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schwim Schwim Dandy
Posts 1
Comments 216
Linux Mint 22 “Wilma” – BETA Release
  • That's the only mention I've found so far but will reply to you if I manage to find something else regarding it.

  • Linux Mint 22 “Wilma” – BETA Release
  • This is what I read in another community:

    Linux Mint currently ships with the Linux 6.8 kernel. More importantly, Mint will now follow Ubuntu's Hardware Enablement (HWE) kernel series so Mint can work on the latest machines. This also removes the confusion of the "Edge ISO" as this affects all Mint 22 users.

  • What are some good ways to find musician friends?
  • Your story basically mimics mine. Guitar and drums, always wanted to play with others but at 50 years old, I jam every day by myself at home.

    Other than about 6 months in my 20s, I've not played music with others. I want to but I don't interact with others and the thought of trying to is overwhelming.

    I hope you overcome your aversion. The 6 months I did jam with others was magical.

  • Linux Mint 22 “Wilma” – BETA Release
  • Also, is the update for the Edge ISO as well?

    It stated in the announcement that they are sunsetting the edge iso as it's no longer needed.

  • Most people probably wouldn't know about the Titanic if it wasn't for the movie
  • It sank in 1912. Length of time is relative.

  • Most people probably wouldn't know about the Titanic if it wasn't for the movie
  • The statement is completely age dependent. Not too long ago(before the movie), it was pretty newsworthy any time the next group reported that they were trying to find it.

  • The enshittification of music, by Rick Beato
  • Rick often goes off on these angry-boomer tangents. I give them a miss.

  • While you were worried about socialism…
  • And if that’s the case, your comment means nothing.

    That's not very socialist of you.

  • Out of Office
  • The majority of men showed changes in behavior before the suicide, especially social withdrawal,


  • Out of Office
  • Or he's dead.

  • Why defederation is extremely rare on
  • threads

    I came to solely for it's defederation from threads. If they ever choose to federate, I'll move again.

    I'm not going to shit on you, you seem pretty nifty. I think you're right, as well. Many people have forgotten how to disagree with someone and now just regurgitate catch-phrases at each other. I've been working on improving that myself. It's like reversing brainwashing or reconditioning. It's been hard-wired into us at this point by the social network scene.

  • Reddit And Lemmy Alternatives
  • AOL chatrooms

  • I was looking at the firefox flatpak on flathub. Won't this warning make a non tech-savy user anxious? This might make them think they'll get a virus or something like that.
  • Which is why I said "linux as a whole". Many distros will try to undo the nerdery and neckbeardism that is built into the parent distros but as a whole, linux is going to always be less welcoming to a new user than someone that's used to useless warnings and repeated password entries for elevated privileges. Being safer and being new-user-friendly rarely go hand in hand.

  • Man, 86, decapitated by DOT truck identified as mafia crime boss, report says
  • I have to admit, this is the first time I've seen a DOT truck identified as a crime boss.

  • I was looking at the firefox flatpak on flathub. Won't this warning make a non tech-savy user anxious? This might make them think they'll get a virus or something like that.
  • Yes but surely you're aware that even the most new-user-friendly distros and their tools aren't necessarily aimed at new users.

    That warning is a perfect example of how Linux developers choose which hill to die on. They post a warning for an app that everyone knows can deliver bad times to two camps of users; those that know and don't care and those that don't understand the warning. If we could quantify the helpfulness of that warning, odds are that it saved 0 users from malicious action from that avenue of attack.

    Never expect Linux as a whole to be "helpful" to the new crowd.

  • A tool on Linux to scan for inboxes on other mailservers?
  • That might not work either. If a server marks it as spam, we do something called blackholing the email, meaning we discard the email and close the connection without responding to the sending server. This is done in an effort to provide as little info as possible to a bad actor.

    If you don't send an email from a server and address deemed reputable and with a low enough spam score, you'll be shut down by more than 95% of the mail servers out there.

  • A tool on Linux to scan for inboxes on other mailservers?
  • There's really not enough info here to help you. Are you looking for software? Writing it from scratch? Web tool? Bulk or not?

    I don't know how many addresses you plan on testing on any one server but we've been on to this trick for decades now and the firewall will block you from almost every server once you try a non-existent address a few times(for my servers, it's 2). Many servers also report bot/spam IPs to the ISP and if you get reported enough time, your connection could get shut down.

  • LGBTQ+ Schwim Dandy

    Would you mind helping me understand the reality of trans life?

    Hi there,

    I hope this is allowed. I need some help gaining an understanding of trans life and some of the issues that are faced, what defines it and a couple other things. It won't hurt my feelings if this gets deleted. If so, I won't bother you again.

    To help explain why I'm so clueless, I'm a white 50yo married guy with one young adult hetero child. I have absolutely no real life context to apply and I'm not what you would consider culture-savvy(I don't follow news/media, have no circle of people, basically, I hang out in the woods by myself). I understand very little of the relative explosion of references that I see on the web.

    First, the only thing I think I understand is that gender is considered a social construct, leading to the popularity of choosing your own pronouns( I know there's much more, I'm using the pronouns as something I often see). Understanding as little as I do, I try to frame discussion in a way that I don't ever use pronouns to try to keep from offending. I'll say something like "I think the OP meant this" instead of using a pronoun.

    That's sadly it. I don't understand anything else but I do have some specific questions that are intended to inform me, not to offend. Please forgive me if I've framed these inappropriately. It's due to ignorance that I'm trying to rectify, not from a place of ridicule.

    First, from wikipedia: A transgender person (often shortened to trans person) is someone whose gender identity differs from that typically associated with the sex they were assigned at birth.

    Question 1 - I think I understand the part where a person disagrees with the gender assigned to them at birth but when I see a transgender person, they seem to be striving to dress and look like the opposite gender. What I mean by this is I rarely see a picture of a person choosing she/her but dressing and having hairstyles more associated with their assigned birth gender. Does this mean that although they were born with certain reproductive organs at birth normally associated with a particular gender, they feel that some part inside them(soul, mind, etc) feels they should have been born with the opposite socially constructed gender?

    My second question and this is where I swear I am not aiming to offend. I will try to explain what led me to this thought - When a person chooses to take hormones that their body doesn't make on it's own or chooses to have surgery to rebuild sexual organs that they weren't born with or to add/remove breasts, Is this element of trans life considered a mental illness? The only reason I ask this is I remember watching a documentary where people lived a life in which they felt, for example, that one of their arms didn't belong to them and they pursued surgery to have a working limb removed. During the documentary, some of the people during therapy and medication were able to change their mindset to the point that they could live with the offending limb but there were some people that were traveling to other countries to have it removed (the doc was based in the US and they couldn't find a doctor to perform the surgery). The only reason I ask is because of that, My mind goes to body parts that the person doesn't feel belongs but that they were born with and not something socially attached to them.

    There's much more that I don't understand but I really feel like this wall of text is enough to unpack, if you choose to do so. Thank you in advance for your time and patience. I appreciate any insight you choose to provide.
