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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Comments 41
Le Pen’s far right set for big win in first round of French election
  • Being in the government often leads to reduced popularity.

    Consider the options:

    1. No early election. RN popularity continues to rise, and they take the presidency and parliament in 2027. Result: Complete power for 5 years.
    2. Early election. RN wins, and forms a new government. While being the ruling party, they lose in popularity and lose the elections in 2027. Result: limited power for 3 years.

    To me it seems quite clear that option 2 is preferable to 1 for Macron.

  • Russian space control center in Crimea struck by Ukrainian ATACMS missiles
  • How is that the implication when there are lots of other explanations, one even given above?

    If the target costs more than the missile (including the opportunity cost), and/or the target is a high priority for repairs, it makes sense to target it. It doesn't need to be more complicated than that.

  • What are the differences between the 'base' of various Linux distributions?
  • I'd say the main differences are at least

    • package availability
    • update frequency
    • backporting
    • packaging philosophy (e.g. plain upstream vs customizations, include all funtionality in single packege vs split out optional features)
    • default confguration for packages
  • [QUESTION] Flatpak or AUR?
  • You know what else we shouldn't assume? That that it doesn't have a security feature. And we additionally then shouldn't go around posting that incorrect assumption as if it were a fact. You know, like you did.

  • [QUESTION] Flatpak or AUR?
  • I'm confused why you think it would be anything else, and why you are so dead set on this. Repos include a signing key. There is an option to skip signature checking. And you think that signature checking is not used during downloads, despite this?

    Ok, here are a few issues related to signatures being checked by default, when downloading:

    Flatpak repos are signed and the signature is checked when downloading.

    It's OK to be wrong. Dying on this hill seems pretty weird to me.

  • [QUESTION] Flatpak or AUR?
  • From the page:

    It is recommended that OSTree repositories are verified using GPG whenever they are used. However, if you want to disable GPG verification, the --no-gpg-verify option can be used when a remote is added.

    That is talking about downloading as well. Yes, you can turn it off, but so can you usually do it with native package managers, e.g. pacman:

  • Open Source Initiative tries to define Open Source AI
  • In theory, if you have the inputs, you have reproducible outputs, modulo perhaps some small deviations due to non-deterministic parallelism. But if those effects are large enough to make your model perform differently you already have big issues, no different than if a piece of software performs differently each time it is compiled.

  • Open Source Initiative tries to define Open Source AI
  • The analogy works perfectly well. It does not matter how common it is. Pstching binaries is very hard compared to e.g. LoRA. But it is still essentially the same thing, making a derivative work by modifying parts of the original.

  • Open Source Initiative tries to define Open Source AI
  • I don't see your point? What is the "source" for Mona Lisa I would use? For LLMs I could reproduce them given the original inputs.

    Creating those inputs may be an art, but so could any piece of code. No one claims that code being elegant disqualifies it from being open source.

  • Open Source Initiative tries to define Open Source AI
  • How is that different then e.g. patching a closed-sourced binary? There are plenty of community patches to old games to e.g. make them work on newer hardware. Architectural independence seems irrelevant, it's no different than e.g Java bytecode.

  • Open Source Initiative tries to define Open Source AI
  • It would depend on the format what is counted as source, and what isn't.

    You can create a picture by hand, using no input data.

    I challenge you to do the same for model weights. If you truly just sit down and type away numbers in a file, then yes, the model would have no further source. But that is not something that can be done in practice.

  • Should we replace democracy with science?
  • You forget a piece: "Given these observations, these objectives, and this bit of sound reasoning, ..."

    Without objectives, no amount of reasoning will tell you what to do. Who sets the objectives?

  • Volt Suomi kerää kannatusilmoituksia puolueen rekisteröimistä varten

    >Volt Suomi on paneurooppalainen liike: emme näe Euroopan unionin liittovaltiokehitystä uhkana, vaan suorastaan mahdollisuutena ratkaista meidän eurooppalaisten yhteisiä ongelmia. Voltissa on näkyvillä myös sen edistyksellisyys – emme jämähdä menneisyyteen, vaan pysymme ajassa mukana ja tähtäämme tulevaisuuteen. Haluamme olla mukana ylläpitämässä ja kehittämässä päätöksenteon demokraattisuutta, ihmisten tasa-arvoa ja sekä heidän vaikuttamismahdollisuuksiaan.

    Jos on sitä mieltä että puoluekenttä tarvitsee vähän ravistelua, niin kannattaa allekirjoittaa riippumatta siitä mitä mieltä puolueesta on. Koska Volt on yleiseurooppalainen puolue, on todennäköistä että tänne suomeenkin voi virrata uusia ideoita ja tapoja tehdä politiikkaa.

    Käykää samalla kannattamassa muitakin potentiaalisia puolueita.

    edit: Jaahas, huomasin vasta nyt että kun postaa Lemmyyn niin voi antaa linkin TAI kuva, ei molempia. Eli tarkoittamani linkki jäikin puuttumaan. Onneksi pystyy muokkamaan jälkikäteen (mikä tosin on kyllä vähän epäilyttävä ominaisuus noin muuten)
