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syaochan syaochan

Senior dolphin polisher. Weeb. 小学生は最高だぜ! リア充爆発しろ! Do not trust Google translate

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Tips on distro for gaming
  • @gh0stcassette you can install HWE kernels like in Ubuntu, from Update Manager

  • @Rustmilian classic Mint is basically Ubuntu without snap. Then there's Mint Debian edition which is built on Debian (sort of insurance if Ubuntu goes Red Hat way).

  • Which new laptop under $300 with upgradeable parts should I be looking at?
  • @MigratingtoLemmy I just got a Thinkpad T580 but it's a bit over the budget (350€ included shipping from Germany to Italy). This model supports also 2.5" hard disks. FHD 15" screen, 8th gen i5, 16 GB DDR4 and a backlit keyboard which is a nice thing to have if you use the laptop at night.

  • Rant: My recent experience of trying to install windows for gaming and why I'm really thankful for Linux
  • @stoy oh the joy of bias. Some random device does not work in linux? Linux is shit.
    Some random device does not work in Windows? It's user's fault

  • How to choose your first distro - A guide for beginners (flowchart + text post)
  • @Presi300 I'm using Cinnamon with 2 monitors (laptop + external monitor connected via displaylink)

  • I'm so frustrated rn.
  • @cosmicrookie the intuitive solution to error 0x4f63e78 would be...? Because that's how Windows issues typically are: no explanation of what has failed, only an hex string

  • Which version of a distro to install?
  • @bartolomeo if you want it to just work, you should consider installing Armbian. I ran Armbian for a couple of years on my Rock64 and it was very stable

  • Cambiare/sbloccare sistema operativo
  • @mac89 sai che processore ha? La rom che @Moonrise2473 ha linkato sembra per un Allwinner H6, se è questo potresti tentare di caricarci Libreelec. Qua la discussione relativa sul forum:

  • XMPP + SNIKKET: Guida in italiano per installare in self hosting un server Xmpp
  • @notizie @lsintoni Ma bisogna avere un account su per vedere la pagina? Io non vedo nulla

  • Ubuntu's Mozillateam PPA now forcing users over to snap install for Firefox.
  • @PseudoSpock add Linux Mint repository and install Firefox from there, as described here:
    Or switch to Linux Mint entirely, like I did :ablobcatbongo:

  • Come funziona la nuova legge contro la pirateria online
  • @nordring12 la vedo dura guardare streaming via TOR. La VPN è soltanto un palliativo, volendo l'autorità può richiedere i dati degli utenti al gestore e questo dovrà fornirli.