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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Android apps are blocking sideloading and forcing Google Play versions instead
  • I genuinely don't even know where to buy an affordable device that is free from this kind of control. Some company always has outsized control (and in some cases arguably surveillance) over anything you can find on the market. It sucks so bad.

  • How Republicans became the party of raunch

    The right thinks that hot girls can “kill woke.” What?

    How Republicans became the party of raunch

    >There’s a sexual ideology that holds all of these concepts together in a single place: the idea that you can celebrate Hawk Tuah girl and use her catchphrase to degrade a female politician; the idea that a starlet in a low-cut dress is yours to objectify, while contraception and sexual education are dangerous and probably immoral and should be restricted.

    >It harks back to the idea that was dominant in the Bush era, a moment when our culture was capable of prizing Girls Gone Wild and purity balls in equal measure, when pop stars like Britney Spears were expected to serve their audiences sex on a platter while avowing their virginity at the same time. It’s the ideology that unites Republican raunch and purity culture, that makes them two sides of the same coin: one based on the idea that women’s sexuality should exist in the service of men. The right once again championing this brand of bawdiness while working relentlessly to restrict women’s autonomy and denigrating the women they don’t like isn’t a departure. It’s a return to form.

    What exactly is Elon Musk threatening as he tells Taylor Swift "I will give you a child"?
  • Sexual harrassment like this is a political tactic to prevent women and other marginalized folks from doing or saying things in public that might shift the balance of power or affect things. It is an attempt to punish and threaten people and deter others, so that wealthy white guys will be the only ones who are allowed to be active in public.

    Maybe this is obvious and goes without saying, but I'm saying it because I think some people may not see the pattern or the intent behind it. This is so much more than one creepy comment and more than Taylor. See also Nina Jankowicz, gamergate, the several high profile woman politicians who have resigned. Smarter people than me have written and talked about this and how it has manifested in different forms. Online sexist harassment is an organized political force with a goal. It's not just that this one guy sucks.

  • Taylor Swift endorses Kamala Harris
  • It's not deranged. There are degrees and nuances to all human relationships and situations but this was and is a pretty public one. These are hard choices for anyone but they do still matter. I don't think smiling and nodding is acting like an adult, I think it's cowardly. There is no maturity in avoiding things.

  • Taylor Swift endorses Kamala Harris
  • Some folks here really seem to think that her fans don't have any political opinions without her. This is actually as much about her politically engaged fan base wanting her to use her platform for good, than it is about swaying people who might be very young or unsure about voting.

    Lots of swifties are millenials who lean left and liberal and some have criticized her in the past for not speaking up or for leaving her views ambiguous in a way that left room for the right to coopt her image. This is not about silly pop fans needing to be told what to think. People aren't ignorant. It's exactly because she's powerful and very wealthy, that it's important for her to use her power to be very clear about where she stands. Especially in light of the ai thing and the Brittany Mahomes weirdness.

  • ‘Sopranos’ Star Edie Falco Bemoans Trigger Warnings for TV Violence: ‘That, My Friend, Is Life’
  • I think you're missing my point. Being upset, disturbed, uncomfortable or moved emotionally by something is not what a trigger means. The word has been watered down significantly. I am explicitly referring to its original usage - mental health symptoms which could throw off a person's wellbeing. That is what trigger warnings are for.

    Edit for typos.

  • Chappell Roan Planned to Protest Instead of Perform at White House Pride Event: ‘All I Wanted to Do Was Yell’
  • “You f–k with the president and the government, your security is not the same, and neither is your family’s”

    See, this isn't good. I hate living in a society where embarrassing or contradicting those in power can change someone's life for the worse. Quiet part out loud though.

  • ‘Sopranos’ Star Edie Falco Bemoans Trigger Warnings for TV Violence: ‘That, My Friend, Is Life’
  • Ideally, but usually ratings don't tell you much about what is inside. The ratings systems that existed in the US in the 90s and 2000s when Sopranos was on were still pretty entwined with a culture of shame and moral panic about CORRUPTING THE CHILDREN. It was definitely still related to religion and ideas like "you can't put that on tv!!" or "that song is bad and listening to it makes you bad." HBO was not on regular tv partly for that reason. For Edie Falco's generation, I suspect that kind of thing was much worse and more entrenched. So I think older people equate any warnings about the content art with movements to limit what can or should be depicted be in art.

