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RIP Yuzu and Citra
  • so sad

  • Avast fined $16.5 million for ‘privacy’ software that actually sold users’ browsing data
  • this, i prefer the service based on Free and Open Source Software,

  • How Google helped destroy adoption of RSS feeds
  • I still (and love) use my RSS Feed Reader as my primary way to 'consume' the content in Internet, for both mobile and desktop, i use

  • What (free and open-source) applications do you use on a daily basis?
  • daily and both (desktop and mobile, cross-platform),

    Mozilla Firefox

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • me being simple man, just searching 'what i want' + streaming keyword

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • no, but i have a plan to buy bluetooth speaker with sdcard support

  • Samsung and Other Manufacturers Disable Phones Bought on Gray Markets: A Consumer Nightmare
  • how samsung know if i bought their phone in gray market?

  • Perputaran Uang Judi Online Rp 350 T/Tahun, Pusatnya di Filipina-Kamboja
  • itu yg main judi online, transfer2annya lewat mana? kalau lewat bank lokal/e-wallet lokal, selain akun rekeningnya "dibekuin", terus ditanya2 sama pak pol ga sih orang yg punya itu akun rekening?

  • Is this thing still alive?
  • hadir

  • Thumb-Key 2.5.0 Release
  • thanks!

  • Welcome to R.NF
  • i joined because domain is so short, i like it, hope you can maintain this instance as long as possible! thanks

  • Hello, Komodo's
  • hello too