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scrummy Scrummy

Connecticut Yankee now living in East Passyunk (with a long detour through Jersey). \#Engineer with a consumer goods co., play a bit of #guitar, cat dad. Foodie and love to cook!

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Comments 3
What should I add to my '90s website?
  • @ajsadauskas @asklemmy (Trying to remember my own GeoCities site from back then), Many had a “best viewed on Netscape” icon

    I think mine had mostly my own song lyrics, with a different background for each page, with a menu page and forward/back links on each lyrics page.

    Were frames 90s? Friend of mine used frames to make his site look like a console from Star Trek TNG

  • What can you get to within a 15-minute walk of your house?
  • @ajsadauskas @fuck_cars I live in Philadelphia, so all those are within a 15 minute walk from me except the university, mall, movie theater, and sports arena. But these are all accessible by transit, whether bus or subway.

    On the short distance, the nearest bar to me is 40 ft (12m) away!

  • Hi, we're a tech startup run by libertarian Silicon Valley tech bros.
  • @virtualbri @ajsadauskas @technology Every disruption is an existing thing we figured out how to extract rents from