Simcoe sounds really interesting (found descriptions mentioning oranges and pine)! Its available in a local brewing shop so i will absolutely try it! Can't find the seeds on the first google try - but if i like it I'm sure there is a way to get them (=
Oh, forgot! I'm in the southern Sweden! Saaz seems a little boring (= I see they call it noble but at the same time that must mean common (=
What hops should i grow?
I like beer! - IPA's and similar atm, but i drink most beer. Looking in to start brewing myself (having a kit at home) I'm also looking in to growing my own hops.
Do you have any recommendations on what verity? Something that could be used for many different brews but have a distinct taste.
Så är det! Har ni plats är mitt tips att göra det dåligt/snabbt och gömma det bakom vedboden eller liknande - men det kan juh gott vänta till i vinter - kommer inget regn att samla upp än på några månader! (=
Regn är en myt - som om vatten bara skulle falla från himmeln helt oprovocerat (= Har skaffat en hel bunt med, vad vi i skåne kallar, sillatunnor som samlar vatten hela året (infördes torkan 2018), de räcker till det mesta än så länge men det lär kärva till sig framåt augusti... Man kan bara hoppas det blir bättre, men i det långa perspektivet tror jag nog vi får vänja oss.
You are doing great! Keep up the good work!
I use my SO to carry my cards/cash, that way its not my fault if anything is lost and i have more space in my pockets for knifes (= Nowadays you don't need a wallet anyhow (=