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w0odl Ben

I'm either in my shack or in the mountains (or posting here)

@[email protected]

Alt posting account: @[email protected]

Posts 46
Comments 62
(complete) upgrading to 0.19.3
  • I was tailing our logs before this update and we are definitely federating. HOWEVER, there is a **LOT ** of spam coming from a particular instance. I'm wondering if that was holding back some of the proliferation of our posts, comments, and votes.

  • (complete) upgrading to 0.19.3
  • testing photo uploading after 0.19.3

  • (complete) upgrading to 0.19.3

    This major update mostly fixes how pictrs, the local image hosting service, saves its data.

    As always, let me know if any issues arise. I don't think this will help with any federation issues we have been seeing. But now that we are on the latest and greatest patch, we can rule out versions being our issue for now.


    Ben w0odl

    What's going on with our instance?
  • Just updated us to 0.19.1. Hoping this helps with federation issues

  • (complete) upgrading to 0.19.1

    This fix should fix some our federation problems hopefully. Please let me know if you see any issues and ESPECIALLY let me know if this seems to fix some of the federation issues we have been having. It may take some time for federation to catch up and I'm not 100% sure older posts and votes will catch up. I'm hoping that going forward, this fix will get us going.




    Looking for devops minded users

    Hey everyone!

    Life has really gotten in the way of me keeping up with updating and maintaining this lemmy instance. Work and a new family has me slow on updating this site.

    While I have no problem paying for it, it would be nice to have another mod who also had interest and experience with maintaining a lemmy instance or any linux experience.

    If you're interested, please comment here or message me.

    Thanks, Ben w0odl

    1 Instance Admin - Please update the instance
  • Sorry! I try to stay up to date with this but work has been hell lately. This is a major update and may take a bit. I'll try to get on it this week.

  • downtime today (11/25)

    Hey everyone!

    Just wanted to let everyone know we had a downtime of about 10 hours today. Around 8:00am EST, we maxed out our storage on this lemmy instance. I did get an alert for this, but there wasn't much I could do as I was out of town visiting family for Thanksgiving.

    I am very sorry for this. I should have paid closer attention to sizing on our instance. It has been slowly growing over the months and it just sprang up. Again, apologies.

    To fix this and hopefully solve any issues down the road, I have moved us to a new server with double the storage, double the CPUs, and double the memory.

    This did change our IP address. I have done as much as I can to invalidate and flush caches, and I think we're good to go now. If you do see issues with images not showing, you may need to hard refresh the page and flush your local DNS.

    If you have any questions or it seems like the instance isn't working correctly, please reach out to me.

    Thank you!



    Retire this DMR community?

    Doing some cleanup and I’m debating closing this in lieu of using [email protected]

    Thoughts or concerns?


    (complete) upgrading to 0.18.3

    >This version brings major optimizations to the database queries, which significantly reduces CPU usage. There is also a change to the way federation activities are stored, which reduces database size by around 80%. Special thanks to @phiresky for their work on DB optimizations.

    Wow they weren't kidding. DB size shrank by quite a bit. Curious to see what this does with our CPU usage. Also want to see if our federated instances dropped. QUITE a few instances have either de-federated or have stopped functioning lately.

    As always, please let me know if you notice any issues, bad OR good!

    ~ 73 Ben

    Commercial Interests Petition FCC for High Power Allocation on Shortwave Spectrum
  • “I AM being respectful.”

    It’s just not the case. It’s ok to voice an opinion but we can do so in a manner that doesn’t attack other people, and you did in my opinion.

    “This is why our democracy has come so close to failing-and you’re part of the reason why.

    Yes, I just said that. Think very carefully before you reply”

    That’s a threat.

  • Commercial Interests Petition FCC for High Power Allocation on Shortwave Spectrum
  • Let’s take this down a notch. Please refer to rule number 1

    Be respectful of others

    While not a mod of, I want this to be civil.

  • (complete) upgrading to 0.18.2

    This was an emergency update due to a XSS vulnerability with custom emoji. Lemmy.Radio does not have any custom emoji so there shouldn't have been any issue if you have used it the past day.

    Server error after updating Lemmy to 0.18.0
  • Is there a GitHub issue for this?

