Ist es illegal bootable usb sticks in der nähe von Schulen zu verkaufen?
If people are saying something you disagree with you can just say it and you won’t be fired or ostracized for it.
But you can be banned which is pretty much the online equivalent to being fired or kicked out of school.
If you like funny game- and quiz shows, Britain has you covered.
8 of 10 Cats does Counterdown
Would I Lie to You
The Big Fat Quiz
are all top notch.
The answer is piracy.
I agree that people not voting is an issue. But looking at how young people voted in the last EU election, it's far from the only one.
Does the app matter?
I thought it might be because you said:
Removing a comment also makes it impossible for people to join and carry on the conversation.
But it's very possible. It really just requires one extra step (looking up the comment in the modlog) and you can interact with it as usual.
Früher in der Schule, zum Ende einer Klassenarbeit, haben die Lehrer gesagt: „Soo, die Zeit ist um. Es ist nicht schlimm, wenn ihr nicht fertig geworden seid. Schreibt noch den Satz zu Ende und gebt dann ab.“
Genau das ist nun auch mit dem Gesetz über digitale Gewalt passiert. [...] Die künftige Regierung kann sich davon inspirieren lassen, oder die Rückseite als Schmierpapier verwenden.
Also bei mir wurden auch die unvollständigen Klassenarbeiten benotet ... der Vergleich hinkt.
That's supposed to mean "thank you"? I always thought it was a begging gesture.
Removing a comment also makes it impossible for people to join and carry on the conversation. Or keep on upvoting
Are you using an app? Because you totally can still vote or reply to a removed comment on the normal web interface.
Aus Rick & Morty. Und ja, er baut sich ein Exoskelett aus Kakerlaken- und Ratten Teilen.
Araneus andrewsi is only found on the west coast. Should be the more common Araneus diadematus.
Power mods gonna power trip ...
I remember when they were putting so much sugar in the bread they legally couldn't call it bread anymore.
Not even pac man?
Yes, but only to shoot your dog.
Because he puts on orange paint. And a lot of people think it's very weird.
It might sound neat, but it's certainly not a proof of anything.
It says there is CCTV footage, but it doesn't seem like they made it public.
I just checked a proper source. He groped her, she pulled a knife and the guy backed away. She then came after him and stabbed him. That's no longer self-defense. Totally reasonable that she's charged.
Die Feuerwehr ist nach dem Brand weiter im Weinheimer Freizeitbad Miramar im Einsatz. Die Nachlöscharbeiten sind schwieriger als angenommen. Das Feuer war am Sonntag ausgebrochen.
A fire? At sea parks?
Federation with is delayed by 12-24h
It's not broken, posts and comments will eventually sync but we're up to a day behind. It makes it impossible to interact with any of these communities in a meaningful way.
Another Zoropsis spinimana that had to be evicted from my home.
A female this time, pretty sure it's gravid. Probably the biggest one I've seen so far.
And yeah, I have a very shitty phone/camera. Sorry for that.
The Spiders in Your Yard - The Goldenrod Crab Spider
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Classifying and Identifying Spiders - Spider Basics EP4
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8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown S26E02 (26 July 2024)
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Request for being a moderator of c/spiders
I don't really want to, but it doesn't have any mods currently.
I have some expertise with spiders and would rather stick to doing just IDs, but since there is no mod maybe it's good to have a contingency plan in case some spam turns up ... or to delete the classic "it's a brown recluse" comment ... when it's any brown spider.
But I'm happy to concede to anyone else that actually wants to be a mod.
What Is A Spider? Spider Basics: Beyond the Eight Legs, Episode 1
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Anime newbie looking for suggestions
I watched "Frieren: Beyond Journey's End" a few weeks ago which is probably my first proper anime (not counting the odd episode of Dragon Ball, Sailor Moon or OnePiece I caught on TV as a child) and I really enjoyed it.
Especially the slow but deep character build up and general world building and exploration themes were really captivating. So I'm looking for something similar with focus on these aspects.
So far I found "Wandering Witch: The Journey of Elaina", which was ok but didn't quite live up to Frieren and wasn't nearly as captivating.
So does anyone know similar shows or at least shows that focus on the aspects of story telling I mentioned avove?