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smallpatatas smallpatatas

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Posts 7
Comments 45
Generative AI is reportedly tripling carbon dioxide emissions from data centers
  • Yep absolutely, and even those numbers likely represent raw emissions figures vastly lower than the true impact these data centres are having on global emissions.

    For example, that Google report talks about EACs - here's a great podcast episode that explains why these kinds of accounting methods are a complete disaster:

    Reveal: It's Not Easy Going Green

  • UK datacentres to be designated critical infrastructure
  • This move, at least on the face of it, seems to privilege the cloud giants over say, a company that maintains its own servers. That's effectively a handout of public resources to those already fabulously wealthy and powerful corporations.

    That's where I drew the conclusion from

  • UK datacentres to be designated critical infrastructure
  • Isn't technofeudalism great?

  • Canada is not broken.
  • I would like to hear you say it

  • Canada is not broken.
  • What's strange about defending people's freedom to be themselves?

  • Canada is not broken.
  • Why not do both?

  • Canada is not broken.
  • What's the problem with drag queens reading to kids, exactly?

  • Nov 5th? Is he planning to blow up parliament?
  • Like it or not, things sometimes become symbols for other things, and especially given the political climate, it makes sense for people to get their guard up if they see something that looks like one of those symbols that represents, say, an utterly toxic ideology.

    Not wanting to make others navigate that stuff unnecessarily is a sign of thoughtfulness and pro-social tendencies, not weakness.

  • Indigenous leaders burn PRGT pipeline agreement, blockade B.C. road | The Narwhal
  • With energy companies, you mean? Like, we've seen federal governments of various countries cancel (or re-approve) pipelines all the time - Keystone XL comes to mind, for instance

  • Indigenous leaders burn PRGT pipeline agreement, blockade B.C. road | The Narwhal

    Gitanyow Hereditary Chiefs are blocking the road to a work camp for the Prince Rupert Gas Transmission pipeline, and Indigenous youth are at the forefront of opposition

    Indigenous leaders burn PRGT pipeline agreement, blockade B.C. road | The Narwhal
    Our car was stolen out of our driveway in Burlington. We knew where it was. Nothing was done. This is how institutions crumble
  • The people stalking our neighbourhoods preying on people’s success

    Interesting phrase there. Whole piece was definitely overblown, but this kinda gives away the game.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • This is very similar to my story - end of support for win7 meant putting Mint on the HTPC.

    Soon after that, it was the old laptop my spouse was about to chuck out. Cinnamon was a little sluggish, so I eventually landed on Debian + XFCE

    And when I discovered I could get my desktop's audio interface working on Linux (it's firewire, and by most people's standards, ancient), it was game over for Windows.

    I don't know what Freetrack is but I hope it gets implemented for you :)

  • B.C. landlords allowed to impose massive rent hikes after mortgage payments spike
  • I'll be honest, I have zero sympathy for any landlord here. Rent control is necessary to (hopefully) make sure there is housing that people can afford to live in - and acts as a kind of limit to the extraction of an ever-increasing portion of the paychecks of the working class by the landlord class.

    If the renter loses the ability to pay for a home, they become homeless. If a landlord loses the ability to pay for a property, they become a renter. Economic conditions changed? How about this: these landlords should sell, and make property prices drop a little, instead of having renters getting kicked onto the street.

  • B.C. landlords allowed to impose massive rent hikes after mortgage payments spike
  • Thanks, yeah admittedly I hadn't read the entire article before posting - and quickly realized the answer to my question when I did! I should really know better than to do that :)

    Anyway, maybe the question I should have asked is more like, "why the heck did they give arbitrators so much latitude" - which it sounds like we agree on!

  • B.C. landlords allowed to impose massive rent hikes after mortgage payments spike
  • How on earth is it possible for an arbitrator to just override legislation like this?

  • Raspberry Pi Pico 2, our new $5 microcontroller board, on sale now
  • Lol, and just immediately downvoted. Lemmy needs that essay more than I thought! Too easy to be reactive without accountability on this platform, sadly

  • Raspberry Pi Pico 2, our new $5 microcontroller board, on sale now
  • How is this not considered spam?

    This is literally just an ad for a product. It even has the price in the title for crying out loud!

    And to top it off, it's posted by an account that I'm pretty sure reported me for spam, because I posted a tech-philosophy essay where the site mentioned at the end that the essay was also published in a zine.

  • Designing Friction (philosophical essay about technology)
  • Well, thanks for not incorrectly calling the post spam and downvoting it at least lol

  • Designing Friction (philosophical essay about technology)
  • Huh? This is a link to an essay, unless I'm entirely missing something

  • Bitcoin is Stupid and Does Not Deserve an Emoji (blog post)

    35 crypto companies got together to make a change dot org petition called "Bitcoin Deserves an Emoji".

    F that


    Petition: Bitcoin is Stupid and Does Not Deserve an Emoji

    35 crypto companies made a Change Dot Org petition called "Bitcoin Deserves an Emoji"

    F that

    Sign this one instead: "Bitcoin is Stupid and Does Not Deserve an Emoji":


    From the White House to Caesar's Palace: Trump at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference (blog post)


    From the White House to Caesar's Palace: Trump at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference (blog post)


    From the White House to Caesar's Palace: Trump at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference (blog post)


    The Fediverse - especially the microblogging side of it - has deep issues when it comes to environmental sustainability.

    And the high resource requirements, which result from an incredible level of redundancy, aren't just bad environmentally: they make running a server more costly, and increase our reliance on Big Tech's infrastructure.

    I wrote about all this, along with some suggestions for how we can improve things somewhat.
