@RangerAndTheCat for me its the constant fear that someone will block me for not hating all of crypto and actually liking the math behind it
and same for LLMs ngl
@owenfromcanada What you just said about wealth being bad for the billionaires I completely agree with.
By some insane amount of chance and luck a few years ago I met a highschool teacher of Mark Zuckerberg. When they told me that, I asked them if he ever stood out or was wired in some way. Apparently he was just a normal kid, probably with somewhat wealthy parents but I really think all that money turned him from a normal privacy-respecting human being into an institution controlling vast wealth with no morals. All that money changes you as a person.
About robbing from the working class, I hear what your saying but if a government can effectively implement a progressive tax targeting them and distribute that money through various programs then I'd say much of that issue is resolved. Passing laws that give more power to unions would also help.
@fyzzlefry @Confidant6198 I think that if their wealth and power can be controlled and limited somehow its mostly fine but the danger comes when their power gets out of hand and they go insane. I'm more chill with Bill Gates than musk is what I'm saying