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Китай повысит пенсионный возраст впервые с 1978 года

Об этом сообщило агентство «Синьхуа». Сейчас возраст выхода на пенсию в Китае — один из самых низких в мире: 60 лет для мужчин и 50 или 55 для женщин (в зависимости от того, занимаются они физической или офисной работой).

Теперь этот возраст постепенно будет повышен до 63 лет для мужчин и 55–58 лет для женщин. План будет реализован поэтапно в течение 15 лет. Кроме того, с 2030 года предполагается повысить минимальный стаж работы, необходимый для получения пенсии, с нынешних 15 до 20 лет.

Как уточняется, такая мера призвана обеспечить «адаптацию к новой ситуации в демографическом развитии Китая».

visually perfect: "Китай повысит пенсионный возра…" - Mastodon[email protected]/113134926533032432


Появилось видео с пленным бойцом ЧВК Вагнер.

Туарег спрашивает пленного африканца, может ли он с россиянином говорить на одном языке.

Африканец отвечает: «С этим Мисье? Нет, я не понимаю его»

Боевик отвечает: «Он не мисье, а пёс»

Также пленным прострелили ноги.

Курщина – це історичний регіон в Україні, розташований в північній частині Чернігівської області. Історія Курщини тісно пов'язана з історією північної частини Лівобережної України. Ось основні моменти
  • (3) Аркадий Бабченко в X: «Я чот не пойму… А где вставай страна огромная? Впервые с 1941-го года вражеская армия вторглась на территорию России и захватила города. Танки НАТО - немецкие с крестами на боках, между прочим - топчут святую Курскую землю. Утыканную памятниками дедов воевалов. Идет война» / X

  • Унаслідок ранкової ракетної атаки на Крим пошкоджено російську військову базу ППО на горі Ай-Петрі.

    Загинув командир військової частини. Сьогодні, в районі 6 ранку кілька ракет атакували в/ч 85683 на горі Ай-Петрі в Криму. На горі розташована військова база ППО 3-го радіотехнічного полку зсрф. Унаслідок влучання ракет територія в/ч зазнала пошкоджень, загинув командир в/ч 85683 Олександр Кулаков та ще декілька офіцерів.


    Importing Private Keys between Wallets 💰

    March 28, 2022 View Original Today we will tell you how you can import private keys between wallets.

    ✅ How does it work?

    When importing a private key, it is not the coins themselves that are transferred to the new wallet, but rather combinations of symbols - the private key. Those. all funds remain at your old wallet address. During import, you simply duplicate the public and private key into another wallet and can manage everything from there.

    ✅ For what?

    🔐 For your convenience and safety.

    1️⃣ Let's imagine that you have 3 wallets: MetaMask, TrustWallet and SafePal. You can import private keys from TrustWallet and SafePal wallet into your MetaMask. In this case, you do not need to log into each wallet separately to access your tokens. You can manage transactions, see your balance, and connect to websites from your MetaMask interface.

    If you have several MetaMask wallets, you can also import all private keys into one and manage all wallets from one.

    2️⃣ Another plus of using such a scheme. For example, you have funds on TrustWallet and SafePal, but these wallets cannot be connected on certain sites. MetaMask is accepted by all platforms. In order not to specifically transfer your tokens to MetaMask and not spend money on commissions, you import private keys from the necessary wallets into it. After this, you will be able to connect to sites and have access to your funds from all wallets in one MetaMask.

    3️⃣ If an attacker recognizes your seed phrase, he will not see your imported wallets in the interface, and therefore will not be able to steal them.

    You can make an empty MetaMask wallet that will serve as a wrapper for imported fund wallets. In the event of a leak of the seed phrase, access will only be to the shell wallet in which you do not have funds.

    We will analyze the whole process step by step using the MetaMask wallet as an example. Go to MetaMask and click on the 3 dots in the upper right corner. Select “Account details”

    Click “Export private key”

    Enter your MetaMask wallet password.

    Copy the private key.

    Let's go to the wallet into which you will import the private key. Click on the icon in the upper right corner and click “Import invoice”

    Insert your private key and click “Import”

    The imported invoice will appear in your “my accounts” menu marked “imported”. You can rename it by clicking the pencil in the “Account Details” menu.

    Keep your seed phrase and private key in a safe place.

    — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — INSIDERS VENTURES

    INSIDERS VENTURES is a venture fund that gives everyone the opportunity to take part in the Private Sale of top projects.

    What does Private Sale mean? An early stage investment round for strategic investors with a significant amount of invested funds.

    When a project is still at the development stage, you invest and receive tokens of this project at the lowest price.

    With INSIDERS VENTURES you can invest in top projects from $100 and above. All you need to do is join our community and follow the release of new projects in the telegram.

    Links 👇

    The German Green party is in a scandal after media released the “nuclear files”
  • Зачекайте, де стаття? Це все ґрунтується на дописі у Твіттері? Я намагався щось знайти, але єдина стаття була в ультраправій газеті, якій я не дуже довіряю. (Вони написали лайно на кшталт "AFD не такий вже й поганий, і це наша провина, що всі зараз такі праві").

    Тому що я сумніваюся, що відбудова електростанцій - це дуже розумно, хоча я вважаю, що вихід з атомної енергетики був найбільшою помилкою часів Меркель. Зараз Німеччина має близько 60% відновлюваної енергетики і продовжує розвиватися.

    Wait where is the article? Is this all based on a Twitter post? I’ve tried to find something but the only article is by a far right newspaper that I don’t really trust. (They wrote shit like “the afd isn’t all that bad and it’s really our fault everyone is so right-wing nowadays.”)

    Because I doubt that rebuilding powerplants is all that smart even thou I think the nuclear exit was the biggest mistake of Merkels time. Germany is at about 60% renewable now and going strong.

  • About Dzhankoy and Fundament-M

    The characteristics of this system are still completely unknown, but it is known that Fundament-M, in fact, synchronized the activities of PUs, radars and other nomenclature. Its functionality, however, is more of a synchronizer. And no wonder.

    The fact is that according to the staff of the Russian anti-aircraft missile regiment in its composition includes, in addition to the PU, in addition to the mandatory radars. But the nuance is that there are different radars, and the most effective one is the one with a circular view. But such, according to the state, for the average regiment in the ROV - only 1, namely - 92N2E.

    In turn, in Dzhankoy was deployed air defense division of the 18th Air Defense Regiment, V / Ch 85388, traitors Theodosia regiment, who defected to the occupiers in 2014. This regiment is deployed in three divisions on Cape Tarkhankut, Dzhankoy and Feodosia.

    Since the regiment's divisions were scattered a hundred kilometers apart, it had a motley array of equipment, not only a mix of S-300 and S-400 launchers, but also radars. But the main thing is that all this scalding cocktail had to synchronize the unique and very rare Fundament-M.

    What can I say... It synchronized perfectly! 👍


    A Tu-22m3 strategic bomber that was launching Kh-22 missiles

    at Ukraine this morning caught fire on the way back and crashed in Russia's Stavropol region.

    @yigal_levin !
