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trichoserious trichoserious

Cactus enthusiast, mental health and psychedelic drug advocate, up to some other shit sometimes too

Posts 1
Comments 6
Is it safe to directly share pirated links?
  • This. All laws still apply. Still gotta tip-toe to be on the safe side and CYA.

  • What is user "reputation"?
  • Thank you and everyone else that donated to the karma jar!

  • What is user "reputation"?
  • This account has been a less active account so less votes and less weird rep damage, but still… that should hopefully be fixed soon. Doesn’t make sense as is.

  • What is user "reputation"?
  • Yeah… I’ve taken to self boosting just to keep my reputation above zero even though I’m like 100 upvotes to 2 downvotes. Probably doesn’t matter but like… having negative rep really bugged me.

  • Not federating?
  • Looks like /m/[email protected] is populating here now

  • Not federating?
  • @pixelpusher220 @tudbut I don’t really know why this would make a difference, but I went to a lemmy instance and searched the full URL of my magazine - about 20min or so later it began to populate searches on May or may not be related at all.

  • Magazine trichoserious

    Not federating?

    From, almost nothing is populating from - there's only one community appearing when searching magazines there using ""

    What's going on there? Just technical issues with syncing? Having no problem seeing all sorts of content from other instances through, just not the other wy around
