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In case you're mad at yourself for closing your precious window with all the right tabs opened, note that Firefox allows to reopen recently closed windows
  • How do you people make the screenshots of popups in Firefox? Every time I press Print Screen they just keep fading away.

  • Firefish
  • I think it is a good save, for the time being. Just maintain what works, and if people are unhappy with this, they can always try another.

  • Firefish
  • By no means does it excuse the lack of correct scrolling in web application. Just saying that native applications is not all there is to it.

  • A reminder that kbin is still violating the zlib license of Postmill (the software that powers Raddle)
  • Sending a tinsy-winsy appreciation to how you handle this dialog. Smooth. 🎩

  • Is there any disadvantages in using official server?
  • Disabled presence can be an advantage to some privacy-conscious users, so a case for can be made for them - especially if they don't chat much anyway.

  • Is there any disadvantages in using official server?
  • Otherwise depend on what is called a "non-puppeting bridge", self-hosted bot that reposts messages on behalf of itself. Problem is, reactions and other multi-agent interactions won't be a subject for bridging. If you absolutely need those, you have to host a Matrix server (like optimized, but unstable, Conduit or the hungry Synapse) or partner up with another server owner to activate your appservice...

  • Is there any disadvantages in using official server?
  • A lot. Of. Downtimes...

    If you want to make a set of private rooms that you want to be available at all times, I certainly don't recommend

  • Colonel Amontillado
  • Yep! The same image flashed back in my mind.

  • We have the Bees
  • In the Soviet Russia, bees are cooking you.

  • Seeing a lot of outdated apps being recommended, is that safe?
  • Wherever the app's code is on. I usually go around finding the link in the store page or through the search engine. Most of the time, they end up on GitHub and GitLab, sometimes on Codeberg or other instance.

    Paranoid section ahead: Don't blindly trust the issues list, closed or open, because there are still ways to permanently delete those, hence giving bad actor a way to hide evidence of the on-going security problem.

  • Seeing a lot of outdated apps being recommended, is that safe?
  • I look at the latest release date. At leisure time, I would also go and check repository and issue tracker to see whether something serious is being ignored. If it's crucial for business, I would spare time investigating the source code itself.

    I would not necessarily say that many apps uploaded to F-Droid and other repositories are unsafe, because I don't have all that energy to audit anything I use. What helps me to stay on the safe side is reading into things - enclosed descriptions and names may look like a small factor to some, once they tread the sources, but it saves me both the time and trouble. Sloppily written stuff usually implies a sloppy code, a lax attention to details on the developer's side.

  • Minimum Wage workers not using common sense are the worst.
  • You go, champ! Duh, blaming the actors is the best idea in the world - why didn't I think of it?

  • SPA ce bo

  • Geddit doesn't show image preview for the link stux⚑ (@[email protected])

    Attached: 1 image Another #Mastodon and #FunkWhale sticker joined the party :blobcatgiggle: :macos:

    stux⚑ (

    Geddit seems to have trouble showing OpenGraph images on new posts. These can be YouTube thumbnails, previews of the blog posts, etc. Many other instances seem to pick preview images on the fly.

    What it means for me if that if I share the post itself from Geddit, it will be only plain text until the user clicks. It's a minor inconvenience, but sometimes it just hits hard on the promo department, you know.

    Checking if the Mastodon post of @stux's stickers will show up image here or not... I'm positive it does not show og:image, even though site clearly has it.


    Song of Farca - Vers10n {In}comp

    This is the core theme that plays in the videogame Song of Farca. "Vers10n {In}comp" always starts first whenever you load the game - which is only appropriate, as it's the most upbeat one of the bunch, and you get it right after the neutral "Main Theme" in the menu.

    Others tracks I love in Song of Farca are:

    🎢 Entire OST playlist

    Potential For Anything - VVVVVV - PC/8th Gen Console - Magnus PΓ₯lsson (aka. Souleye)
  • Having this music on the background makes me feel unchained! Even though the game would still have limits imposed on me, it's always rewarding to get so far.

