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sauron sauron

I like to read books, code, and go reallyyyyy fast.

Posts 0
Comments 41
  • Ah yes...biden

  • Review: GaN Charger with HDMI + Ethernet
  • Just curious, any reason in particular you chose to get a Steam Controller? I picked one up for mine for FPS games, trackpad is helpful for fine movements and quick flicks. Wondering what other people's use cases are.

  • Is there something like launchers for windows?
  • I lot of people think they rely on Windows programs when they would be perfectly fine using a Linux alternative.

    Always funny to me that Windows seems to be this OS that you can't escape from cause everything requires Windows to run. But nobody brings up that issue when you talk about MacOS and having to find alternative apps when switching there

  • If you know, you know
  • I loved this stuff til it gave me a heart disease

  • Context
  • Usually when things I own or use break it's because I'm an idiot lol.

  • Context
  • Interesting. I've been running Arch/KDE for years and never saw that bug. I use Arch on almost everything.

    Steam Deck comes with kinda-Arch, I use Arch for work now, I use it on my gaming PC. The only thing that doesn't run it is my home server because it sits in a corner and doesn't need bleeding edge updates or the AUR.

  • Its been one day without Reddit
  • I have tried both, at this point I think I've tried every client on Android. I kept circling back to Thunder. I liked it so much I started contributing to it. Gets better every day.

  • This federated thing is pretty great, actually.
  • He's a communist, which is fine, though they were censoring posts and comments that were anti-communist/anti-China. Believe in what you want to, but censorship is generally just bad.

  • The impact the reddit migration has on the fediverse!
  • I mean let's be honest....we all knew it was a cesspool lol

  • What's the legality of copy/pasting or rewording interesting guides and resource posts from Reddit?
  • If it's on Reddit and visible via Google search, it's public information. Posts online generally do not have any sort of ownership or protections legally.

    I could copy your post and repost it somewhere else, I could even claim it as my own post and idea, with zero legal ramifications. Though taking credit for it would make me a dick. I'd just credit the original user. Even if it's just "crosspost from Reddit user /u/insertUsername"

  • This federated thing is pretty great, actually.
  • Well, has the extra feature of censoring posts that don't align with the owners political agenda.

    There are differences in instances but really, not a whole lot. Mainly just "instances to avoid" and "everything else".

  • How much does my display name bother you?
  • Woo! Fellow thunder user!

  • Announcing a new Search Engine for Lemmy
  • Missed opportunity to name it "Loogle"

  • Its been one day without Reddit
  • I moved over here a while ago. Doing great so far, loving the community, though I'm doing a lot of lurking at the moment cause I have to keep reinstalling my app for testing.

    Currently using thunder, working on contributing to the project cause I liked the early alpha so much. New updates come frequently, looks nice, functions great, cross platform.

  • What are some features you’d love to see added to Lemmy?
  • I've seen arguments on both sides that...make sense. Personally I don't care if there is or isn't a karma counter, but I've seen at least 2 dozen discussions about it and it got me thinking... What if it was just up to users to toggle it per user? Individual users can get the satisfaction of seeing their score climb as they use their account more and more, but you can't see other users karma (even if they have it enabled too), and by default it's turned off so the rest of Lemmy can't see your score or anyone else's. I think this would prevent shit posting cause there's no score to show off, it's just for you and you alone.

  • Context
  • Arch has only broken for me because I'm an idiot.

  • I spent an entire day making a Bibble meme generator. I may have gone too far in a few places.
  • Woah, AHK in the wild. I almost never meet people who know AHK which is surprising's so fuckin easy and so well documented. Literal children could learn it, I think everyone should.

  • Everyone talking about Memmy and Mlem and I'm just over here like
  • Jerboa is from the owner (or mod, idc) of who recently have been censoring posts that don't align with their communist beliefs. Regardless of what you believe, censorship is bad. And I don't trust that there won't be some fuckery with Jerboa, whether now or later down the line, as the developer has already shown he not afraid to censor content.

    I use Thunder. Actually working on getting my dev env setup for it so I can contribute, it's still in progress but it's at a point now where it's usable as more than just a reader.