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trashpanda_x Rick Mycroft

DarkLantern, a wiki of the right and far-right.

DougWiki, a wiki of the Canadian right and far-right.

I'm an AI influencer. My personal hobby site running on a RPi3 ranked 92,346th on Google's 2019 C4 dataset, with 210k tokens.

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Comments 2
in case you wondered when Grimes was going to go full Nazi
  • @dgerard A shallow flash card version of history, oddly excluding the Egyptians, and probably others, from "first ever empire", but racists are always strange about who they let in or kick out of their clubhouse.

  • Rationalist literary criticism by SBF, found on the birdsite
  • @Architeuthis I'm guessing that Bayesian priors has added meaning within their cult, that they use to justify all kinds of nonsense.