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trillian Trillian

I'm a hiker, gardener, veg grower, dogowner, cat owner, nature and science lover and climate concerned.

Posts 2
Comments 8
  • Now they just have to find out how to play with it, and... wait... this reminds me of something? 🤔

  • Ripple Says 'Hi'
  • Such a cutie... boop!

  • Climate change has increased diversity of butterflies in Sweden and Finland, may have major ecosystem consequences
  • Fascinating read. I am working to make my garden more wildlife friendy. Ive introduced lots of flowerd the last 10 years, but will work on bringing in more native flowers onwards. Hopefully the butterflies will like it.

  • Hey yous, I'm trillian!
  • Quite well on established trails! Usually a blaze is visible as soon you've passed the last one, though there are variations.

  • Hey yous, I'm trillian!
  • Hahah, same here. It's always hike - hike - hike - Oooh! Look at this plant! I haven't seen it around here before! - hike - hike - hike. 😁

  • Taking a brief break in the snow
  • Ouch, looks harsh! A lot of postholing?

  • hiking Trillian

    Your favorite picture from your most recent hike?

    Would love to see people sharing one or a few pictures from their most recent hike.

    I'll start with: My best hiking pal, my doggo, gazing along the trail (local trail in Sweden). !

    24 hours of Earth's rotation, with the camera locked to the sky instead of the ground.
  • A very good way to yet again realize that our planet is more amazing and complex than at least my brain can comprehend...!

  • Hey yous, I'm trillian!

    Not sure if anyone are reading these, but here I am - trillian: hiker, gardener, nature-and-science-interested person in general. I'm located in Scandinavia, owned by cats and a dog and can usually be found studying plants in the garden and the forest round the house or hiking some trail.