  • I kinda like this sub. Is it dying? D:
  • Looks pretty thriving to me!

  • Team Fortress 2 - Main Theme - Big Band Ringtone

    40 sec ringtone of the "Main Theme" remix for TF2 fan!

    Just finished Grim Fandango remastered.
  • Casino Calavera ❀

  • Just finished Grim Fandango remastered.
  • I really appreciate that this game has movement from keyboard. Saved me a bunch of clicking and the experience was nice!

    Fun characters and worldbuilding. Doing these quests felt very true to the plot, everything looks internalized and, in some places, eye-opening. Little foreshadowing here and there: Domino's lax attitude, Olivia's final poem, blooming in the morgue, etc.

    I even got hands on some early storyboard, where there were plans to do final locations more grand and the myrriad of possibilities that could come out of it, but I still like how it turned out despite some rethinking and cutting. For me, the ending section was fittingly grim.

  • The biggest "narrative dissonance" in adventure games set in the modern day is the lack of retail stores.
  • I think it's a fun idea to explore.

    For example, would you take a shortcut and make items appear because you're fishing them in the pond (which makes pond a source of "outworldly" items), or rather come up with something more creative? The logistics of it can tell the story better than 1000 words on a wall made to push the narrative. Of course, at the same time, you don't want to make this a main focus to the player, unless it's an objective.

  • Team Fortress 2 vintprox

    Big Band Ringtone of TF2 Main Theme

    Suggestions for Canvas 2024 (or any future events)
  • I agree about the "evolution" part of the designs. People really need some sweet time, at least 10 days (starting Friday, finishing at the next Sunday).

  • Eat your beefsteaks, Ryunosuke

    Popular panel, recontextualized for The Great Ace Attorney.

    While intensely eating maki rolls, Kazuma says: > Eat your beefsteaks, Ryunouske.


    Miles likes flashing his credit card

    My silly avatar that I don't use anymore.

    Yes, it's a Mastercard promo. (No, I just forgot to change logo.)


    Engage Update

    Miles Edgeworth's best spell.



    Leomard Community Banner

    What do you think of this banner for Lemmy community?

    Screenshot of the app by @athlon.

    > Artist: vintprox > > This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

    Sidebar view

    !Leomard banner in the sidebar

    See also


    Yesterday was Tuesday, Tuesday

    You expected Wednesday my dudes? But it was me, FRIDAY!



    A fusion of leopard and the looks of Lemmy logo. It is the part of new macOS application for browsing Lemmy, [email protected].

    > Artist: vintprox > > This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

    See also

    Graphic Design vintprox


    A fusion of leopard and the looks of Lemmy logo. It is the part of new macOS application for browsing Lemmy, [email protected].

    > Artist: vintprox > > This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

    graphic design vintprox


    A fusion of leopard and the looks of Lemmy logo. It is the part of new macOS application for browsing Lemmy, [email protected].

    > Artist: vintprox > > This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.



    A fusion of leopard and the looks of Lemmy logo. It is the part of new macOS application for browsing Lemmy, [email protected].

    > Artist: vintprox > > This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.



    A fusion of leopard and the looks of Lemmy logo. It is the part of new macOS application for browsing Lemmy, [email protected].

    > Artist: vintprox > > This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.



    A fusion of leopard and the looks of Lemmy logo. It is the part of new macOS application for browsing Lemmy, [email protected].

    > Artist: vintprox > > This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.



    A fusion of leopard and the looks of Lemmy logo. It is the part of new macOS application for browsing Lemmy, [email protected].

    > Artist: vintprox > > This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.



    A fusion of leopard and the looks of Lemmy logo. It is the part of new macOS application for browsing Lemmy, [email protected].

