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smol_dragon Skylar Dwagon

Just your overly smol dwagon that serves as the lead network engineer for The MFN Project. Mostly friendly but bitey! le nomf

IT geek, ham radio hobbyist and VR grimlin!

Posts 19
Comments 8
Ham Radio Stuffs Skylar Dwagon

Not necessarily ham radio related, but may be interesting... xssfox

xssfox is hacking on cursed software, hardware and everything in between.

Not necessarily ham radio related, but may be interesting to check in on every so often. Found in the ham furs telegram group.

The craving.
  • After being on HRT for nearly a year, the inability to satisfy the need for salt and vinegar flavored gold poor tongue though o.O

  • Interesting Reads Skylar Dwagon

    A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers GitHub - awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted: A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers

    A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers - GitHub - awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted: A list of Free Software network services and ...

    GitHub - awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted: A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers

    cross-posted from:

    > Lemmy search isn’t great, or I’m too new, and can’t tell if this has been posted here before.

    Interesting Reads Skylar Dwagon The ‘90s Internet: When 20 hours online triggered an email from my ISP’s president

    1998 plea for restraint reveals a lost world where the 'Net was an opt-in experience.

    The ‘90s Internet: When 20 hours online triggered an email from my ISP’s president

    cross-posted from:

    > The ‘90s Internet: When 20 hours online triggered an email from my ISP’s president::1998 plea for restraint reveals a lost world where the 'Net was an opt-in experience.

    0 is gone [update from the team]
  • A reminder that we should be mindful of what TLDs we operate our services and projects on.

  • Interesting Reads Skylar Dwagon is gone FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH (@FMHY)

    An update: - is gone ( is now up), due to the ongoing fiasco with mali government taking all their .ml domains back and also Freenom being sued by Meta - As such, is also gone, we are currently exploring ways to refederate (or somehow restart federation entirely...


    cross-posted from:

    > An update: > - is gone, due to the ongoing fiasco with mali government taking all their .ml domains back > - As such, is also gone, we are currently exploring ways to refederate (or somehow restart federation entirely) without breaking anything substantial > - We have backups, so don't worry about data loss (you can view them on other instances anyway) > > Currently, we have and are exploring options to somehow migrate, thank you for your patience.

    Meta will kill small instances! Please read.
  • I have some headroom for growth set aside. Since my instance is virtualized, its not too hard to scale it a bit. But there are hard limits due to other projects on the host.

    For a lot of smaller instances that are currently running on cheaper VPS instances, they most likely have an upper limit to what their willing to pay for scaling up as growth happens. The only way to balance that is getting tooling in place to purge older data, but that isn't really a good idea either.

    Really though, any web platform that hits the public eye is going to face these issues over time. But allowing a large company to federate with a smaller instance will accelerate the issues. You also need to keep in mind that you don't have all the control of these instances, as your users will cause you to federate with more and more content. Sure, you can purge and defederate, but that is a cat and mouse game.

    Also, I cannot speak for the goals of others; but lemmon bar isn't run with the goal of replacing reddit. It is meant to be a point of access to the fediverse. No more, no less.

  • Meta will kill small instances! Please read.
  • One of the things that I feel isn't being thought about much, is that it isn't just Meta's ideology and policies that will harm smaller instances and the fediverse itself; but the volume of data that their userbase will generate.

    For smaller instances like mine running on six vcores, 4GB of memory, 512GB storage and a 120Mbps network...I feel like all it would take is a handful of users federating with them and the data flow alone would destroy our resources at the network if not disk level.

    No, I don't plan on allowing my instance to see or interact with theirs; but the point applies to all small instances and part time hobby servers. We don't have the means to take on the data they could throw out into the federated network.

  • Interesting Reads Skylar Dwagon

    Connor Tumbleson: Someone is pretending to be me Someone is pretending to be me.

    One random day - someone spills the beans. They were picked to impersonate me and get a job using my information.

    Someone is pretending to be me.

    I recently listened to this on Darknet Diaries, and dang is it a wild episode!

    But, I got curious and went looking for the source and here it is!

    Interesting Reads Skylar Dwagon The Xerox Smalltalk-80 GUI Was Weird

    As part of my ongoing interest in the origins of object-oriented programming and design patterns like MVC, I started to think the best wa...

    The Xerox Smalltalk-80 GUI Was Weird
    Interesting Reads Skylar Dwagon Breaking the limits: Installing Windows 2000 in DOSBox-X

    DOSBox-X is not only a DOS runtime environment. Providing full system emulation, you can run operating systems that are far beyond DOS.

