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snailwizard snailwizard
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Comments 41
*Permanently Deleted*
  • Some people have experiences which have left them embittered towards a younger, more hopeful generation. Despite 100's of years of exploitation, absolute failure, and hundreds of millions of people starving to death, getting killed for things such as not wanting to work weekends, and sent to work to death for having the absolute cajones to do what they need to do to provide for their loved ones, they STILL insist that capitalism is the only way forward because it's the only thing they've ever known.

    The average human may not stand out amid 8 billion other people, but each and every person is unique and therefore special in their own way.

    Everyone wants to work, to do something, but no one wants to have a job because your worth as a human shouldn't be tied to how much money you can earn for someone else. (And, inb4 "art is not a job", that is so fucking disingenuous; if you think that art isn't essential, then STOP listening to music, STOP watching television and movies, STOP reading books and newspapers, and then get back to me.) People naturally provide for those they care for and, news flash, people care about other people and their identities.

    I know you're probably just trolling because you hate your life under capitalism and need to feel like you're a part of something, but like join the club bro.

  • How it feels if I ignore my alarm to get ready for bed.
  • Looks at time...3:30 AM. Sounds about right

  • The worst physical pain you've ever experienced ?
  • I have a chronic illness that can cause a lot of pain. Specifically, I have had to go to the ER several times because I legitimately thought my appendix was about to burst. (It wasn't, but the doctors still told me it was good I had come in.)

    I thought that was the worst pain(s) I had ever experienced. Then I had a kidney stone. My god. Gonna go hydrate now.

  • I haven't been on Reddit since the 11th... Anyone else?
  • I used to check there every day but it's been two weeks of not. It's great! I'm checking out here and Lemmy (I like kbin's layout and vibes a lot, but Lemmy has beta apps lol) I feel like I've had more time for life.

  • How to un**ck your life when you have ADHD
  • Amazing guide holy shit. Thank you

  • Why isn't Lemmy indexed yet?
  • It’s simply a matter of time, on the matter of months and months and months to years.

  • PSA: is having some heavy federation issues lately.
  • There should be a fix in a day or two, there was an issue with captcha to my understanding.

  • Wouldn't it be nice if instead of just bars with alcohol, there were establishments for people to consume cannabis while eating, playing board games, and socializing?
  • Speaking as a smoker: it's a great idea until someone manages to start a fire (or deliberately sets one.) Also smoky interiors get uncleanably grimy FAST.

  • Do you actually put olives on top of your sandwiches?
  • Gag. I love olive oil but hate olives, so no. Even if you consider olive oil as a sandwich ingredient it's still "in" the sandwich, so again no haha

  • Are aquaponic gardens welcome?
  • oh super cool! do you have any starter tips? this is rly inspiring!

  • Hello (& Second!)
  • Hi Cev! Nice to meet you, I’m Cal :) I’m 27 and from the US. I feel you about being less certain of my gender every day lol! As long as I don’t think too much about it I’m not too concerned 😵‍💫 anyway I use he/they pronouns mostly.

    I also enjoy gaming and hanging out! I also like to cook and bake (and get baked), read, draw, garden, go hiking/camping…

  • What will you do if reddit undoes API changes?
  • I’m in the process of abandoning my Reddit account. I abandoned my Twitter a little while before the Muskening and once it became finalized I really didn’t want to go back, but I kind of regret not saving more memes/screenshots so I’m making sure to actually archive things this time.

    I don’t want to go back. The fediverse has everything and more; I would like to think that we can keep up this wonderful sense of community here. Meanwhile the toxicity on Reddit has gotten even worse.

    It’s like having the opportunity to have an amicable separation from a toxic ex.

  • Hmm yes
  • I mean, it is a workout…so it’s technically the truth lmao

  • Reading Good Omens, what did Neil and Terry contribute each?
  • I have read various interviews and such where they both have said things to the effect of, they each remember having written certain parts, and that there are parts which neither remember writing.

  • Lemmy fix it
  • that’s amazing!!

    also sorry, should have been more clear- 3BP (“Three Body Problem”) is a sci-fi series getting a Netflix adaptation soon, and there is a type of space probe called a Droplet that is tear-shaped and perfectly reflective

  • Andrew Tate charged with rape and human trafficking
  • Lmao nice. Hoping I don’t ever have to hear his name again

  • California restaurant had fake priest hear workers’ confessions, Labor Department says
  • The difference isn’t just that one is Some Guy and one is Some Guy Who Went To Seminary, the difference is that confessions are supposed to be kept confidential (between the person, their priest, and arguably God), not “confidential” (between the person and the priest, who then rats them out to the boss.)

  • What mobile games are keeping your attention these days? (Preferably iOS compatible)
  • Marvel Snap, though while the gameplay is fun the monetization is getting a bit out of hand. I think it can still turn around, though. I’m more of a DC guy myself too!

    I also do a lot of crosswords haha. I have Magic Arena downloaded but I don’t really enjoy playing standard.

    Finally I have been getting back into Pokémon go a little bit. My partner recently picked it back up too!

  • Favorite Ghibli Film, and Why?
  • Princess Mononoke is my favorite for sure. I love the character design, the setting, the environmental storytelling. And wulfy

    Besides that though…I really really liked Spirited Away. So rich and nuanced. I liked the twists and turns the film took

  • Gaming snailwizard

    Weekly Card Release Discussion 6/19: Spider-Ham (Marvel Snap)

    Hello, everyone! Let’s discuss this week’s new card release: Spider-Ham!

    Spider-Ham 1/1 On Reveal: Transform the highest-cost card in your opponent’s hand into a Pig, keeping its Power and Cost.

    What do you think of this card? Do you think it will see widespread use? Will we start seeing more and more Agatha decks? Let the discourse begin!

    Side note: this has also been posted on the Marvel Snap magazine, @MarvelSnap ! Come check us out:)
