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tytan652 tytan652

Un développeur de logiciel qui se cherche dans ce monde.

A software developer looking for themself in this world.

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Comments 1
KDE Applications and Icons – Current state and how to improve outside of Plasma
  • @cullmann

    This is nice to see that Breeze on KDE apps will be default on any desktop (if there is no Qt platform forcing a theme).

    I always had issues with Qt theming being too global, so forcing Breeze on only KDE apps was not easy at all (and even more difficult with color-scheme).

    Really, thank you.

  • KDE Applications and Icons – Current state and how to improve outside of Plasma
  • @cullmann

    This is nice to see that Breeze on KDE apps will be default on any desktop (if there is no Qt platform).

    I always had issues with Qt theming being too global, so forcing Breeze on only KDE apps was not easy at all (and even more difficult with color-scheme).

    Really, thank you.