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ssfckdt 💚🌲💙⭐⭐Romulus / Keith 🌹🍺✌⚽

Sounders / Defiance / OL Reign fan Boston expatriate Techie Leftist Iconoclast Adriana's husband

Posts 2
Comments 193
  • it's definitely a paradigm-shifting thing to perceive

  • Android Rule
  • "I hope he grins like Jack Nicholson
    And forces you to play a game called 'Balls on Chin'
    And whatever happens next is all a blur
    But you remember 'fist' can be a verb"

    -- Bloodhound Gang, "I Hope You Die"

  • The city I live in doesn't rule.
  • the dad was making a really poor analogy, that's all this is

  • Crunchy time rule
  • would it be awkward to point out that this wouldn't work

    soak it, maybe, but microwaving it will just burn it. like an egg white.


  • ruleD
  • that man has the manliest pussy you'll ever see

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • These are people who insist that the KJV, perhaps history's absolute worst translation of scripture ever, as the single solitary legitimate version of the Bible.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • at some point everyone spoke the same language, until god decided it made them too powerful, and invented multilingualism to cause them to not understand each other.

    but what was that original language? #mysteriousways

  • I'm going to my friends Hamas base RULE dinner
  • This is a shit-tier excuse for bombing schools, regardless.

  • grizzly bears rule
  • My bear in christ, have you heard of adoption?

  • We are missing out on a entire cultures shitposts! Rule
  • I can't recall if I've ever been called an SJW, so there's that

  • We are missing out on a entire cultures shitposts! Rule
  • Fuck, I knew I was forgetting something in that list.

    Super-woke incel tankie shitlib nazi.

    Thanks for the correction!

  • The city I live in doesn't rule.
  • you give rural Texas news stations a bit more credit than I would

  • *Permanently Deleted*

    "The Monks have ruled the world since humanity took its very first baby steps towards the Sun. One problem... they haven't always been there. And only Bill Potts sees the truth. But where is the Doctor? And how can Bill make the rest of the world see?"

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • @miss_brainfart I think it was the Pyramid Monks? I should probably look it up.

  • grizzly bears rule
  • *large

    checks out

  • Rule
  • my dude right here is like "i'm typing with thumbs on a tiny device" while banging out "exhaustively," "convincingly," "electromagnetism," "centralisation," "industrialized," "catastrophically,"

    god tier shit

  • Rule The Police
  • hey kids, look, it's a shiitake shittake

  • We are missing out on a entire cultures shitposts! Rule
  • as a supposedly super-woke incel tankie shitlib, i'm not sure how to be offended here

  • Side quest unlocked, Rule
  • His name was David Johnston

    (His name was David Johnston)

  • The city I live in doesn't rule.
  • tell me you know nothing about the history of theater without telling me

  • @196 With /r/196 open again on Reddit, what happens to Lemmy version?

    @196 With /r/196 open again on Reddit, what happens to Lemmy version?
