Skip Navigation Opinions?
  • Moved most of my stuff there a while ago, has been pretty great.

  • OpenD, a fork of D
  • Huh. I've played around with D a few years ago.. don't exactly remember his opinions coming to light, but I can't say I'm surprised either.

  • What are your favourite transfem tips and tricks?
  • huh, at least for wavy hair technique is like the most important thing. specifically scrunching with gel.

  • Which language you wish would really grow and reach mainstream adoption?
  • So many things already mentioned, I guess the most original thing I can say would be Nushell :)

    Gleam also maybe?

  • Passkeys are generally available on GitHub
  • It does not. The fingerprint always only unlocks the device's HSM ("secure enclave" in Apple speak).

    Between your devices enrolled in the ecosystem, private keys are synced securely (AFAIK, they make it so that an existing device’s HSM encrypts keys using the pubkey of the new one’s HSM); for signing up using your device on someone else's computer there's a process that combines QR codes with Bluetooth communication.

  • Passkeys are generally available on GitHub
  • Note that you pretty much can't store them with Google or Apple; smartphone biometric sensors operate the on-device HSM, not something remote.

  • Passkeys are generally available on GitHub
  • IIUC Apple syncs them using the most secure way they can, i.e. when you enroll a new device to your account the existing device, the existing device's HSM encrypts keys using the pubkey of the new one's HSM; and for recovery from being left with 0 Apple devices there might be (?) an escrow option that's optional (?)

  • It's time to replace urban delivery vans
  • Air travel is quite polluting, of course I would expect such companies to have a PR budget focused on that kind of thing..

  • Was I too overweight for HRT?
  • Oh that's just 80-90kg? Just like me (unless I'm closer to 100 haha I haven't measured in ages). Whaaaaat, that's totally fine. I mean it can feel awkward sometimes, it's neither girltwink nor giant queen xD but still it's fine. Stand up straight with your shoulders back, wearing a skirt that flares out a bit, and enjoy life :)

  • Thoughts on pills vs injections
  • Oral (swallowing) bad, the good way to take estradiol pills is sublingual/buccal. Absorbed in the mouth, very little gets to the liver.

  • Is that “Balkenkreuz” beam cross, which was used by Nazis, intentional or not?
  • The fact that it's thin and fading outwards makes it looks more like one of the crosshair options in FPS games

  • Admin update - Hexbear Defederated
  • Back in the day on the other place it was a very good community. Way back in the day. Before the quarantine and takeover and whatever the hell else happened since…

  • Prepare your Firefox desktop extension for the upcoming Android release
  • There's no need to access the full file system to download to wherever the user wants. In fact the user might not want to use the local file system, but instead a "cloud" storage provider app!

    The Storage Access Framework is built precisely for this.

  • finding a name
  • Oh, um, yes. I've had probably the most extreme version of that experience :D

    I knew I wasn't exactly cis when I was 14 or so (really don't remember the exact moment lmao). I finally picked a name… soon after turning 26 (!) just before starting to be transfem IRL.

  • State of the nation.
  • You will have issues accessing Catbox/files on Catbox if you are connecting from the following countries or providers:

    The Australian government […] decided that Catbox was a terrorist propaganda spreading website

    the love of footy has overtaken the sensibilites of the British and Irish governments, and they have decided to implement an IP level block

    Sounds great.

  • Aside from the lack of E2EE, why is Telegram not trustworthy?
  • ??? Channels are literally public by definition and viewable even without an account. That's the whole point of channels. They're more like blogs than messages.

  • chota - micro CSS framework
  • My next web stack: chota.css, verga.js, poronga.html & pija.php :D

  • Aside from the lack of E2EE, why is Telegram not trustworthy?
  • Banning channels is not the same as sharing private data

  • ANN: argon2ian, very tiny argon2 password hash wrapper in Wasm argon2ian

    Actually size-optimized (~8.5 KB) async Argon2 JavaScript wrapper, powered by fully inlined WebAssembly and Web Workers, for browsers and Deno


    Here's a little project I made: an actually size-optimized (~8.5 KB) async Argon2 JavaScript wrapper, powered by fully inlined WebAssembly and Web Workers!


    Not connecting to

    Hey, I've been trying to join for a while now and it's still not working:[email protected] → 404: couldnt_find_community (search form btw very quickly returns nothing found)

    btw uhhh it's a bit… interesting… that shows NSFW content right on the home page by default 🤔
