids whose parents had taken jobs in major urban areas, leaving their offspring with grandparents at home in the village. Many talk of only seeing their parents on occasion, such as during the national Spring Festival holiday. Many of the interviewees also relay how they dropped out of school at a very early age and went to look for work themselves, often heading to manufacturing hubs on the basis of a vague lead or tip from a fellow villager.
Once there, the young migrant workers found themselves in unfamiliar surroundings and often in intense, exploitative working arrangements. In search of an outlet for pent-up tensions and a sense of belonging, they formed their own identity: shamate.
Public parks and roller rinks near these manufacturing hubs quickly became shamate strongholds. Groups of young people would gather in tight T-shirts and low-waist jeans, sporting hairstyles with varying levels of flamboyant colors and electric curls sticking out at different angles.
Looking like a mix of elements from US or European glam rock and visual kei from Japan, shamate style was intended to stand out — and it certainly did that. But this also made them a target for the mainstream.
Consensus and group facilitation
Consensus is a decision-making process that removes hierarchy and ensures that no minority is dismissed or not heard in the final decision. Everyone must hear what others have to say. In this process, you not only make a decision, you also learn about the ideas, concerns and reservations of everyone involved.
However, this is a longer process than just voting, and it can really slow down or stop the decision making. It works best in small gatherings and with people who know each other. For larger gatherings, other forms of group facilitation can be implemented before trying to reach consensus.
This page seems to summarize a lot of things about it : https://neighborhoodanarchists.org/facilitation
Here's a bunch of questions for you :
- In which situations do you find consensus least suitable ?
- What are your tips, and best/worst experiences ?
- How often do you use hand signals in assemblies ? Are there new signs replacing older ones ?
- Good documentation anyone should read ?
People who visited different countries, what good organizational practices have you found in anarchists collectives that you lack ?
I'll start : some years ago I visited a city where anarchists were trying to solve conflicts between residents (squat building) by calling on outside people. These people were political allies, but they were not friends with the social circle involved in arguments, they were from another city, and they had trained themselves to psychology and this kind of situations.
This was really impressive to me, that people were actually smart enough to try to solve their inner problems by calling on people who are not involved emotionaly and are competent in their field/skills.
Caisson de sommeil à amplification des souvenirs : : : : : Memory enhancement sleep chamber
Caisson de sommeil à amplification des souvenirs.
[EN] Memory enhancement sleep chamber.
[FRANÇAIS] (english below)
Auteur :
Wilem Ortiz
Description :
Un caisson de sommeil à amplification des souvenirs est un coffre matelassé dans lequel une personne peut s'allonger pour dormir. Équipé de capteurs physiologiques, et d'un dispositif neural externe (ne nécessitant pas d'implant dans le cerveau), le caisson est capable de réguler et d'agir sur le sommeil, ainsi que d'amplifier les souvenirs, permettant de les revivre plus intensément.
Licence :
Extrait de l’œuvre [FR]
- Auteur : Wilem Ortiz
- Titre : Trois écoles (chapitre 1)
- Licence : CC BY-SA
- Sources : Internet Archive - site web de l'auteur
« Le caisson s'ouvre. Lentement il avale son propriétaire dans une douce lueur de lin familière qui peut effacer les regrets. O.G. s'équipe des capteurs cousus dans des manches en tissu léger comme la plume. Il s'allonge sur le dos, les bras le long du ventre, dans cette position optimale où les organes ne sont pas compressés par le poids du corps. Avant de se laisser aller aux artifices programmables il se force à réguler sa respiration, les yeux fermés, inspirant et expirant calmement à intervalles de cinq secondes, qu’il compte dans sa tête, plusieurs fois de suite. Quand ses pensées se sont un peu détachées, il hésite d’abord à enclencher le dispositif d’amplification des souvenirs, mais cède finalement et se retrouve bientôt en plein jour au bout d'un chemin de terre qui s'arrête à la lisière du champ auquel il tourne le dos. »
Archive :
Author :
Wilem Ortiz
Description :
A memory enhancement sleep chamber is a padded box in which a person can lie down and sleep. Equipped with physiological sensors, and an external neural device (not requiring an implant in the brain), the chamber is able to regulate and act on sleep, as well as amplify memories, allowing them to be relived more intensely.