    > Artist: vintprox > > This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


    Visualizing headline for The New Oil

    I suppose, it's not too complex and the headline of The New Oil website is delivered through this vector image in a good capacity. I really like Inkscape for all my minimalistic artwork. To understand the context, refer to issue and Penpot prototype.



    The headline is "The Beginner's Guide to Data Privacy & Cybersecurity". At first, I just tried a bare oil drop representing the logo of TNO. This drop can be easily done with Path tool and mirrored through Path Effects or manually. I placed duotone gradients on both fill and stroke in such a fashion that gradients don't mix together (almost perpendicular directions).


    It was the start, but it was pretty boring. It's not memorable. You visit a landing page of TNO and you already forget what discerned it from some oil company. But TNO is not about the oil per se - it's about data and being secure in the Internet. So, it was imperative to add reference to data privacy, while being true to the title and logo. Oil drop remains there without a question (and it will play a role in the layout of section below).

    New Item

    How to make it without overcomplicating? The first thing that comes to mind when people mention privacy is a lock of sorts. You put your data behind a lock and open it only for certain parties. It's just a simple analogy that would pour some nice oil in the delivery.

    However, adding the lock alone doesn't resemble data privacy. It would just seem as if we put the oil behind that lock, silly! We're not blocking the oil, it's not the purpose of TNO. Can this be fixed?

    Binary Stream

    I know it will sound awfully stock-ish, but "data" that we see in images is better represented with binary streams - 1s and 0s. I could immitate some text note with dashed lines, of course, but "data" we're talking about is not limited by plain text. It could be just any metadata that people want to secure, really.

    This is nothing new, just yet another analogy on top of previous analogy that we've seen countless times while reading various articles. 0s and 1s are an artistic tool here and nobody's going to decypher them. Could use triangles or other shapes, but they aren't popular for showing data flow.

    How do I combine this with aforementioned lock? I put zeros in a 3x3 grid to fill the lock base. Now it looks like a bunch of holes, but only I remember about "1", epiphany strikes. This same "1" can serve as a key hole. Of course! There must have been a hole for opening - what's the purpose of data if you can't eventually unlock it, right?


    And so, we have 8 zeros and one straight line that looks like number "1" in the center. Zeros work as a translucent mask that softens the image in their place - this way, I don't need to introduce another color into mix. Key hole works as fully transparent inverse clip - you can look at it and think of it as a literal hole.

    Lock itself has the gradient that, unfortunately, doesn't contrast well with the underlying oil drop. Poor design choice, isn't it? Despite that, I made a small detail that proved decisive later - gradient aligns perfectly with the gradient of drop's stroke.


    After carefuly reviewing what decisions made it look cheap and underdeveloped, I came to a conclusion that the use of gradients differentiating in direction has to go away.

    At the same, I needed to make the lock seem prominent. As usual, I could not afford adding another color to the mix. Even if I just used pure white or black, they would age badly with the ever changing background theme (light/dark). And that's where it clicked! Why not use the difference in transparency?

    Alpha channel that can be manipulated by masking - that's the new guideline I came up with for every new stroke I make. It just looks a lot richer to me. Came as far as to remove any gradients from child objects and stamp one on a top-level object. Such is the way to avoid unnecessary repetition, DRY applied to vector graphics!

    I aligned the stroke of same width from lock with the stroke from oil drop. A semi-transparent hole for the recess between shackle and base needed to be added, because of its small size combined with earlier strokes.

    Everything's in place. This whole process led me understand how progressive minimalism can make image better with all the simple simple guidelines that I didn't even need to take from someone. It's about practice and challenge that you make for yourself.

    In the end, image seems to fulfill the requirement for headline delivery - it helps the reader to memorize visuals and associate them with the underlying concept, what they came for.


    You are welcome to disassemble my work to retrace how this vector image was produced in a non-destructive fashion, meaning that all underlying paths can be extracted and shapes can be changed for more experimentation.

    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
