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tsukii Tsuki

Pixel artist and low-poly modeller

Posts 9
Comments 41
What is a website everyone should know about?

    Waste your time seeing custom Famicom cases that people designed.

    Seriously, this website is a great place for finding inspiration, if you are like me.

  • how

    not my meme obviously (you can see the watermark)

    Question: People who still frequent Reddit, has it gone back to business as usual or are the protests still having effect?
  • I am someone who posts art somewhat regularly on Reddit, and I cansay that all of the subreddits that I posted art to has been un-private, so it's business as usual for me

  • Censorship
  • Man even ships get censored nowadays!?

    We truly live in a society.


  • 1% rule: 1% of users actively create new content, while the other 99% only lurk.
  • I am a big part a lurker, but I also create content sometimes

  • Who else has been here for a whole month?
  • I think I'm kinda close to a whole month

  • what.
  • I think it's "bread you" buy I don't even know what that's supposed to mean

  • what.
  • I don't know honestly

  • Just trying out Threads today.

    It's so funny seeing a large group (almost all) of the people in my feed being so excited about this new social media thing that they managed to get in through invitation on Instagram.

    A bunch of naives, honestly.

    (Don't wanna do this but sigh)

    What app is everyone using for Lemmy
  • Trying out Connect after using Liftoff for a while. The experience is well so far!

  • Or Beanies, just Beanies
  • I really hope nobody calls people in the fediverse that name though, maybe Fediphile is better

  • :^)
  • This took me a bit to realize what's wrong LMAO

  • Reddit slowly became filled with hate
  • To be honest, you can say the same about Twitter

  • Nice try Google
  • Using LibreWolf right now! The experience is smooth most of the time, although you do need to switch to Firefox when you need to view DRM-controlled content (like when participating an online course, for example).

  • Is anybody else more active here then they were on Reddit?
  • Have been wanting to say this for a while, but same here! I feel like Lemmy is much more tight-knitted and closer than Reddit because it is just smaller!

  • PSA: is not Lemmy
  • I actually just notice that too! Seems like it's part of my ignorance, then.

  • Found a new template.
  • Ay, same here.

  • Ask yourself if this is sustainable before taking a sip
  • in terms of water-based Pokemon...

  • a classic
  • Wait why is all of my Vaporeon jars breaking?

  • NOMA - Brain Power [EDM] (2016)

    This song slaps


    Do you use adblock? Why? Why not?

    I posted this question because I once saw a tweet that said something like:

    "If you use adblock, you don't care about creator's point blank"

    What is your opinion on this? Do you agree with them?


    Please make replies of a comment easier to distinguish from the comment

    Right now on Liftoff, whenever you saw the replies on a comment (not the replies of the replies of the comment), it will be indicated by a slim green bar on the left side of the screen.

    Can you guys make this bar more visible? It's very hard to distinguish the reply of the comment from the comment itself unless you look closely onto it.
