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Can I use the domain ""?
  • Unless someone has registered the trademark for those specific purposes you're clear. A trademarks is only valid within a specific field of purpose. Trademarks are there to avoid consumers mistaking one brand for another.

    There are a lot of entertaining articles on Techdirt about companies not understanding trademark law.

  • ONLYOFFICE 8.1 released
  • I agree and the requirement for an exact placement of attribution is not very friendly to derivate works either. I don't think that section 7 of AGPL allow adding anything other than the exact terms in section 7 and it has a clause that allow removing non-permissive additions to the AGPL, but I've sent an e-mail to FSF asking what their position is. I would be very concerned picking AGPL as a license for my projects, if section 7 allow adding clauses like that. Anyhow the clauses were added in this commit, so anything prior to 7.3.0 is normal AGPL.

  • ONLYOFFICE 8.1 released
  • There is no free and open source version of Only Office. It fakes that it is licensed with AGPL, but they have added the following to the license, which in effect completely forbid you to redistribute it. It can be said to be Source Available.

    The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions of ONLYOFFICE must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.

    Pursuant to Section 7 § 3(b) of the GNU AGPL you must retain the original ONLYOFFICE logo in the upper left corner of the user interface when distributing the software.

    Pursuant to Section 7 § 3(e) we decline to grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.

  • Question about JACK audio interface.
  • You need to use a dmix PCM for you card as output.

    If you type aplay -L | grep dmix it'll show you a list of dmix devices. You can set one as the default if you create a file named .asoundrc in your homefolder with the content:

    pcm.!default {
      type plug
      slave.pcm "dmix:CARD=Set,DEV=0"

    You of course replace the value of slave.pcm with your desired card name. I just gave one of mine as an example. The above default configuration also takes care of automatic conversion, via the plug pcm, for different samplerates and formats to the settings the hardware is set up to use. Every program that use ALSA for output will read the above file, but you need to restart a program for changes to take effect.

    If you enjoy audio production I'm sure you'll find some good use for Jack, but for audio mixing all you need is to use an ALSA dmix pcm for output.

  • PedalPC - A Computer powered by Muscle
  • That's awesome. I absolutely love the battery indicator on the top of the website which tells how much power is left on the server.

    Included here as an image for the curious to save him some battery.

  • Building and distributing binaries
  • A solution I've used for the glibc problem, is to build on an older distribution in a chroot. There is also this project which might be of use to pick a specific version of glibc. The project README also explain how to do it manually.

    As for distribution, I prefer something like, that installs to either ~/.local/ or if it is to be installed system-wide to /usr/local or /opt. The concept is just a small shell script appended with a compressed archive, it is easy to modify and even create by hand using standard tools like cat. This is a method widely used by native Linux games.

  • [QUESTION] How do instances that use platforms such as Lemmy send verification, password reset, etc. e-mails? Do they use SMTP or some external service that provides an API?
  • No, it's just a service that's running without me thinking about it.

    My setup is:

    • debian as system
    • exim for smtp
    • courier for pop3
    • mariadb for accounts

    But I'd like to make a point that's not being made in any of the other comments. It does not require an SMTP server to send e-mail. All you have to do is lookup the MX DNS record of the domain, connect to that SMTP server and write a few commands fx.:

    EHLO senderdomain.tld
    MAIL FROM:<[email protected]> 
    RCPT TO:<[email protected]>
    Subject: Blabla
    Bla bla
  • Hvor mange EM ottendedels-finaler viser TV2?
  • Det er modtaget. Jeg ved ikke lige hvorfor jeg ikke gjorde det :)

  • I deleted my Google account…
  • What!? People don't like free time? ;)

  • smpl

    Hvor mange EM ottendedels-finaler viser TV2?

