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teejugg teejugg
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[Discussion] The Universe next door to Battletech
  • This was really fucking great to read, thanks! I can't even imagine how much we've lost over the years, I'd love to be able to read the whole story again and see people write sequels upon that

  • Let's see what we've got here
  • Naah that's our brand new tariff retaliation system. Beware of my fellow Canadians, they have the means to Sconeslam the shit out of anyone!

  • Let's see what we've got here

    I swear this shit works with maple syrup 😂

    Play Tribes 2 - Team Combat on an Epic Scale!
  • yea that's the problem with humans, they have to work on weekdays 😂

  • I made it 🔥🔥🔥