  • Server error after updating Lemmy to 0.18.0
  • 0.18.1 exists

  • Started a new journey
  • Had someone at my local club show this radio off as a great SOTA radio. Really liked the size of it and the features it packed. Was debating on this or the KX2

  • Dual Championships on HF July 8-9, 2023
  • I’ve only contested during field day with my local club. Is the suggestion making a community here and using it to submit to contests? (If yea, then that sounds amazingly cool and I’m down, just not sure how it works)

  • Dual Championships on HF July 8-9, 2023

    The International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) HF World Championships begin at 1200 UTC on Saturday, July 8, 2023, and run through 1159 UTC on Sunday, July 9.

    (complete) upgrading to 0.18.1
  • This was a pretty smooth upgrade. Please let me know if you have any issues and also let me know if things seem faster with the site and federation!

  • (complete) upgrading to 0.18.1
  • Some of the biggest changes/fixes with this release are intended to help with federating with other instances.

    Captcha has also been re-added, though we don't use that here.

    There are also new UI themes to select in your settings.

  • RSS Feeds
  • I haven’t used rss in quite a while but I was thinking about finding some to sub to once lemmy started up. What apps do you use to view them?

  • First lemmy iOS app released to the App Store: Memmy
  • There’s a few weird ux decisions but in general I like it

  • First lemmy iOS app released to the App Store: Memmy
  • Same! I’m enjoying it so far. Definitely want to see other apps as well. Everything is so new!

  • First lemmy iOS app released to the App Store: Memmy ‎Memmy for Lemmy

    ‎Discover the Fediverse with Memmy, a client built from the ground up for Lemmy. Discover new communities with people who share the same interests as you. Seamlessly explore the Fediverse with an intuitive search. Stay in the know with push notifications, included at no cost. Designed intuitively fo...

    ‎Memmy for Lemmy

    Posting from Memmy!

    Is SMSGTE working for anyone else?
  • Still works for me

  • Call for Nominations for ARRL Director and Vice Director

    Attention to full ARRL members in the Atlantic, Dakota, Delta, Great Lakes, and Midwest Divisions. You have the opportunity to choose a Director and a Vice Director to represent you for a 3-year term beginning January 1, 2024.

    I always get a bit hyped watching people use One of my favorite things is watching people post their amazing projects to [@ham\_bitious](’s [@homebrew]
  • And I love that but I need to be more cognizant of it. I’ll upgrade us to 0.18.1 soon and that brings some other changes.

  • Rare X-class solar flare wipes out radio signals in U.S.

    The solar flare was categorized as an X1.08-class flare, making it one of the most powerful classes of flare to be ejected from the sun.

    Rare X-class solar flare wipes out radio signals in U.S.

    cross-posted from:

    > The solar flare was categorized as an X1.08-class flare, making it one of the most powerful classes of flare to be ejected from the sun.


    Antenna Theory Propagation

    cross-posted from:

    > cross-posted from: > > > Succinct intuitive introduction to antenna theory.

    1 The Critical Use of Radios In the Ukraine and Russian War – Radio Fidelity

    As the Ukraine and Russian war continues, this guide looks at how radio has played a significant role in the conflict.

    The Critical Use of Radios In the Ukraine and Russian War – Radio Fidelity

    Throughout history, radio technologies haven’t just influenced how we consume news and entertainment. They’ve also played an essential role in the communication strategies of soldiers and military groups, particularly during wartime.


    HAM RADIO in Germany Draws International Crowd

    The 46th annual International Amateur Radio Exhibition, HAM RADIO, attracted more than 11,000 visitors to Friedrichshafen, Germany, June 23 - 25, 2023.

    0 Solar activity is ramping up faster than scientists predicted. Does it mean an "internet apocalypse" is near?

    When a major solar storm hit in 1859, "telegraph systems worldwide went haywire." Here's what to know if such an event were to hit today – and how likely it is to happen.

    Solar activity is ramping up faster than scientists predicted. Does it mean an "internet apocalypse" is near?

    Update: FCC ULS System Restored

    Was down for almost a month!

    >As of June 27, 2023, all systems have been reported to be working. However, visitors to the website will see a message referring them to Public Notice DA 23-529 for additional information and guidance on filing deadline extensions.