Sources [FR] :
- Author : Wilem Ortiz
- Title : Trois écoles (chapter 1)
- Licence libre : CC BY-SA
- Sources : Internet Archive - Author's website
License :
Archive :
Orbe symbiotique : : : : : Symbiotic Orb
Orbe symbiotique
[EN] Symbiotic Orb
[FRANÇAIS] (english below)
Auteur :
Wilem Ortiz
Description :
L'orbe symbiotique est une sorte d'œuf tombé de l'espace qui contient une unique créature extraterrestre. La composition organique inconnue de l'orbe lui permet de résister à des conditions extrêmes dans l'espace ou l'atmosphère, mais le corps qu'elle contient n'est d'abord qu'une structure décharnée. Lorsque l'enveloppe de l'orbe entre en contact avec notre atmosphère, une chaîne de réactions chimiques provoque l'agglomération de matière sur la structure humanoïde, pendant plusieurs jours. À la fin du processus, dans l'œuf qui a comme fondu, le corps humanoïde doit percer ce qui reste de la membrane de l'orbe, et se lever pour apprendre à marcher.
Les créatures humanoïdes sorties des premières orbes symbiotiques sont très grossièrement constituée à notre image, et leurs visages pourvus de deux yeux et d'une bouche n'a pas de particularités qui permettent de les différencier. Ces créatures auraient été conçues pour tenter de nous approcher et nous observer.
Licence :
Extrait [FR]
- Auteur : Wilem Ortiz
- Licence : CC0 - Domaine public
« Lorsque la première orbe symbiotique se posa sur notre sol, le ciel de demi-lune était déjà obscur au-dessus des mélèzes. C’est une chouette dans son houppier qui vit lentement "couler" le premier œuf. Depuis les hauteurs du ciel l'orbe ne tombait pas, elle sombrait, doucement, comme lâchée dans un océan. La partie supérieure du corps en chute molle s'était gonflée, ballonnée au contact de notre atmosphère. Ni la clarté lunaire ni les rétines animales ne permettaient d'apprécier les reflets rosés de cette méduse à parachute, qui descendait en suivant une ligne verticale invisible.
Au surplomb rocheux tapissé de mousses, petite aire bordée de forêt épaisse que la chouette surveille toutes les nuits, il est dangereux de s'approcher trop près du vide. C'est sur cet emplacement étroit que la toute première orbe s’écrasa. Il y eut un bruit de membrane qui se détend. Le premier œuf placé par le hasard, resta ensuite de longues heures, immobile, au bord du précipice.
Ce que l'on sait du processus est un recueil imprécis de théories. La structure anatomique contenue à l'intérieur de l'orbe s'agglomérerait sous son enveloppe. Des réactions chimiques en cascade, déclenchées au contact des éléments de notre atmosphère, diazote et oxygène, activeraient la construction moléculaire permettant au squelette de développer son corps trop fragile pour résister aux conditions extrêmes du voyage. Après quelques jours d'incubation, la masse ovoïde externe complètement dissoute laisserait s'échapper le corps doté de deux jambes, deux bras, et d'une tête binoculaire. »
Archive :
Author :
Wilem Ortiz
Description :
A symbiotic orb is some kind of egg that has fallen from space containing a single alien creature. The unknown organic composition of the orb allows it to withstand extreme conditions in space or the atmosphere, but the body it contains within is only a gaunt structure at first. When the orb's envelope comes into contact with our atmosphere, a chain of chemical reactions causes matter to clump together on the humanoid structure, but it takes several days. At the end of this process the egg that has seemingly melted, and the humanoid body must break through what remains of the orb's membrane, to stand up and learn to walk.
The humanoid creatures which came out of the first symbiotic orbs are very roughly constituted in our image, but their faces provided with two eyes and a mouth have no particularities which could allow to differentiate them. These creatures would have been conceived to try to approach us and to observe us.
License :
Archive :
Libre Lore has an Internet Archive account now : : : : : Création du compte Libre Lore sur archive.org
Libre Lore account on Internet Archive : https://archive.org/details/@libre_lore
This account will be used to keep track of publications and licenses here, or to upload works of people who don't have an archive.org account.
And to get things started, some content will be posted here this week-end.
Compte Libre Lore sur Internet Archive : https://archive.org/details/@libre_lore
Compte qui servira à tenir une archive fiable des contenus libres postés ici. Il pourra également servir à héberger directement les contenus des personnes qui n'ont pas de compte archive.org
Je posterai les premiers contenus pour lancer le projet ce week-end.
How to list open content here : : : : : Comment poster du contenu libre ici
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To be translated
Jeu en cours de conception … Textes pas relus ni corrigés, manque certaines parties, pas de liens valides, pas jouable en l’état
Une civilisation dont vous êtes la pantoufle
Jeu en cours de conception ... Textes pas relus ni corrigés, manque certaines parties, pas de liens valides, pas jouable en l'état