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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 13
Comments 296
What’s Your Oldest System?
  • I have a Timex Computer 2068, a ZX Spectrum clone made my Timex Portugal. My dad bought it sometime in the 80s. I still turn it on from time to time, mostly out of nostalgia. That one is the oldest in my house. I was too young to remember it being bought but it had to be some time between 1985 or 1987.

    I also have the first model of the European Sega Master System made in 86 or 87 but I bought it second hand less than a year ago.

  • The first time I went to Spain I learned that they used a different set of playing cards
  • In Portugal, while we use the French/English cards, we still called them by the old names (Spanish/Italian).

    We call clovers paus (sticks, clubs), pikes are called espadas (swords), diamonds is ouros (gold, coins) and hearts are called copas (cups).

    I always found weird how the names had nothing to do with the symbols themselves. Now I understand.

  • Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.
  • There's a difference in something being not perfect and being fundamentally flawed. My confusion is because you perfectly verbalized why I think it's flawed.

    I could understand being in favor of using nuclear temporarily until renewables are more reliable. I don't agree but I understand the thought process. It's a calculated risk, an acceptable gamble. But being aware of all the issues with nuclear and still be in favor of it long term, in my opinion, doesn't make sense.

    Mind you, I'm not trying to attack you, I'm genuinely intrigued and curious.

  • Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.
  • Those health issues while being a problem are in no danger of killing humanity. Wether they affect hundreds, thousands, even millions.

    ONE really bad nuclear disaster can make a whole continent uninhabitable.

    The risks are on totally different magnitudes.

  • Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.
  • There's always a way to fail. Always.

    There are no unsinkable ships. No matter how safe the Titanic is, keep enough of them on the sea and one will eventually sink the way least people expected. If life on Earth depends on a Titanic never sinking...we're fucked eventually.

    Life on Earth depends on no more than a couple on nuclear plants blowing up catastrophically.

  • Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.
  • Dude, you realize a nuclear meltdown releases far more nuclear poison than a nuclear bomb. It's not about the immediate destructive potential.

    A nuclear winter would last at most a decade or two due to the dust thrown into the atmosphere by the explosions. A disaster like Chernobyl, while not even close in terms of destructive power, had the potential to release enough radiation to leave half of Europe uninhabitable for centuries, maybe even millenia. Chernobyl is still dangerous to this day while cities like Hiroshima and Nagasaki are thriving.

    And to think you could just abandon a nuclear power plant safely...

    You realize used nuclear fuel is extremely hot and still radiating heat and has to be cooled for a long time. You abandoned one without safety measures and the pools cooling the used fuel would just boil and evaporate. The water gone would no longer shield the radiation and you'd have a ton of radioactive material shitting poison into the atmosphere and meltdown.

    Some people don't know shit about nuclear power and like to act condescending "it's not like a nuclear bomb". No, it's far more dangerous. And all it takes is a couple of really bad accidents to ruin the planet. And Murphy's law tells us those improbable accidents will happen eventually. That means with nuclear power, quick or slowly we are walking towards the abyss. When we reach it we fall and there's no way out.

  • Europeans of Lemmy, what places in Europe should foreigners avoid at all cost?
  • Actually, the traditional Jogo da Bolacha is also a thing. If you're in Portugal and someone asks for you to join, YOU JOIN. It's extremely rude for foreigners to refuse the Jogo da Bolacha. Specially if the inviter winks at you. It's also good manners to announce you'll loose the first few times, while you learn. If people are surprised by this just smile, lick your lips and say you're the Cookie Monster. You'll be accepted among us very quickly.

  • Pro-Palestine demonstrators in Portugal assaulted by Israeli tourists Ativistas pró-Palestina agredidas por turistas de Israel em Coimbra

    Manifestantes dizem ter sido vítimas de violência racista e xenófoba, ameaças de morte e pontapés. Confrontos físicos aconteceram esta sexta-feira à tarde, junto à estátua de D. Dinis, na Universidade de Coimbra, onde decorria uma manifestação pacífica.

    Ativistas pró-Palestina agredidas por turistas de Israel em Coimbra

    I need help choosing my next GPU below 400 Euros

    The title. I've been delaying long enough and I can't really wait anymore. I need a new GPU. I could really use some advice.

    Right now I have a GTX 1060 3 GB with a Ryzen 7 2700X CPU and 32 GB RAM. Mostly I use it for gaming in 1080p but it's not impossible I'll eventually increase it (but unlikely).

    I'll accept suggestions outside of my options but keep in mind the prices in my country are different. I'm not looking to buy used for various reasons (lack of warranty is one).

    My options are:

    RTX 3060 12 GB (290 euros)

    RTX 4060 8 GB (330 euros)

    RX 7600 XT 12 GB (380 euros)

    RX 6750 XT 12 GB (400 euros)

    RX 6700 XT 12 GB (420 euros)

    RTX 4060ti 16 GB (480 euros)

    I was really trying to keep it way below 400 euros. The 7600 XT is already a stretch but I could be convinced to raise the budget to the upper 400s for something with really good bang for buck.

