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RE: Is Ernest still here?
  • I appeciate all you do, but please start delegating for your own sake.
    Find people to handle the spam and moderation, that gives you more time to focus on dev and infra.
    And on dev too, there is lots to delegate.

  • Magic fix for smart devices Rule
  • I love cron, if those stupid smart devices had a cron I would not have to resort to hardware hacks.

  • Magic fix for smart devices Rule
  • Also, routers usually have an option to auto-reboot at specified intervals.

    Tldr, apply physical timer instead. It saves me time.

  • Magic fix for smart devices Rule
  • Have you tried turning it off and on again?

  • Collection of DnD Magazines. (like a multireddit)
  • Ernest is adding features at a rapid rate. Things like favorites get left for later. Even if you succeeded, it would not have any new features.

  • Collection of DnD Magazines. (like a multireddit) DnD -

    Collecting fediverse D&D magazines with content, skipping the memes See the RpgMemes collection for memes,

    DnD -

    View multiple communities as one merged view.

    A case for preemptively defederating with Threads
  • Threads is the smaller player here compared to twitter/bluesky. and bluesky is a direct compeditor for activitypub with their own federation protocol.

    So now Threads has to play nice to have any chance at all. A part of the fediverse pie is better than no pie at all.
    I hope Tumblr joins too.

  • New OneDnD playtest pack - Playtest 9 (8?) - Barbarian, Druid, Monk, spells
  • Besides the moon druid, all other druid-subclasses hardly change.
    The new conjure spells do have a large impact.

    Instead of animals they are variations of spirit guardians,
    A few are unbalanced, but i do get the general idea. It does help the druid to be a battlefield-controller.
    What I don't like is that they do damage on hostile turns, It forces a druid to interrupt the DM on hostile turns.
    (Like the existing moonbeam and spirit guardians )

    I would prefer:

    AOE damage right after caster-turn, and if a a hostile enters and leaves the AOE within their turn.

  • RTR#28 New Homepage Options, Improved Aggregate View, Support Us Box
  • Don't burn yourself out.
    I love progress, but I love it even more at a sustainable pace.

  • Donald Trump Built a National Debt So Big (Even Before the Pandemic) That It’ll Weigh Down the Economy for Years
  • Afterwards, if the oher party is in power they can't stop talking about it.

  • Donald Trump Built a National Debt So Big (Even Before the Pandemic) That It’ll Weigh Down the Economy for Years
  • Reagan era "starve the beast".
    I'd like to see a graph of tax revenue vs wealth per payer.

  • Geert Wilders' victory in Netherlands election spooks Europe
  • He has 35 out of 150 seats/23%, He'll need to compromise.
    Forming a coalition will take a long time.

  • Why is Lemmygrad hated in the wider space of Lemmy?
  • I actuallly don't mind lemmygrad that much, unless provoked they don't invade threads on other instances on mass. I do dislike hexbear for thay, they tend to swarm.

  • Killing blow for Tesla: The cars do not get new license plates
  • In some countries the car gets a plate on import, the number never changes.

  • Why is Lemmygrad hated in the wider space of Lemmy?
  • Visit a few Ukraine threads, it's one of the topics the fanatics pile on.
    My point was that tankies are a "special" subset of communists.

  • Why is Lemmygrad hated in the wider space of Lemmy?
  • They like Stalin, Putin , Xi and Kim. And defend everything they do.

    Like WTF? How can a communist defend putin!?

  • Every dang day
  • Ok you got me, I don't see tankies as mainstream left wing, they're fare gone but wouldn't label them alt-right

  • Every dang day
  • Ok, I'll bite, give me an example of "one thing wrong" that gets you labelled as an alt-right fascist.

  • Hacker ontdekt kwetsbaarheid in telsoftware verkiezingen: 'Minder dan uur werk'

    Een lek in de stemmentelsoftware voor de verkiezingen maakte in potentie het manipuleren van de verkiezingsuitslag mogelijk.

    Hacker ontdekt kwetsbaarheid in telsoftware verkiezingen: 'Minder dan uur werk'
    1 Feeling the heat? So is your yard. Conserve water this summer with these easy tips.

    It’s no secret that the month of July was hot and dry. This came as a shock to many of us as we came off a historically precipitous winter. In fact, globally July is set to become the...

    It’s no secret that the month of July was hot and dry. This came as a shock to many of us as we came off a historically precipitous winter. In fact, globally July is set to become the...


    North Granville Water District urged to conserve water

    Effective immediately and until further notice, the Town of Granville is requiring all North Granville Water District Customers to conserve water and is placing a water use restriction on outside

    /kbin meta static

    403 Forbidden when I try to message someone outside of

    The "send message" button only works for kbin users. On any user outside of kbin I get a 403. btw, is there a specific magazine for kbin-software issues?

    2 ERCOT asks Texans to voluntarily conserve energy and issues Weather Watch through Friday

    ERCOT said its request for voluntary conservation is between 3-8 p.m. "due to forecasted high demand, and lower reserves due to low wind generation."

    ERCOT asks Texans to voluntarily conserve energy and issues Weather Watch through Friday

    What's the best dual boot theft recovery? (edit: was: honeypot)

    The idea is that is that I have a dual boot linux/windows. Where linux is secure and encrypted, and windows is the honeypot.

    windows is the default boot option.

    edit 2: I titled this wrong and I worded it wrong, i'll try again later. Next time : Murphy's law allways wins, assume my laptop will get stolen. And i want to recover it remotely.

    I'm not changing my behaviour, I already lowered the likelyhood of theft by switching my macbook for a secondhand thinkbook.


    What are your thoughts about using cheap ebike kits to turn a normal bike into an ebike?

    Let's get some disussion here , instead of links. And I am really curious, I "nightly" ordered a lot of stuff recently.

    /kbin meta static

    The germans are so active on the #threadiverse that people start complaining.

    The germans are so active on the #threadiverse that people start complaining.

    \#lemmy #kbin.



    PSA: Many Lemmy instances are currently experiencing massive automated sign-ups (bots) PSA: Many Lemmy instances are currently experiencing massive automated sign-ups (bots)! If you run an instance with open sign-ups, please read! -

    Today, a bunch of new instances appeared in the top of the user count list []. It appears that these instances are all being bombarded by bot sign-ups. For now, it seems that the bots are especially targeting instances that have: * Open sign-ups * No captcha * No...

    I could not figure out how to do a modmail, but please take care.


    Warlocks, how did you flavor your imp?

    I initially wanted a parrot for my spelljammer character, but in the end I chose a colored raven.

    Since the imp can polymorph into a raven, rat or spider there are so many options. What did you do?
