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shiri shiri

she/they, proud autistic jewish socialist lesbian

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Comments 23
Does anyone else use AI to rework texts/emails/planned conversations to sound more allistic?
  • @Emerald @Melatonin honestly it's just that we have a very different social style in general.

    Allistic social patterns are focused heavily on social hierarchy and group dynamics, which we couldn't care less about (see identity theory of autism, "group/organization/association based identity vs values based identity".

    As far as allistics are concerned we tend to be "overly blunt", "too matter of fact", "condescending", etc etc.... mostly because we don't include all the subtle nods to social standings and hierarchy in our communication.

  • Need noise cancelling headphones recommendations
  • @thezeesystem I feel you, these are the best I've gotten. They also have in-ear which I've used and are equally good.

    App isn't required, but very recommended (firmware updates, calibrating the audio and noise cancelling to your hearing, managing multipoint ie. switching connections between devices)

    Also has incredible pass through mode (allowing you to optionally hear people without taking them off, almost as good as without wearing them at all imo).

    Plus insane battery life, advertised as 40 hours... enough that by the time I get the low battery warning I've completely forgetten when I charged them last.…

  • Does anyone else use AI to rework texts/emails/planned conversations to sound more allistic?
  • @Melatonin Yeah, I usually run into people who either assume everything is a hallucination or don't understand that hallucinations happen and are unavoidable. Even less people even understand why or how they happen (ie. if you ask a question about anything not in the provided info, it'll most likely hallucinate as if the answer was there)

  • Does anyone else use AI to rework texts/emails/planned conversations to sound more allistic?
  • @finkrat @Melatonin if you read it's output and learn nothing then you've only saved yourself time, if you don't understand and learn nothing, then you shouldn't use it because you can't vouch for it

  • lemmy test post
  • @wisdomchicken Lemmy is ActivityPub so it mostly works, though it has occasional problems on it's end with how it shares comments. Namely it has a bad habit of not sending all the comments on it's own and instead the other server has to explicitly ask for them one by one...

  • What’s your favorite interesting fact?
  • @Murdoc Oh yeah! And that's how "regenerative braking" works!

  • What’s your favorite interesting fact?
  • @taladar @Jeraxus It's a Guinness World Record for number of tires per year (ongoing record holder), in volume they don't remotely compete.

  • What’s your favorite interesting fact?
  • @shootwhatsmyname Two parts, the easier to chew is that Microphones are basically just speakers wired backwards.

    The second part is Solar Panels are basically just LEDs wired backwards.

    (In both cases there's a lot of design work around them to make them better at one task than the other, but the technology is still the same)

  • Where can I find information, on how an Autism Diagnosis, will affect me legally?
  • @Tsun In the US there's little to gain really, being autistic is both for and against you and formal diagnosis applies to both ends equally.

    It gets used in child custody hearings to take children away from parents, conservatorships to take away our rights, etc.

    And for accommodations, depends on your state. Half the country has "at-will-employment" laws, which practically means you have zero protections, so a diagnosis doesn't offer much help there.

  • Where can I find information, on how an Autism Diagnosis, will affect me legally?
  • @cogitoprinciple Yeah, unfortunately it rules me out of having any information since I'm in the US

  • Where can I find information, on how an Autism Diagnosis, will affect me legally?
  • @cogitoprinciple it'll help a lot if you edit to include what country you're in

  • Standing up for your values might be decided to be a pathology - If you're autistic
  • @r3df0x @SuddenDownpour That's not remotely what this is referring to and it makes me wonder if you read the article at all?

    They were comparing public vs private actions of allistics vs autistics and basically determined that autistics are more likely to be charitable/kind without needing recognition or attention to it.

    The real findings:
    * We're less likely to differ our choices based on whether or not they're perceived
    * We're more kind by default

    What you're talking about is a separate, but also common thing, called fawning. A trauma response that many of us also have in which we do whatever we think a person wants to avoid perceived threats and harm, even if that action itself causes us further harm.

    This test did not examine fawning and did not examine charity at great personal cost. It was just whether or not someone would act charitably at personal expense or uncharitably at personal gain... an allistics basically were only good when people were watching while autistics were consistent regardless.

  • inability to socialize
  • @nichtsowichtig @teraflopsweat "Scripting" is a common tool for us, though in most cases it's just rehearsing lines and establishing conversation patterns and flows.

    Groups like this are also great places to get together and workshop communication ideas, from figuring out something accessible to say to get your needs met to other forms of communication, or even just validation when there isn't a reasonable way forward.

  • Thoughts on why small talk is so uniquely painful
  • @jarfil @Shialac "How are you?" "Forever hating that question, you?"

  • Thoughts on why small talk is so uniquely painful
  • @BilboBargains @MadgePickles ... I kinda want to steal that one because it's brutal and beautiful

  • Thoughts on why small talk is so uniquely painful
  • @Caesium @MadgePickles Taking calls for my job I've developed "I'm doing alright, how can I help you?"... internally it's my own "fuck your formality, get to the point"

  • Thoughts on why small talk is so uniquely painful
  • @apophis @Zeth0s @Worx but the fact that we even have to think that much to establish the patterns like that... oof

    But also very similar to my answers as well