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v162 Vostronix

Electronic Music Producer (Vostronix) / Drummer / Developer / Linux/ Fedora Fan / Climbing / Kitesurfing / Hobby Pilot

Posts 8
Comments 3
berlin Vostronix

Searching for a Apartment !!!

Some one knows for me in Berlin a Apartment or have a tipp how to get a Apartment ?

Russian nuclear-capable missiles seen moving in video to Finland border.
  • But Putin isn't interested to find a diplomatic solution, he have his own plans. He will maybe interested in a diplomatic solution if he got more under pressure .But from the past he learned he can do what he want no buddy try stop him. So someone have show his limits like a little child have to learn it. How you can make politic with a guy you can't trust ? You need some security. Everybody want to find diplomatic solution but you say now to the Ukraines hey common what is wrong with you just find a diplomatic solution with super power there not interested in diplomatic solution and there just reaped and killed you wife and children. Now is time to show unity and strength and i hope Russia is than interested in a diplomatic solution. My way was i tried to inform people on Russia Social Networks that the west are not Nazi peoples. But was also very scary to see if you now playing video games like Insurgency what also a lot of Russia people, there using now west people as a insult.

  • Russian nuclear-capable missiles seen moving in video to Finland border.
  • And what is your solution doing nothing ?

  • Russian nuclear-capable missiles seen moving in video to Finland border.
  • Lol but the solution isn't to accept everything what the Russia is doing sometimes you have to play the psycho game

  • Music Producer + Flatpak = Fun

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    Best Linux DAWs

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    Who want to see Reaper as Flatpak !!!

    we should push this post to bring Reaper as Flatpak !!!


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    Little Tip Vitalium works with Bitwig Flatpak Version

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    How to prove if Signal Messenger Open Source Code the same like in the App Store ?

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    Linux Support

    Some one is knows is Linux support comming ?