    Breaking the limits: Installing Windows 2000 in DOSBox-X
    Interesting Reads Skylar Dwagon

    Be careful. New platforms invite bad actors.

    cross-posted from:

    > Found the error Not allowed to load local resource: file:///etc/passwd while looking at's communities page. There's a community called "ignore me" that adds a few image tags trying to steal your passwd file.

    Interesting Reads Skylar Dwagon

    Google will pull news links in Canada in response to new law Google will pull news links in Canada in response to new law | Engadget

    Google is pulling news links from its search and news features in Canada after the passage of a new law..

    Google will pull news links in Canada in response to new law | Engadget
    Chatter Box Skylar Dwagon

    Guest Book

    If you do poke around this instance, say hello!

    Network Stuffs Skylar Dwagon

    Wireguard Allowed Calc

    Very useful tool for calculating allowed IPs for Wireguard profiles.

    Network Stuffs Skylar Dwagon

    IP Subnet Calc

    Neat little calculator that has been used a lot to help build out our network, works for IPv4 and IPv6.

    Ham Radio Stuffs Skylar Dwagon

    4:1 balun, among other things!

    Interesting website with details on making a 4:1 balun among other ratios and types.

    Ham Radio Stuffs Skylar Dwagon

    HF/VHF Diplexer

    Project by KA6WKE, a diplexer for HF/VHF. Might be useful for those wanting to use a single coax out of the shack to a setup like a six meter ground plane and HF dipole. Check it out here!

    People around the world, do you drink tap water without boiling?
  • I grew up on well water and was used to drinking from the garden hose when working out in the yard; but thats southern US for ya.

    Now days, jus fill a bottle from the tap and don't really put much thought to it.

  • What's your favorite memory from the early internet?
  • I can't remember the name of the game, but there was this flash powered tank game that I spent hours on during middle school. Oh, and interactive buddy...that game was a trip with its scripting engine!

  • Lemmon Registrar Skylar Dwagon


    #applicant_entry# ___ User applied through the application system and was reviewed by Smol Dragon. ___ #applicant_response# ___ In my quest to find a sanctuary away from Reddit, I’m captivated by the opportunity to join your instance and discover this intriguing new social network. ___ #admin_response_msg# ___ Your account on the Lemmon Bar has been denied. We require all new applicants to read the rules, send in a small paragraph of self introduction and tell us the code word from when they applied.

    You failed to meet the basic requirements. ___

    Lemmon Registrar Skylar Dwagon


    #applicant_entry# ___ User applied through the application system and was reviewed by Smol Dragon. ___ #applicant_response# ___ I’m looking to escape the ongoing turmoil on Reddit and find solace in this instance, where I anticipate experiencing true pleasure and satisfaction. ___ #admin_response_msg# ___ Your account on the Lemmon Bar has been denied. We require all new applicants to read the rules, send in a small paragraph of self introduction and tell us the code word from when they applied.

    You failed to meet the basic requirements. ___

    Lemmon Registrar Skylar Dwagon

    Instance Mods and New Applicants

    ___ If you are an admin or mod of another instance: ___ This is our member registrar. In this community you will find the application status of every user that has applied for membership here. This is a step towards full transparency and collective moderation of the members that access the fediverse from our instance.

    If someone does something dumb or inappropiate on your instance, leave a comment under their file and we will look into things when we have time. ___ If you are a new member registering: ___

    If you are submitting a new registration application, the code word from the rules and a short paragraph about yourself is required. Without the code word or the self introduction, your application will be denied.

    This is to protect our community from spam and asshattery.

    Upon someone from our volunteer staff reviewing your application, personal information such as email address will be stripped and the application will be CC'd here.

    Lemmon Registrar Skylar Dwagon


    #Mod Note# ___ User failed to respond to self introductory request within response window. Assumed to be an autoreg bot and removed from instance. ___ #applicant_entry# ___ User applied through the application system and was reviewed by Smol Dragon. ___ #applicant_response# ___ In light of the ongoing issues on Reddit, I’m drawn to join this instance in hopes of discovering a more enjoyable and gratifying online community. ___ #admin_response_msg# ___ Removed from instance. ___

    Interesting Reads Skylar Dwagon

    How to Kill a Decentralised Network,

    A geeks take on what went wrong with XMPP and how it could affect the fediverse if we are not careful. Fairly interesting read.

    Daily discussion chats! Let's come up with furry topics.
  • Coming from other platforms as a lurker, one of the things I enjoy is looking on as folks talk about their arts and crafts. I have learned a bit about suit making just from keeping an eye on reddit threads and what not.

    Would certainly stick around for arts and crafts!