  • Option B by far.
  • Good point. Ironically there have been a lot of smaller than usual, efficient vehicles that have been banned or not sold in my country. I don't think they were weird looking, but it does go to show how the factors that go into what cars show up on roads are not always logical. I wonder if we had a more competitive market with more manufacturers if we'd have more exciting shapes or colors. Prices would probably have to come down for people to buy them though. I saw a video a while back about car paint colors having a moment with matte paint and I thought, this is cool but also stunningly boring as far as trends go.

  • ‘Sopranos’ Star Edie Falco Bemoans Trigger Warnings for TV Violence: ‘That, My Friend, Is Life’
  • I think people who complain about content warnings fail to understand what they are for lol. They're so people can make decisions about what media engage with on any given day to manage their own health. No one is saying that any type of content shouldn't be depicted or is bad or needs to be watered down. It's not the same as other rating systems or anti obscenity movements. It's about viewers being able to enjoy their favorite gory bleak violent reality bending upsetting content when they're completely sure they are in a good headspace to watch it.

  • Option B by far.
  • It's unfortunate because I think we need way more weird looking cars. Creative, just out there shaped vehicles of all kinds. It sucks that the company to do it was an unethical garbage fire led by a fascist. We deserve more ugly and weird heterogeneous consumer items.

  • Mourning my health. I miss concerts.

    An incredible band that I love is releasing a new album. And I’m just sitting here thinking I might never get to see a live show again. My health fell apart a few years ago and there’s so much I just can’t participate in now and it’s so alienating and sad. I remember being drunk and dancing in crowds seemingly not that long ago, now I have to spend close to 80% of my time in bed just to have enough energy to do the basics like cook and shower and eat. It sucks. I miss being in rooms full of strangers and screaming and just living life in public at all, being around other humans. I don’t have anyone to help me do things, and every cool thing that happens in the world now is bittersweet because I can’t directly enjoy it. I’m like only able to have small bites of life and I am really really really really really really really sad about it. I might never get to see any band live again at all, and if I ever do through some incredible stroke of luck I still won’t be able to jump around or stand up or drink like I would want to. My enthusiasm is trapped in my body seemingly forever now. It’s just shit. Other things about life are good, great even, but this specific way of being in the world and being around like minded people feels like it’s gone forever.


    Teeth Whitening?

    I’m trying to get perspective on this particular beauty standard and how I want to approach it. Do people whiten their teeth where you live? Is it seen as expected to do so? Do you live in a city?

    I have healthy teeth that have nevertheless seen a lot of tea and coffee. I have generally thought of this as similar to wrinkles, i.e. a natural thing bodies do that I don’t want to pay money to fix since it isn’t broken. I still think this. But I have been feeling lately like there might be more actual social stigma to my teeth being discolored. I am wondering if this is at all real? Has whitening teeth become an expected thing for all adults to do now? I thought I’d ask how other people feel and think about this and what the general norm is in your social circle.

    Edit: thanks for the responses everybody.


    What was your favorite album when you were ten years old?

    I’m listening to Audioslave’s self titled. It’s still perfect. What’s yours?


    Third (!!) primary doctor in a row left their position.

    I don’t blame them at all, their working conditions are untenable and I wouldn’t want to work for Local Healthcare Monopoly either. But it feels like if you can even find any doctor at all in my area (and many people can’t) it’s just temporary and always in question. I really liked this person, too. They said they are going to reassign me to someone else when they can, but they don’t know when or who. I feel so stressed. It’s almost comical how much things have fallen apart in the past several years.


    Hey what’s the little eye icon doodad at the top of the feed?

    It toggles between an open eye icon and and crossed out eye. What’s it do?

    Edit: turns out it hides hidden posts.
