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scarecrw scarecrw
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Comments 3
Why are Starfleet consoles apparently stuffed with rocks?
  • Ah, you're talking about the ROCK-E system: Rapid Overload Conversion to Kinetic Energy. It's a safety feature. When the consoles are damaged, the exposed EPS connections would naturally send out highly energetic plasma arcs, killing anyone nearby. Instead, the safety mechanism automatically converts that energy to harmless matter and ejects it from the console.

  • What's Your Favorite Star Trek Practical Effect Species
  • I always thought Enterprise really nailed Andorians. They weren't the most extreme in terms of makeup and prosthetics, but they were convincingly alien and unique. I think the most impressive part was that the design made it believable that there were different Andorians who looked different. I suppose we quite literal saw this with the Aenar, which helps.

  • how do you use your screen space?
  • I recently upgraded to an ultrawide monitor and have been making ample use of Windows's virtual desktops and FancyZones. I have a thumb button on my mouse set to bring up the Win+Tab menu and jump between setups for work, gaming, projects, etc.

    I never really used virtual desktops previously (usually on a laptop where it didn't make a huge difference) but the combination with FancyZones has really been a game changer. I'm sure some linux folks are laughing at this being considered a novelty, but it's a very seamless setup.