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  • Depends on how you used Manjaro before, since it's made to be user friendly, has GUI for pretty much everything, out-of-the-box optimisations for gaming, etc. If you used all of those functions and not much else, I'd say there is quite a bit of a learning curve. However, if you used Manjaro as a power user and tinkered with lots of under-the-hood options, then there's not much difference between Arch and Manjaro, except that installation and initial setup may take more time.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I love EndeavourOS but I wouldn't say it's a lot easier to use after installation. Sure, the installer has GUI, but after that, you pretty much have a vanilla Arch with a barebones startup guide. When learning to use Arch, I honestly spent the same amount of time on Arch wiki, regardless if I was using pure Arch or Endeavour.

    Nevertheless, EndeavourOS is a great distro and I recommend it to everyone. Just remember that it's Arch with a GUI installer and some tips at the first startup.

  • FM radijas ir reklamos
  • Visur reklamų daugėja ir tik daugės, žmonėms jau įprasta, kai bent pusė turinio appsuose ir interneto svetainėse yra reklama, tai nieko keisto, kad radijas ar TV vis didina reklamų kiekį, žmonės.

    Šiaip radijo daug neklausau, pagrinde tik LRT arba LRT Opus, bet pavasarį teko Lenkijoj pasiklausyti, tai ten maždaug 60:40 reklamos ir muzikos santykis.

  • The dominance of cat content VS dog content on Lemmy reflects its current techie userbase
  • Laika, actually :) But they're very close genetically. Siberian Laikas are essentially huskies for hunting.

  • These were like 50 bucks a year ago
  • Well, Purina is Nestle so you know they're scumbags.

  • Sveiki!
  • Sveiki sveikučiai!