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unionagainstdhmo ⸻ Ban DHMO 🇦🇺 ⸻
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PM issues [Labor senator] Fatima Payman indefinite suspension, with future at Labor unclear
  • Exactly and that is something a lot of Pro-Israel people try to obscure

  • Oh sweet, my old Empire Earth box!
  • I accidentally went 18 seconds and got a microSD, just be careful of microwaves with different power for the correct parameters, but this is known to work

  • PM issues [Labor senator] Fatima Payman indefinite suspension, with future at Labor unclear
  • Labor's position on Palestine is a bit complex. They are actually Pro-Palestine, Australia just voted at the UN in support of a motion to make the PA a member. They're trying to play the risky game of appeasing both parts of the community, as they have seats in both Islamic and Jewish dense regions. They might lose both sides playing this game though. For whatever reason the Pro-Israel voice seems to have more influence while the Pro-Palestine voice gets tossed to the side. This is weird in the context of the 2021 census:

    Which marks the Jewish section of the community as near negligible, but what really matters is what the rest of the community thinks. Murdoch has chosen Israel, and thus have the LNP. The Greens have chosen Palestine. Personally if you don't support the coexistence of Israel and Palestine, I'd vote for either of those parties.

    We should also note that Australia has very little power to influence international events and the LNP are clearly using this as a distraction to win votes due to their woeful domestic policies. But it is morally reprehensible to not try for a resolution. Israel do nothing for us and we should recognise Netanyahu as a terrorist alongside HAMAS

  • How ethical retirement savings are being invested in the world's most destructive weapons

    An ABC investigation into superannuation funds offering members "ethical" or "socially aware" options unearths millions of dollars of retirement savings invested in companies that make some of the most controversial and devastating weapons of war.

    How ethical retirement savings are being invested in the world's most destructive weapons
    'Against all scientific advice': Perth council looks set to press ahead with plan for industrial park near wetland
  • It is depressing studying science only to realise that whatever research you do to improve the world you will be ignored unless someone can profit from it. Truly an advanced civilisation

  • Children suffered 'burning stomachs' and 'tingling hands' after restaurant allegedly served insect repellent, not juice
  • Looking at the article the insect repellant bottle looks a lot like a juice bottle, but still

  • New Bluefin image variant, zst:chunked compression, weekly updates
  • The automatic updates are really good it would be better if they integrated with GNOME software, but it is still a distro I would recommend to people who want something that "just works". Atomic really is the future of linux

  • New Bluefin image variant, zst:chunked compression, weekly updates
  • Their instructions aren't quite right, I did find that I had to change the icon theme back to adwaita myself using GNOME tweaks.

  • New Bluefin image variant, zst:chunked compression, weekly updates
  • Yeah I use silverblue on another computer and previously on this one, but the killer feature of bluefin is that NVIDIA drivers and codecs are built right into the image (as with the other ublue images) meaning that you don't need to layer them and risk a bad upgrade. I'm planning on bringing the other computer over as well even though it's AMD, at least I'll get ROCm and the codecs.

  • New Bluefin image variant, zst:chunked compression, weekly updates
  • Recently switched to bluefin from workstation, I was initially a bit held back by all of the GNOME customisations, but they're pretty straightforward to revert back to default. While I like the idea of automatic updates it would be nice if it integrated with GNOME software to make it easier to control. Otherwise if you're looking for an immutable/atomic desktop and want it to pretty much work out of the box I would highly recommend

  • Policy banning vape sales outside of pharmacies to go before Senate, health minister says
  • driving while unhealthy, tired or whatever or taking drugs known to increase violent tendencies like alcohol.

    If it was up to me, alcohol would be banned as well but such a ban would be largely impractical and there would also be a large black market formed just by how easy the stuff is to make—it literally used to be a learning exercise in year 12 chemistry in QLD. When it comes to driving when unhealthy or tired, there is generally a choice to not drive and if you do crash you will almost always be identified as being at fault. So it's not like there is no recourse for those poor decisions. With vapes the user cannot stop anytime they want, they're addictive and there are companies exploiting that.

  • Super scammers defrauded Lee of his retirement savings. Industry experts are calling for better protections
  • Even though he probably shouldn't have accepted antmy offer from a phone call, I think there is a really important story in there about the lax security of his super fund, not checking documents properly or requiring a second factor of authentication. To think a piece of paper can securely cause the transfer of 180k in the 21st Century is ludicrous

  • Queensland claim Women’s State of Origin series in historic decider against NSW

    I don't understand why the Women's game is being drip-fed the features of the Men's game. Only this year is a third game introduced, and the matches are still only 70mins. Can't women play the extra 10 minutes? Whichever I look at it I just reach sexism.

  • Policy banning vape sales outside of pharmacies to go before Senate, health minister says
  • It's a lot easier to avoid fog machines than it is people vaping. I've never seen a fog machine at the train station...

  • Policy banning vape sales outside of pharmacies to go before Senate, health minister says
  • Not exactly, as they won't be promoting the vapes as they'll be plainly packaged and they'll be heavily regulated. They will still profit but not encouraging it

  • Policy banning vape sales outside of pharmacies to go before Senate, health minister says
  • Are you saying that vaping is a good thing and a net positive?