    I appreciate the help

    UPDATE: In the end I decided to go for the RX 6750 XT for 405 euros but, as is my habit, I decided I should sleep on it. And thank god I did. The next day I went online and had already decided to buy it when I saw it was the store's birthday and they were doing some nice discounts and the 6750 was at 360 euros (limited to stock). I immediately bought. What are the odds?! She'll be here in a couple of days.


    I'm trying to think of something more stupid than this but it's not easy...

    My girlfriend started taking a Masters in a college this year. In her course the faculty have shown some disorganization and computer illiteracy since day one but the latest one...completely killed me.

    Besides their personal college e-mail, they wanted a platform to make announcements for all the course (20 students). I can think of a thousand ways to do this. Hell, even a Facebook group would be better. But no...

    They have an e-mail address (like [email protected]) where all the info is sent and EVERYBODY has the password to enter the e-mail and check the inbox.

    That is it. I have no words. I think this is the most idiotic and dumb thing I've ever seen in IT.

    28 Portugal’s bid to attract foreign money backfires as rental market goes ‘crazy’

    Government incentives and deregulation have brought digital nomads, Airbnbs and ‘golden visas’ – but steep housing costs for locals

    Portugal’s bid to attract foreign money backfires as rental market goes ‘crazy’

    Mais um agente imobiliário a enriquecer a vender o país a americanos

    Este agente imobiliário, de nome Vítor Costa, ganha a vida a convencer americanos a virem viver para Portugal com as consequências que todos sabemos. Normalmente nem postaria aqui mas quando o próprio comentou a noticia cheio de soberba e sarcasmo...não resisti. Estas pessoas precisam de ser denunciadas e humilhadas em público pelo que estão a fazer ao nosso país.


    Today my account is no more

    After 8 years, today I just deleted all my comments and posts. So far they are deleted. I haven't deleted my account in case I have to delete them again. Fuck spez.

    That is all



    "Há críticas que custam a engolir quando são feitas por alguém que representa precisamente um dos principais grupos causadores do descalabro lisboeta" Isto Lembra-me Uma História: Lisboa, it’s not you, it’s us

    Por mais que a cidade de Lisboa mereça muitas das críticas e que as suas gentes estejam longe de ser as mais espetaculares no que toca à hospitalidade, há críticas que custam a engolir quando são feitas por alguém que representa precisamente um dos principais grupos causadores do descalabro lisboeta...

    Isto Lembra-me Uma História: Lisboa, it’s not you, it’s us

    Morte de bebé de um ano em seita espiritual de Coimbra investigada pelo Ministério Público

    Isto é mais comum do que se pensa. Conheço gente (não nesta seita, acho eu) com crenças parecidas. Alguns só registaram as crianças depois de ameaças legais de familiares. Vacinas evitam ao máximo e até tentam não as meter na escola. Os casos que conheço sao crianças que estão a passar claras necessidades de saúde, educativas e sociais. Tudo porque os papás querem viver o sonho de hippie.

    2 STOP e os bárbaros na Invicta

    Acredito que se possa medir o grau de civilização de uma cidade pela forma como trata a cultura. Hoje, o Porto tratou uma das suas maiores jóias culturais com o desprezo de bárbaros.

    STOP e os bárbaros na Invicta

    Centro Comercial STOP, no Porto, fechado pela polícia. Mais um hotel para turistas? “Não sabíamos de nada!” diz músico do centro comercial Stop no dia em que foi impedido de entrar

    Foram encerradas mais de 100 lojas do centro comercial Stop, na manhã desta terça-feira, pela falta de licença de utilização e após várias queixas de ruído.

    “Não sabíamos de nada!” diz músico do centro comercial Stop no dia em que foi impedido de entrar

    Pelo que entendi, os músicos que alugavam salas de ensaios e pagavam renda foram impedidos de aceder às mesmas inclusive de tirar o material. O STOP encontra-se bloqueado por um cordão policial.


    Pagar para voltar de férias - isto é legal?

    O sítio onde trabalho tem umas regras estranhas. Uma das que me cai pior é que quando voltamos de uma baixa ou de férias (mais de 1 dia de ausência) somos obrigados a comprar (no local de trabalho) um impresso que custa € 0,20 e a entregar na administração a participar o regresso, sob pena da ausência ser considerada falta injustificada.

    O valor é relativamente baixo mas acho incorrecto por uma questão de princípio. Ah, e se quisermos faltar por algum motivo temos de meter outro impresso diferente com o mesmo custo, além do impresso a comunicar o regresso. Custa-me a crer que isto seja legal. Pelo menos no caso das férias está a cobrar basicamente um imposto para tirar férias.

    Acham isto normal?

    EDIT: Custa a acreditar, não é? Mas é a realidade de qualquer trabalhador numa escola pública, docente ou não-docente. Ainda acham que devo ligar à ACT?