    Er det alle 4 eller alle 8? ;)

    BBC World Service - lite
  • Nice, but it is not entirely without JS. There is a tracking script from

  • Debian maintainer unilaterally strips KeepassXC package of a lot of features
  • debian/rules:

    dh_auto_configure --  -DWITH_TESTS=$(WITH_TESTS) \
    	                      -DWITH_GUI_TESTS=$(WITH_TESTS) \
    	                      -DWITH_XC_UPDATECHECK=OFF \


    set(WITH_XC_ALL OFF CACHE BOOL "Build in all available plugins")
    option(WITH_XC_AUTOTYPE "Include Auto-Type." ON)
    option(WITH_XC_NETWORKING "Include networking code (e.g. for downloading website icons)." OFF)
    option(WITH_XC_BROWSER "Include browser integration with keepassxc-browser." OFF)
    option(WITH_XC_BROWSER_PASSKEYS "Passkeys support for browser integration." OFF)
    option(WITH_XC_YUBIKEY "Include YubiKey support." OFF)
    option(WITH_XC_SSHAGENT "Include SSH agent support." OFF)
    option(WITH_XC_KEESHARE "Sharing integration with KeeShare" OFF)
    option(WITH_XC_UPDATECHECK "Include automatic update checks; disable for controlled distributions" ON)
        option(WITH_XC_FDOSECRETS "Implement Secret Storage Spec server side API." OFF)
    option(WITH_XC_DOCS "Enable building of documentation" ON)
    set(WITH_XC_X11 ON CACHE BOOL "Enable building with X11 deps")
    # stuff inbetween cut out
        # Enable all options (except update check and docs)
        set(WITH_XC_AUTOTYPE ON)
        set(WITH_XC_BROWSER ON)
        set(WITH_XC_YUBIKEY ON)
        set(WITH_XC_SSHAGENT ON)
        set(WITH_XC_KEESHARE ON)
        if(UNIX AND NOT APPLE)
            set(WITH_XC_FDOSECRETS ON)

    I'm no CMake expert, but it looks like to me, from the first line of the above snippet, that the default in the upstream build script is WITH_XC_ALL=OFF.

  • A Staggering 19x Energy Jump in Capacitors May Be the Beginning of the End for Batteries
  • Sadly Sci-Hub has not received updated articles in several years. Alexandra is waiting for the outcome of the trial in India. I don't think it depends on what the outcome is, just that the trial needs to be over.

  • How are companies or developers supposed to make a full time living with OSI opensourced projects?
  • WARNING. Everything other than the last paragraph is kind of rude and opinionated, so skip to the bottom if you only want practical advice and not a philosophical rant.

    First of all Free Software don't need paid developers. We scruffy hackers create software because it's fun. I have a strong suspicion that the commercialization of Free Software via the businessfriendly clothing "Open Source" is actually creating a lot of shitty software or at least a lot of good software that'll be obsoleted to keep business going. Capitalization of Free Software doesn't have an incentive to create good finished software, quite the opposite. The best open source software from commercial entities is in my opinion those that were open sourced when a product was no longer profitable as a proprietary business. As examples I love the ID software game engines and Blender. Others seem happy that Sun dumped the source code of Star Office, which then became OpenOffice and LibreOffice, but then again companies like Collabora are trying to turn it into a shitty webification instead of implementing real collaborative features into the software like what AbiWord has.

    ..and back in the real world where you need to buy food. Open Source consultancy, implementation of custom out-of-tree features, support, courses and training, EOL maintainance or products that leaverage Open Source software is my best answer. See Free Software as a commons we all contribute to, so that we can do things with it and built things from it. You should not expect people to pay for Free Software, but you can sell things that take advantage of Free Software as a resource.

  • 4 Tools to Share Large Files Over the Internet Securely
  • As @[email protected] already said, I'd recommend (can be selfhosted). Filetransfers are direct between peers (unless you're behind some hardcore NAS where UDP hole-punching via STUN is not possible).

    I mean how I transfer a file depends on the situation. If it's to someone on XMPP I'd just establish a direct transfer there. Sometimes I share a directory over HTTP, FTP, SFTP and so on. The easiest way for most people, because it only requires a WebRTC capable browser, is with one of the many peer to peer filesharing platforms like

  • 4 Tools to Share Large Files Over the Internet Securely
  • Don't be so sad, the list is shit.

    I like

  • The Next US President Will Have Troubling New Surveillance Powers
  • Thanks for the archive link, even if I prefer Techdirt for these kind of news, it was nice of you to save me from visiting Wired.

  • Which communication protocol or open standard in software do you wish was more common or used more?
  • No I'm sorry, I pull my feeds manually using a barebones reader. I'm guessing your best bet is one of the web-based readers as it would require a client with a TCP port that's reachable from the web. I have never seen a feed who provided the rssCloud feature though.

  • Which communication protocol or open standard in software do you wish was more common or used more?
  • It's part of the RSS 2.0 standard. Of course it requires adoption by feed publishers.


  • Teknologi smpl

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