  • Policy banning vape sales outside of pharmacies to go before Senate, health minister says
  • A bunch of businesses will basically be shut down because of this … they can’t exactly pivot to something else

    It's a damn shame too - I don't know what we'll do without all those businesses built around exploiting drug addicts

  • Policy banning vape sales outside of pharmacies to go before Senate, health minister says
  • Thanks for linking that, their position makes a bit more sense now, at least by restricting them to pharmacies there won't be as much of a black market

  • [Very bad take] Why open source are not that important (servers and IT)
  • You can just not watch it. I think it's their genuine opinion probably not rage bait

  • Policy banning vape sales outside of pharmacies to go before Senate, health minister says
  • I'm not sure I understand the Greens position on vapes. Are they pro-tobacco or something? or is it about creating a black market?

  • [Very bad take] Why open source are not that important (servers and IT)

    Personally I believe this is a very poor take

    Australian Tech ⸻ Ban DHMO 🇦🇺 ⸻

    Cheap Australia-based static site hosting

    What are my best options for hosting a static site on Australian servers?

    Previously I was using a normal web hosting service but they don't work very well with static site generators and are usually overpriced for what I want.

    Ideally I'd like a service like Cloudflare pages or GitHub pages, etc., i.e. there is good integration with git as my site is generated using Hugo.

    'straya ⸻ Ban DHMO 🇦🇺 ⸻ At 68, Gordon Jones is an 'outlaw' mower racer and endurance event champion

    It's a case of ready, set, mow at the Inverell Speedway, where lawnmowers rather than speeding cars are fast becoming fan favourites.

    At 68, Gordon Jones is an 'outlaw' mower racer and endurance event champion
    0 'Own goal': One Nation mocks Robert Irwin's legal threat to sue over cartoon

    One Nation published a two-minute video on Friday called 'The State of Queensland' which used Robert Irwin and popular children's character Bluey to mock the state government over perceived failings ahead of the election in October.

    'Own goal': One Nation mocks Robert Irwin's legal threat to sue over cartoon

    Scam Awareness Thread

    With so many scams out there, especially now as we face the end of the financial year and the pinned "How to spot a tax scam" post being nearly a year old, I'm going to pin this thread as a place to share advice regarding scams or any new scams you might have noticed.

    This isn't to say not to post scam related stuff in the main community but to create a place to keep track of scam related stuff which might get washed away over time.


    Australia Community Anniversary Thread

    Communities don't get cake days on Lemmy, but looking back at the posts in the Aussie Zone meta community, today 12/06 marks one year since @[email protected] requested the community be created. Since then the top posts this community has had were:

    1. At 679 - 9 votes and 200 comments: YouTube Premium family plan price update ($17.99/month -> $32.99/month!) (by @[email protected]
    2. At 571 - 7 votes and 68 comments: The lack of ads! (by @[email protected])
    3. At 551 - 38 votes and 174 comments: Can we stop buying these stupid things? Thanks (by @[email protected])

    I had a look sorting by controversial and I'm quite surprised that the referendum megathread, which bot recruit @[email protected] kept reminding everyone about.

    Within this first year we also participated in the first ever lemmyvision contest, with our nomination ranking 4th.

    We've also appointed some extra moderators since the start of the year-@[email protected], @[email protected] and @[email protected]-who have been doing a great job at keeping conversations on track.

    What were your favourite interactions and posts on this community over the year? And what would you like to see the community move towards in the years ahead?

    Thanks everyone for the wonderful year!

    bapcsalesaustralia ⸻ Ban DHMO 🇦🇺 ⸻

    I've made my computer 100% Efficient

    If you want a 100% efficient computer like me, all you have to do - and it's very simple!

    Count all of the noise and heat as useful work.


    Why do you need light bars?

    What is with dickheads getting light bars on their cars now. I live in a rural area and not right on the road, trying to sleep and then at 12:38am some dickhead's got his light bar on and my whole room is illuminated, and the part of the road he was on... at least a kilometre or two away! WTF are they trying to see that their high beams won't show them? Are they trying to stun wildlife so they can hit them?

    It's really difficult trying to drive at night now too, if the white head lights on new cars aren't burning your eyes out, you get one of these idiots come along. It's not just SUVs and 4WDs either, I've seen them on hatchbacks and sedans as well.

    Sorry for the rant - unless you use a light bar in semi-rural areas that is


    (Pauline Hanson) The Man From Snowy Hydro

    I'm not a supporter of Pauline and there's a lot of problems with this video, it is funny to think that people believe this shit.

    Also I'm gonna bet that the music (from the Man from Snowy River) was used without license as with most of this authoritarian pro-fossil fuels propaganda shit...


    The master race condition

    Stumbled upon this when looking for help on Reddit:

    84 Opposition parties celebrate Narendra Modi's 'failure' to build a thumping majority in Indian election

    Narendra Modi tells a crowd at his party's headquarters that his National Democratic Alliance will form government for the third consecutive time.

    Opposition parties celebrate Narendra Modi's 'failure' to build a thumping majority in Indian election

    He still "won" though

    0 Hamas has responded 'positively' to Israel's ceasefire offer. Here's what it includes

    US President Joe Biden has outlined a proposed ceasefire deal that could lead to a "permanent end to hostilities" in Gaza.

    Hamas has responded 'positively' to Israel's ceasefire offer. Here's what it includes